Courage is the spirit of the knight. A knight must possess a strong mind so that danger is faced with confidence and resolution.

Might is the body of the knight. A knight must posesss great prowess and strength so that the weak may be defended.

Valor is the mind of the knight. Without valor a knight finds no purpose for existence. A knight of great valor will overcome all obstacles.

A knight's loyalty can never be compromised for any reason. Loyalty, faithfulness, allegiance, and commitment to the liege Lord is the foundation of his existence.

Justice shall always be sought by a knight. A knight should always seek the direction of truth while always remembering to practice “justice tempered with mercy.”

Faith in God shall be the creed of a knight. Faith creates hope in a knight against despair.

Nobility shall be sought by all knights. To be strong of character through faith, loyalty, and integrity is the goal of a knight.

Generosity is the arm of a knight. A knight must always be willing to give of one’s self what one can afford.

Humility is the grounding force in a knight. While striving for perfection and superiority, a Knight must first value the contributions of his fellow Knights. A Knight is but one amongst many.

Norman Knights within the Nordic Region

Baron Michel de Bucy

Tancred de Hauteville

Hugh de Montfort

The Knights and squires of the Norman attachment in the Nordic Kingdom comprised a troop of ten Knights and ten squires.

Sir Henri de Beaumesnil - single, third son of Comte de Bernay, who fought in Brittany and North Africa with Tancred. He is currently OIC of the Norman contingent, in Tancred's absence.

He has a squire, Phillippe.

Sir Jules de Lisieux - 2I, with his squire, Gaston.

Sir Robert de Rouen - a city boy, with his squire, Georges.

Sir William d'Argentan - from the country, and near a famous hunting lodge of Duke Richard at Falaise, with his squire, Anton.

Sir Godfrey de Bouillon - with his squire, Bernard.

Sir Jean de Pont-Audemer - with his squire, Charles (who dies in an accident near Isberg).

Sir Roger de Conches- a country boy, neighbour of Henri, with his squire, Simon.

Sir Richard de Le Havre - from the coast, with his squire, Geoffrey

Sir Gilbert de Dives-sur-Mer - from the coast, and his squire, Michel.

Sir Jacques d'Evreux- who hates the cold, and his squire, Simon.

Odo of Honfleur

Od is a very experienced sea captain who is overall commander of Baron Michel de Bucy's, mainly, commercial fleet. He is well experienced in naval warfare having fought in the Channel, the North Sea, but especially in the Mediterranean against the Moors.

Brother Padraig

A venerable scholar monk residing with the Baron at Chateau Bucy. Originally a lone survivor of a Viking attack on the monastery at Iona, he taught for many years at the famous monastery at Jumieges. Caia Solig was one of his students. He is renowned for his patience, wisdom, and broad knowledge.


Middle-aged, tall and angular. Long, dark, flowing hair, with streaks of grey. Bushy eyebrows, deep-set, blue eyes, broad forehead. Neither a soldier nor a monk, but trained a little in both disciplines. Found his mark as a scholar and a tutor. Gifted as a linguist. Excels in History and Philosophy. Writes poetry and the new-fashioned troubadour songs. Plays the pan flute, but prefers the Arbaian ud. Brought to Vinter Solig by Hugh de Montfort, but remains as the Royal tutor when Hugh departs.