Viking Fleet of the Nordic Region

Doom's Fleet

4 Drakkars
12 Longships
2 Knorrs

Patrols the lower half of the River Bjorn and patrol our fjord and the coast up to Svenskia on the west.


Tusk's Fleet

1 Drakkar
6 Longships

Commander of the Nordic Fleet. Patrols the fjords and the open seas.


Toreena's Fleet

2 Longships
5 Knorrs

Patrols the open waters. Runs supplies from the Orkney's Shetlands, Hedeby and Frjel.


Erik's Fleet

6 Longships
2 Fishing Vessels

Patrols the River Bjorn from Svarberg to Vinter Solig on the fjord.


Sven's Fleet

9 Longships

Commander of the Bjorn Fjord fleet. Patrol the Bjornvald fjord, Bjornvald Isles off the fjord and to the Rus border
