![]() DOOM Solig
Fought in 30 battles mainly in England,Ireland, Saxony and the Shetlands all by age of 40. He was wounded at age of 24 in a raid
on the Rhein. At age 28, he was wounded defending Vinter Solig losing his wife Fjorda age 22, and son Thorkin 2 1/2 to the raiders. At age 33, was severly wounded at the Battle of London. Taken capture by Saxons at age 36, escaped with help of his friend Tobias of Bengtlund 8 months later.
Returning from raids in England, he sailed to the Scottish Highlands.
Blocked by a severe winter storm on the seas, he harboured his longship there. While wintering there, he sought a cousin, Ferguson MacAlpine,
his mother's nephew.
By chance as the longship Naglfar entered a small inlet, the Vikings, including DOOM came ashore seeking game. Stumbling among the Clan that inhabitated the area , he met and fell in love with the Lady Seraphine . She was an Irish beauty with hair of fire
and eyes of emeralds.Of Irish royalty in exile , she had been adopted by the Scottish clan. Denied the right to marry her by the laird, he was presistant and married her upon the longship in Viking fashion.
His friend Tobias of Bengtlund performed the ceremony.
Raiding the English that summer, he was wounded in a fierce battle.
Badly wounded, he was taken from the battlefield by the members of the
MacLaren Clan and nursed back to health. Killed in the battle was his good friend, Tobias. With a price on his head by the English King, he hid out with Ferguson MacAlpine, until he was able to return to Seraphine.
Seraphine gave birth to twins....Talor Patrick and Fjorda Solig in September of the year.
Building a home in the Highlands, his duties were split between Vinter Solig and the Highlands. One day the English came to the Highlands and kidnapped Seraphine and took her to sea. Tusk Pere Solig, leader of the nordic fleets and brother to DOOM lead sea raids as he searched for
Seraphine. A massive sea battle carried on for nearly thirty days costing many lives and vessels on both sides. DOOM searched for answers
as he traveled to Mimir's well and sought out Vedfolnir the hawk.
Upon the dark warhorse, Torsk, he traveled in the
damp mist to the well Mimir. The wound from the battle sealed, his strength again as it had been in his youth. The armour he wore tarnished from many a day in war. Slowly dismounting from the warhorse,
he cautiously unsheathed his sword and walked into the dampness. His
mind flowed with thoughts of his youth. One thought was of his first sailing adventure, the next was of Sera and the knight he fought while others took her.Then he thought of his father when he was alive...
giving him knowledge.
As he approached the well, a Giant appeared before him. The giant spoke, "DOOM Solig, a riddle I ask before you travel farther
in this land. Answer correctly and you may search farther....but fail... ~laughs~ and your skull will let those that follow know even you, the King of Vinter Solig, Giant Slayer of old have failed."
With his sword ready he replied~ What riddle must I answer,Giant?"
"DOOM Solig, Odin traveled in Jotunheim as another when
he seeked the wisdom of Mimir's well. What was the name he
used and what question did he trick me with?" the Giant rests with his arms crossed as he watched the Viking. " Come Solig, it is
not a riddle of the day...but the riddle of the moment...what is your answer?"
~laughing the giant spoke~ " Well? It is only the life of your wife that lies in the balance. Viking, an answer...for Im impatient!"
As he listened to the Giant, a soft breeze rustled through the leaves in the land of darkness & cold. The dark warhorse's ears
moved to pick up the sound as he pranced sideways. The
Viking readied his sword as the warhorse pranced and spun. On
the breeze, it is said a voice whispered: "soul song I need you."
"SERA!!!" he yelled, startling the Giant. As the warhorse spun,
he swung his sword, striking the vein of life in the Giant's neck
sending him crashing to the ground. Spurring the warhorse, he rode into the darkness to Yggsdrasil.
At the base of the tree, stood a mighty dragon called Nidhug. Gnawing
at the roots as the warhorse arrives, he raised his head and looked to meet the Viking.
Sword held high as he sat upon the dark warhorse."Allfather! Great one! On its wing, send the hawk Vedfolnir. For the hawk knows of Sera and her whereabouts.For the knowledge, I trade the powers of my sword and hammeraxe." he saddly bowed his head upon the warhorse.
The darkness comes to light. The cold becomes that of
the northern summer. High above in Yggsdrasil, perched between
the eyes of the eagle, a hawk called Vedfolnir, takes to flight, soaring to its destination upon the Vikings shoulder.
As the dragon approached the Viking a mist appeared.The mighty
dragon comes under the spell of the Aesir gods and fell into a sleep of a thousand years.
As DOOM looks into the hawks eyes, he sees a vision of a maiden tied to the mast of the ship. And he sees the harbour for which it sailed.
The dark warhorse turned and reared, carrying the Viking fast and swift to a waiting longship.
On his journey to the longship, he meets the light elf Avki in the forest after seeing a strange glow from his campsite. Avki leads him to the glow, showing him a sword of power used by a young Viking many years before to slay the dragon Horst. Avki explains to DOOM, " Tis the sword of the Viking Lars Solig!" Taking the sword he thanks Avki as he raises it high above his head, slicing the air. With pride he looks at the craftsmanship and detail of the sword. "Who could craft such a sword, Avki?" looking at the flaming sun crest on the pummel,he asks of the elf.
"It is not known for the Viking carried but a twisted wood staff that day, yet the dragon was slain by this sword and the Viking was not found."
"Avki, I thank you. I must now travel and find my wife" He looked to Vedfolnir soaring high above. Nodding to the elf, he sheathed his sword. Turning to the elf, he thanked him again as he rode onward.
Led by Vedfolnir, DOOM sailed a vessel to help search for Sera. In the battle between the Vikings and her captives, the ship began to sink. Helg Lavin, a prisoner upon the vessel she was held, took an arrow to save her life. When the ship sank, DOOM and Sera were pulled under the water and lost at sea.
Washed to shore, Odin revived them as they laid entangled on the shore.
Tusk Pere Solig sailed to the island and rescued them.
Upon the high seas again, their daughter Meagan Toreena Solig was born during a
storm. She was truly a child of the sea.
They returned to Vinter Solig, where they settled down and once again Sera
gave him a child Nicor Devon Solig.