This place was hard to find, and I had to double back along LA 82 a couple of times, before I finally spotted the sign. It is right across the highway from the refinery, which is a shame, because you have that big ugly smokestack in the middle of this nice wilderness. The day was overcast again, but this kept the heat to a minimum. Also, thankfully, no bugs.
If you're into birds, this would be a good place to visit. You get a nice stroll through some woods, and you also can take a jaunt down the beach if you want to. The merging of these two worlds, ocean and woods produces a unique experience that is hard to find anywhere else. Since this a birding trail, it doesn't really go anywhere, but doubles back several times and has several dead ends.
I also spotted my first alligator. The trail heads out on a point where you have water on either side of the trail. I heard a big splash as I walked along and I spotted what at first I thought was one of the many turtles, but then I saw the triangular head cutting through the water.