
At the base of Mount Svenska, nestled between the fjords, the River Bjorn flows through the land called the Nordic Regions. The villages of Vinter Solig known for excellent sailors and sea raiders; Svarberg home to the finest blacksmiths and craftsmen and Isberg,land of nomads, dwarves and fierce warriors are ruled by the Viking King DOOM Solig.

A rider covered in furs and armour traverses the frozen tundra on a muscular,but shortlegged warhorse. Carrying a cross bow made of ancient ash and spring steel forged in the Spanish Moors, a sheild with the flaming ring around an "S", and a broadsword of the finest forged iron in Svarberg, he rides swift.

The steam from rider and mount rises as he rides through the frozen north to the fjords, shadowed by the midnight sun. He carries a message from afar to those that wait in the Viking Homeland: Vinter Solig begins to grow...from this day forward, in the shadow of Yggsdrasil under the watchful eye of Vedfolnir and blessed by Odin, Thor , Tyr and Njord... we become a family.

The well of Mimir shall give us wisdom each day,Thor will guide us through the battles of time, and Odin shall bless us of our deeds. Tyr will show us courage and Njord will always make sure our sails are full.

The frozen north is a harsh land that brings a warmth and closeness of family not known in other regions. Warriors we are...but first comes family. And no sword is drawn without great thought and knowledge of its use and consequences. Never are we to walk without our weapons, nor do we hesitate to swing the sword in battle. Even so, the most courages battles will be done in the spoken language before the drawing of the sword.

In this land created by Odin from the body of the slain giant Ymir, we find happiness, warmth, loyalty, strength and courage, that someday each of us will cross Bifrost to Asgaard and walk with the Aesir gods. Our crops will always be bountiful, our seas filled with fish, and our hearts filled with love and compassion for our brethren.

This is Viking Homeland........


Villages of the Nordic Region

DOOM Solig-Viking King of the Nordic Region

Lady Seraphine-Queen of the Nordic Region

Fjorda Solig Viking Princess

Solig Brothers

Vikings of the Fjord

Nordic Region FAQ

Norman Knights


Viking Weddings


Viking Fleet


Merchants Square

Land Ownership in the Nordic Region

Norse Mythology


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