Where I've Been
Life as a military brat takes
you several places.
I have lived several places
within the United States,
such as Colorado, Florida,
and now New Mexico.
I have also had the oppurtunity
to live outside the US,
in such countries as Germany
and England.
I also love to travel,
and take advantage of any oppurtunity
that presents itself.
Some of the most notable places
I've been are:
Scotland, Kenya, France, Estonia,
Russia, Mexico.
In my short 20 years I have
been on 3 contients,
and have visited over 20 countries.
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One of my favorite past times
has been music.
I started to play piano in the
sixth grade.
Starting in the seventh grade
I started to play percussion,
a position I throughly enjoyed.
But what I love to do most,
is sing.
I have been singing as long
as I can remember.
I sing everywhere I go,
and I often get stares from
the people around me.
Out of all types of music,
musicals have to be my favorite,
by far.
I have enjoyed going to several
different musicals
over the years.
They include: Phantom
of the Opera;
and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat;
Oliver; and others.
I will always remember the first
musical I ever went to:
The Sound of Music,
a musical that will forever
have a special place in my heart.
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What I Want To Do After College
My plans for what I want to
do after college,
have not fully developed yet,
but has anyone's?
Right now, I'm looking at two
different options,
either AstroGeo Physics or Psychology.
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One of the joys of my life has
been my time spent in the church.
Most of my time is spent at
my current church,
United Methodist Church.
I sing in our Saturday Night
Alive Praise Team,
act in our Saturday Night Alive
Drama Team,
and work with the youth group.
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