Yith-Lenn the Eldar Scout

        Yith Lenn first appeared in Hive Primus about 10 years ago.  Since that time, he has remained a mystery to most Underhivers, going about his business with a quiet, ruthless efficiency.  During the War between the Van Saars and the Orlocks 10 years ago, he took the side of the Van Saars, and lead an expedition into the heart of the Orlock's industrial area.  He is cursed by many as the cause of the Badlands.  Only recently, since the existence of the Infernis Cannon has been made quasi-public, has his interest been piqued.  Now he travels with a gang of Orlocks known as the Blood Brothers, on a quest to retrieve the Cannon as a weapon for his people.

M:5    WS:4    BS:4    S:3    T:3    W:1    I:6    A:2    Ld:8

Injuries: Left Arm Wound
Skills:  Ambush, Infiltrate, Evade, Marksman
Equiptment: Needle Rifle, Laspistol, Power Sword, Knife, Photovisor, Respirator, Cameoline Cloak