Norse Mythology

Nine Worlds

The world of the Norse gods was arranged on three levels one above the other. The whole was made up of nine worlds. The tree Yggdrasil grew above them and supported them. The nine worlds were Asgard, Vanaheim, Alfheim on the highest level. Midgard, Jotunheim, Nidavellir and Svartalfheim on the middle level. Nifheim or Hel and Muspell on the lowest level.

The giant ash-tree Yggdrasil towered above the Nine Worlds and held them in place. It had three huge roots. Each root plunged into one of the levels below. On root went into the Spring of Hvergemir in Niflheim. A vile dragon called Nidhogg guarded the spring and gnawed at the root trying to destroy it.

The second root went into the Fountain of Mimir in Midgard. The water in this fountain was the source of all wisdom. It it is jealously watched by the god Mimir.

The third root reached into the Well of Urd in Asgard which is tended by the Norns. There were three Norns. They were very wise old women who tended Yggdrasil. They decided every person's destiny. Even the gods are subject to the fates they decreed.

An eagle an a hawk perched in Yggdrasil's highest branches. Deer nibbled its leaves. The squirrel Tatatosk raup and down its trunk carrying insults between the eagle and Nidhogg.

The leaves drip a sweet dew that the bees use for honey.

Asgard and Vanaheim

On the highest level wree the worlds of the gods and goddesses. There were two types of god. The Aesir were warrior gods. They lived in Asgard. The Vanir or fertility gods lived in Vanaheim. Each deity had a magnificent hall of his or her own. A rainbow bridge called Bifrost connected Asgard to MIdgard. The watchman of the bridge is the god Heimdall. Alfheim was also on this level. It was wher the Light Elves lived.


Below Asgard was the Earth or Midgard. This was the world of humans. The Giants lived on this level too. Some said their stronghold Utgard was in the barren mountains of Jotunheim far to the east. To the North of Midgard was Nidavellir. It was an area of caves and holes belonging to the Dwarfs. Nearby is Svartalfheim where those troublesome Dark Elves live. Midgard is surrounded by an Ocean . It is so wide it was thought humans could not cross it. In the Ocean lurks the terrible World-Serpent Jormungand. He is so big that his body cricled Midgard and took his own tain in his mouth.

Land of the Dead

On the lowest level is Niflheim, the land of the Dead. It is a gloomy place of ice and snow and eternal darkness. It is ruled by Hel the gruesome Queen of the Dead. To reach Niflheim you have to travel for nine days norwards and downwards from Midgard. At the gate is the ghastly dog Garm with his bloodstained breast. The fires of Muspell burn on this level. Muspell is guarded by Surt and his flamming sword.


Odin is an Aesir God. He was the first god to exist. He is also called the All Father. He is also king of all the gods Aesir and Vanir. He made the earth and the sky. He created humans and all creatures and ruled over them. As the god of war Odin caused war on the earth by throwing down his spear. He was very unpredictable though. He is the god of Poetry and Wisdom and made a dangerous trip to Jotunheim to obtain the Mead of Poetry. He would let humans have a slip once in awhile and they would become great poets.

He is god of the Dead and those warriors who were great and died in battle were chosen by Odin to enter Valhalla. Valhalla or Hall of the Slain is in Asgard. Valhalla's walls are made of golden spears and its roof of gold shields. It has 540 doors, each big enough to let 800 armed men through side by side.

Valaskjalf or Shelf of the Slain is Odins other hall where his great throne sits. It is here he watches over the Nine Worlds. He was assisted by two ravens Huginn and Munnin who flew threw the nine worlds and brought news back to Odin.

The Valkyries were female warriors who did Odin's bidding. They swooped over battlefields on horseback directing the fighting. They picked up the heroes to fill Valhalla. A man chosen to die was said to see the Valkyrie just before the fatal blow. They also work as Odin's servants and served food and drink to the warriors in Valhalla.

Odin loved to travel throughout the nine worlds on his eight legged horse Sleipnir. He would usually disguise himself. His magic spear was Gungnir.

Firgg Queen of the Gods

Frigg was Odin's wife and Queen of the gods. She as a Mother goddess and cared for all humans though she was especially concerned with women and children. Frigg and Odin had a son Balder. He died tragically and Frigg mourned him terribly. Frigg was very beautiful and very faithful to Odin. Like Odin, Frigg could see what the future held for humans and what their fate would be. She would never tell what she knew though.


