Jim Birrell's Home Page

"Hello, Joker."

        Welcome to my home page.  I hope you weren't looking for anything special, because I'm too lazy to put any interesting effects here.  This is mainly a place for the people in my Necromunda campaign and Blood Bowl league to find information regarding the activities.  There's also some links here to places I often visit, and places I think are neat, mostly so I won't have to type them in every time I want to get there.  Enjoy!

1.) Necromunda Campaign Links- Here, you'll be able to find all the campaign information for my ongoing Necromunda campaign.

Sector a173 page: good for gangs, special characters, campaign missions, and other house rules for the campaign

2.) Blood Bowl Links

Blood Bowl Central: Probably the most complete link of Blood Bowl information on the web.  It is a very useful site, and the source of most of the house rules we use in our league.
Blood Bowl League Page: Featuring the Bunch of Savages Division vs. the Scum & Villainy Division.  I'll eventually have this page working, when I get the applicable information.
3.) Other Miniature Gaming Sites
Games Workshop home page: To be perfectly honest, I really don't get much use from this page, other than to see if by chance they have published an article in White Dwarf regarding Blood Bowl, Necromunda, or Gorkamorka.

4.) Role-playing Game Sites I like - Although I rarely play them anymore, I'm still interested in role-playing games.  As a matter of fact, i'm very interested in 2 things right now: when the new Cyberpunk 2030 is coming out, and the customizable rules system it's going to be based off of, the Fuzion system

R. Talsorian Games - makers of such fine products as Cyberpunk and Cyberpunk 2020.  For my money, those are the best systems out there.  They also have created the Fuzion rules system out of a hybrid of the Cyberpunk 2020 rules and their newer games, such as The Bubblegum Crisis and Mekton Z.  I am impressed, but the damage system needs some work - players tend to live too long.

Fuzion Labs - Here's the creators and the distributors of the basic Fuzion role-playing system.  Best of all, it's absolutely free!  That's what I like to pay for my games (unlike Games Workshop...)

Atomik Fuzion - Some of the best pulg ins for the Fuzion system I've ever read.  There fairly accurate and realistic additions to the rules for magic, psionics, combat, cybernetics, etc...  And, best of all, they too are free!

Studio 187 - They have a very decent martial arts rule system for Fuzion, and although I take exception to their portrayal of Kenpo as inferior to Tae Know Do, I do recommend it.

5.) General Gaming Links
Archives of Aldarean - All the free downloads a gamer could want.  This is where I found some of my Fuzion stuff, in addition to some other neat things.  If you're a gamer and like free stuff, go here.
6.) Football !!!!!! - I don't think that any rational person can argue that football has long surpassed baseball as the National Pastime.  It is, simply, the best professional sport there is.  Here's some of the links which I frequent.
National Football League home page - A good, general account of what's up in the world of the NFL.  Good for tracking the stats of your fantasy football players on game day.

NFLtalk - A very good web site with information collected from local media in all 31 professional football cities.  Some interesting stuff here.

Jacksonville Jaguars home page - the official home page of the Jaguars.  Indispensable when it comes to non-nationally televised games, as it broadcasts the games using Real Player.  Keep track of next years Super bowl champs here.

Florida Times-Union - local media which covers all aspects of the Jacksonville Jaguars.  Interesting articles, good pictures.

7.) Educational / Occupational Links - as most of the people interested in visiting this site know, I'm currently enrolled at the University of Illinois in Champaign-Urbana, pursuing a Ph.D. in Materials Physics.  Here's some of the links, so you can track my illustrious academic career
University of Illinois at Chicago - I received by B.S. in physics here.  How I graduated, I'll never know.

Phi Beta Kappa - As the banner reads "One of the oldest and most respected undergraduate honor societies in the world..."  I wonder "Why did they offer to make me a member?"  No matter, I'm in, and getting me out is harder than firing a teamster.

University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign - I am here right now.  How I'm going to graduate, I don't know.

Argonne National Labs - Two months into my Ph.D. degree, my advisor accepts a job as the Director of the Materials Science Division at Argonne.  So he gave me a choice - either work with a group at Argonne, or stay down here.  Not even a decision...

American Institute of Physics - Very good web site for getting articles without going to the library.  A huge convenience for me.

Materials Research Society - Soon, I'll be an active participant.  Lucky me.

8.) Miscellaneous Links
World Wrestling Federation - For those of you who scoff, I was once in your ranks.  Then I watched it.  It's strangely enticing, like a midget with a "come hither" stare.  They'll hook you too.

Disinformation - I love reading the paranoid rantings of fringe groups, don't you?

Jar Jar Binks Must Die! - Anyone who saw the movie Star Wars I: The Phantom Menace will agree with me on the sentiments espoused by this web page.  Be sure to download the MP3 song of the same name.

The James Randi Educational Foundation - This web site mainly concerns itself with the demystification of various new age superstitions, such as aliens, psychics, and so on.  It's a good web page to visit if your not sure if you believe in new age crap.

Urban Legends Reference Page - My interest in this site occured when I moved down to Urbana, and my landlord would email me every couple of weeks to either "check my movie theatre seat carefully for HIV infected needles" and "Proctor & Gamble is affiliated with the Church of Satan".  If the latter were true, I would've bought stock, but unfortunately its not.  There's other great stories here, as well.

View Askew Studios - Makers of the classic Clerks, and soon to be the makers of "Clerks: The Animated Series".  I have no idea how I  feel about that.  Worth the time just to download the wav files.

The Freethought Zone: Science and Reason over Superstition and Religion - This is basically a site with several good articles on athiesm and agnosticism.  Also has many really good links.  I object to the term "freethinker" to refer to an athiest, though.  It's like the anti-abortion people refering to themselves as pro-life because they don't want to be called anti-choice.  Oh well, political correctness is everywhere.

There'll probably be more when I think of them.

Top 10 Mace Windu lines we want to hear.

     10.You don't need to see my goddamn identification, 'cause these ain't the motherfuckin' droids you're looking for.

      9.Womp rat may taste like pumpkin pie, but I'll never know, 'cause even if it did I wouldn't eat the filthy motherfucker.

      8.This is your father's lightsaber. When you absolutely, positively, have to kill every motherfuckin' stormtrooper in the room...
        accept no substitutes.

      7.If Obi-wan ain't home then I don't know what the fuck we're gonna do. I ain't got no other connections on Tattooine.

      6.Feel the Force, motherfucker.

      5.What ain't no planet I've never heard of! Do they speak Bocce on What?

      4.You sendin' the Fett? Shit, Hutt, that's all you had to say!

      3.Yeah Chewie got a hair problem. What the brother gonna do? He's a wookie.

      2.Does Jabba the Hutt look like a bitch?

      1.Hand me my lightsaber... it's the one that says, "Bad Ass Mother Fucker."

You can get in touch with me at jbirrell@uiuc.edu if you need to, but you probably knew that already.