“It had not even occurred to me that it might have been your idea, Mistress,” smiled Susan. “You did not even want me punished. Mistress has always shown me incredible lenience. Mistress has always shown me incredible kindness. It is almost as if –”
“Yes?” I said.
“– almost as if Mistress has some idea of the helplessness and vulnerability of the slave.”
“And how,” I asked angrily, “would I, a free woman, have any idea of that?”
“Forgive me, Mistress,” said Susan. “Of course you, as a free woman, could not!” I was angry. I considered whipping the little, collared slut. She put her head down, quickly, and continued her work, menial work, work suitable for such as she, a slave.
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“I suppose,” I said, “I should be pleased that you did not order me to strip completely and kneel before you.”
“You are, of course,” he said, “a free woman.”
“Yet it seems,” I said, “if only implicitly, you have threatened me.”
“Suitable disciplines and punishments may be arranged for a free woman,” he said, “suitable to her status and dignity.”
“I am sure of it,” I said, ironically.
He then approached me, and stood quite close to me. I was facing away from him.
“And yet,” he said, “I sense that such disciplines and punishments, those suitable for free women, would not be suitable for you.”
“And what sorts of disciplines and punishments would be suitable for me?” I asked.
Kajira of Gor Book 19 Page 174

He then jerked away the veil of state from my features. I, though a free woman, had been face-stripped before free men. My face was as bare to them as though I might be a slave. Face-stripping a free woman, against her will, can be a serious crime on Gor.
Kajira of Gor Book 19 Page 183

On Earth it is not unusual for a free woman to attempt to take a profit on her own beauty, using it, for example, if only in mate competitions, to advance herself economically. On Gor, however, if that same woman should be enslaved, she will soon discover that the profits accruing from her beauty redound now not to her, but to her master. This is quite appropriate. It, like she herself, is his.
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“Look at it this way,” said the first girl. “If we did not wear collars we would not even know the touch of such men as Rutilius. Too, if we were not slaves and sent to their tents, we would not even know what to do. We would be only ignorant free women.”
“How I sometimes pity free women!” laughed the second girl. “They are so stupid!”
“But fear them, Yitza,” said the first girl, “for they are free and you are enslaved.”
“Of course,” said the second girl, shuddering.
“And remember that they hate you,” said the first.
“I know,” said the second.
Kajira of Gor Book 19 Page 198 – 199

“You are certain that you are a free woman?” asked the man.
“Yes,” I said.
“Where is your escort, your guards?” he asked.
“I was traveling alone,” I said.
“That is unusual for a free woman,” he said.
I was silent.
Kajira of Gor Book 19 Page 214

“Perhaps you are a free woman,” he said. “It is hard to imagine a slave being so stupid.”
Kajira of Gor Book 19 Page 224.

“Interesting,” said Tina. “Are you so unskilled, so inert, so like a free woman that you are not even worth having?”
“I do not think so,” I said.
“I do not understand it,” she said. “Surely he wants you to become more of a slave and not less of a slave.”
“That is perhaps it,” I said, frightened. I recalled his words to me at supper yesterday evening. “Remember that you are the Tatrix of Corcyrus, and not a slave,” he had said.
“What?” she asked.
“He may want to keep me more like a free woman,” I said.
“Why would he want to do that?” she asked. “That would be stupid, since you are a slave.”
Kajira of Gor Book 19 Page 246