Welcome to

Sheshat's Online Library

A home on the Internet for quality fanfiction, original artwork, wavs and more.

Please feel free to browse the sections below:

An explanation of the site's name, and the meaning of the image on the entrance page.

October 6, 2003

At the author's request, all of dragon's fanfiction has been removed from Sheshat's Online Library. If you really, *really* want to re-read one of her fics, and promise not to spread it around without her permission, please feel free to email her at dragonhavn@zianet.com.

Other than that, sorry, all, but it's still official (though I think most of you saw it coming waaaay back).  The Library is closed to submissions of any kind, as well as any future updates in general.  To be honest, while it's been a blast, I just don't have the time or energy for all that HTML anymore.  If anyone would like to take up the reigns of this wild ride, please email me and we can discuss it.   :)   Also: As you'll likely have noticed, the webforwarding and domain name of "www.sheshat.com" has expired, and won't be renewed.  So everyone, change your links back to "www.geocities.com/sheshat".

Thank you all for your patronage, comments, encouragement, and patience over the past years!

Yours in peace, love, and hope,

Keeper of Sheshat's Online Library

Next Update:
June 30, 2002

Please remember, 9/11 isn't the only reason there's a need for blood and monetary donations.  For information on how to help the victims in NYC and DC as well as others, please check here.  For information on how to donate to other charities, check out the new website "www.libertyunites.org" and the Official Red Cross Website.

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Wow!  Since opening in July of 1999, Sheshat's Online Library has had over 10,000 'unique' visits!
Thank you for your patronage!!

I can't fix it if I don't know it's broken, so if you see anything wrong,  please let me know.  Thank you and enjoy your stay!