Thor the Thunder-god was Odin's eldest son. His mother was usually aid to be Jorth (which means earth). She may have been one of Odin's lovers or Jorth could simply be a nickname for Frigg who was closely linked to Earth.

Thor was hugh and incredibly strong. He had wild hair and a beard and a temper to match. He is never angry for long though and easily forgives people. He does everything on a grand scale be it feasting or fighting. His symbol was an Oak Tree. Thor was the Defender of Asgard. His greatest adversaries were the Giants. He was the God of law and order. He protected the Norsemen's homes and farms. Thor was Keeper of Oaths. Copies of his arm-ring were kept in temples and people swore oaths on them.

Thor raced across the sky in his chariot drawn by two giant goats, Toothgnasher and Toothgrinder. It was their hooves that people heard when it thundered on Earth. He controlls thunder and lightning and would brew up storms by blowing through his beard. Sailors pray to him for protection from bad weather.

Thor had a belt which doubled his strength when he put it on and iron guantlets which allowed him to grasp any weapon. Mjollnir is his hammer. It always hits its target and returns to Thor's hand after its use. Many wear small hammer's for protection.

Thor was married to Sif who is famous for her pure gold flowing hair. She was a goddess of fruitfulness and plenty. Her hair reminded people of a field of ripe corn and the harvest. Thor and Sif live in a great hall in Asgard called Bilskirnir.


Balder was loved by everyone. He was an Aesir god and the son of Odin and Frigg. He was fair-haired and handsome. His face glowed and he was god of light, purity and beauty. Always gentle and kind. He was also very wise. He brought joy and harmony wherever he went.

Balder was married Nanna and they lived peacefully in their hall Breidablik in Asgard. They had a son Forseti who was God of Justice. It was because of Loki that Balder died prematurely.


Loki was the son of two Fire-Giants, Farbauti and Laufey. He was not a god but a sworn brother of Odin and lived with the Aesir in Asgard. He was handsome, agile and a great joker. He loved adventure, was nosey and inventive and loved to gamble. Because of this he was often in trouble but was wily enough to get out of most fixes. He was very persuasive and the gods often took his advice which was not always good and lead to trouble. Only one god Heimdall was always suspicious of Loki.

Loki was very talented at shape shifting. He often made mischief as a fly. As time went on the gods decided that not only was Loki handsome, he was also cunning, deceitful and unstable.

Eventually the gods became wary of him and felt he deserved the trouble he got himself into with the Giants and Dwarfs. The gods began to make fun of him and take sides and eventually Loki became bitter and grew darker and truly evil.


Njord is a Vanir god and the chief god of fertility. He is god of the sea and important to seafearing vikings. He rules the winds and waves, provides fish for fishermen.

Aegir and Ran

Aegir and his wife Ran are sea gods. They live below sea bed and had nine daughters who controlled the waves. Like the sea they lived in so were their personalities and they could be plesant or violently tragic. They needed subjects for their kingdom so if you fell overboard they would drag you to the sea floor in their nets. They would entertain in their hall filled with treasure from ship wrecks.


Heimdall was said to the be son of nine maidens. He had hearing so acute he could hear the grass grow and sight so sharp he could detect movement 100 miles away. Because of his special gifts he was made watchman of the gods. He guards Bifrost . He challanges all strangers and warns the gods. He has a horn called Gjall he blew in warning. It was kept near the Fountain of Mimir His blasts could be heard throughout the nine worlds. He was Loki's implacable enemy.


The most famous of all Goddesses. She was a Vanir, daughter of Njord. She had a brother called Freyr. She was the goddess of love and beauty. She was married to Od and when he disappeared she wept tears of gold. She loved beautiful objects which sometimes overcame her good sense. Because of this Odin punished her and made her the goddess of death. She presided over wars battles and caused wars between kings on Earth. She would fly over the battlefield in chariot pulled by two cats. She would chose half the bravest warriors accompany her to Sessrumnir her hall in Asgard.

She was a fetility goddess. She brought porsperity by granting good harvests and successful fishing. She took special care of women who were getting married or having babies.