
Scroll down to browse some files i collected.

Now see what we got there! Uh oh , not good....... eeew  ! sh** ,  sh** ,  sh** ......!

It's always better to RUN FOR YOUR LIVE!!! when you are riding a Raven and face a Timberwolf.

A Hunchback under heavy attack. , Yes , that was the Timberwolf that hunted a little later the poor Raven. But don't worry , the Raven was saved by his lance mates. And even the Hunchback pilot survived the TW's attck as he made use of the ejector seat.

These clan mechs are attacking at the wrong time and place. And bad timing can have serious consequences , like in this case Battlemechs are easy meat for the Overlord's large ship-ppc's , and as you see , they don't hesitate to make use of them.


Actually i planned to put up some usefull stuff , you can download little programms , sounds and other stuff . I hope you find at least a few things useful.



This saver allows you to bomb saddam in your lunch time. (good training for action games like quakeX)

Saddam.zip ~140kb

Mousehunter - guess what!

Mousehunter.zip ~210kb

This saver puts a water effec plus a fish on your desktop.

fish.zip ~24kb

Battletech stuff

Desktop themes , one Timberwolf , a Mechwarrior2 and a Mechwarrioir2 :GBL related theme.

Mech2.zip ~720kb

Mech2:GBL.zip ~800kb

Timberwolf.zip ~720kb

Here a collection of 70 Battletech icons , really good ones!

Battletech.zip ~66kb

Other usefull stuff

This little tool allows to save the action on your screen in an .avi video file.(shareware)

HyberCam.zip ~330kb

IrfanView is a popular picture viewer.It was very helpful for me on creating this site.

IrfanView.zip ~430kb

Here a movie player that allows you to run .smk movies .(this format is usually used in PC games)

SMK.zip ~85kb