Ok , my pretty people.... so you've found this page. Now you have to suffer the concequences ( ok , I know ... you don't have to say anything... I KNOW I misspelled that , but who cares , right?).
You'll find this stupid, but I had to find the way to publish my poems.

Ok , ok.. I won't torture you if you REALLY don't want to see it , BUT :)...

Here are some poems that I wrote , just for fun , and some were not just for fun. You know when you're in love ...a, shu. Why do I bother to write this when noone will read it anyway. Whatever. Here they are.

          For thee

I do not love Thee for Thy name
Or that house upon the lake
I love Thee for Thy soul
And Thy heart that is not fake

For our soules are upon the stars
And the moon from up abouve
This fantasy we realize
And are joined together in love

Oh, this dream that is in my heart
Through my eyes it will see
And even though we are apart
Our love will always be

This feeling -- is it true?
I couldn't bear defeat
Now I am completley new
For this love which is so sweet

Last night

Last night I had a dream
About the blue sky
Last night I had a dream
You were there and so was I

Last night I had a dream
About the forest and a tree
Last night I had a dream
And in this dream you loved me

Last night I had a dream
It was about me and you
Last night I had a dream
It's a shame it won't come true.
