Adeptus Arbites Investigator Donovan

        Adeptus Donovan is a recent grad of the Adeptus Academt of Hive Primus.  His first assignment was to determine who was responsible for abducting the Imperial Scientist  Lazarus and, subsequently, who was responsible for the theft of the Infernis Cannon.  This is a very nasty assignment for two reasons.  First, it onvolves spending large amounts of time in the Badlands, and second, every gang in the Sector will be gunning for him, since he has the power (but not the intellect) to call in the cops, bringing any House or faction in the Sector to it's knees.

M:4    WS:4    BS:4    S:3    T:4    W:3    I:4    A:1    Ld:8

Injuries:  Impotence*, Terminal Stupidity*
Skills:  Dodge, Gunfighter, Nerves of Steel, True Grit
Equipment:  Carapace Armor, 2 Web Pistols, Power Maul, Hallucinogen Grenades, Infragoggle, Photovisor, Respirator

Impotence:  Adeptus Donovan publicly announces his "injury" (he used it to claim minority status) with pride.  However, such forthright honesty is bound to stir strong feelings in those around him.  His flaming impotence causes fear in all opposing male gang members, and hatred in all opposing female gang members.

Terminal Stupidity:  Adeptus Donovan is as dumb as a stump.  To represent this sheer bone-headedness, every turn, the Arbitrator rolls a Ld check for Adeptus Donovan.  If I succeed, he's fine.  If not, all the other players roll a d6.  The highest roll gets to control him for that turn.