- Danni’s bits and pieces -

Please note that, although very little is explicit, much on this page is slash implied - DON'T stay if that offends you.

25 Oct 2004: The Requited zine came out earlier this year. Published by DUET PRESS, it's a lovely mix of long stories and short, all centred on Walter Skinner and Fox Mulder. Unfortunately the Requited group has disbanded, most of us are still active but we're all with different fandoms/mediums.


New: Mmm? a Watcherlove challenge response - Giles, Wesley and an erotic description of a casual touch (the summary is longer than the drabble!)

The X-Files

Small bits of fiction


Measuring Up a drabble of sizes

Sandy the Plaid Sheep

Reaction calendar vignette (August)

Excellent Adventure

Five a series of punishment drabbles

Reaction (August)

ABC alphabet challenge

The Listcat

Broccoli (poem) mild Walter angst

Walter Torture

Fox (poem) pure silliness

Walter in Words

Walter (poem) smiling Walter challenge

Beautiful Mulder for Xanthe's story

Smack (filk) a slightly different version of Click Go The Shears

Happy Birthday Mulder from the cats

Snippets From Life a series of drabs (dribs?) of life with the boys

Mulder faces Real Life and finds it a little different to fanfic

Wirerims (poem) a little something inspired by the wirerims awards
The Wirerims awards (for excellence in Skinner fanfiction) can be found HERE

Feline tales

Mulder and the Pussy Cats not songfic! Mulder and Skinner and cats oh my!

The Pussy Cats' Christmas 1999 the cats plan on a celebration, but not for the Enemy...

A feline Valentine

Cats and chocolate or - Easter!

Toys Mulder's away ...

The D-files I didn't think much of the way season 8 ended, so I fixed things a little bit

The Sentinel

Feral Sentinel (poem) rhyming challenge

Summer Sentinel summer fun with Jim and Blair

Couldn't Resist sticker snippet

Disobedience A.A.Milne updated for a recalcitrant Guide

Star Wars

Rancor's cat tails (series) Temple tales featuring Rancor - Qui-Gon's cat (or is she Obi-Wan's cat?)
by kalypso, with some assistance from me

Obi-Wans vs The Swamp (pic) inspired by The Seven-Day Itch on M-A

Only Two? a poem on the turning of Anakin

Technology vs the Living Force a poem on one of the perils of travel - strange currency


Thoughts on Feedback or the difficulties of sending naked men through the post

Oh an Emergency drabble inspired by the fact that, due to the near constant use of stock footage, Johnny never gets to drive.


Live Journal (mine). Irregularly and infrequently updated.

Watcherlove Live Journal for people who like Giles and Wesley, together.

Email me: Danni