Nathan's Domain

This page was last updated February 25, 2000

Sith Lords have been here.

Welcome! My name is Nathan Prouty and this is my groovey page.This page is dedicated to Star Wars, Austin Powers, The X-Files, Edward D. Wood Jr., Star Trek, All in the Family, Gay Rights, movie props, creating replica movie props, customizing action figures, collecting Star Wars stuff, vintage 60's and 70's clothing, and other awsome, nonsensical junk. Click on the pictures next to the description of the pages to access them. If you like my site, or have any questions or comments, e-mail me at

Click here to get the FACTS!!
Click here to get the FACTS!!

--------This is my Star Wars Page. Click on the Stormtrooper to enter.

-------This is my Gay Rights page. It's basically a compilation of  cool links and info.

-----------This is my groovy Austin powers page, Baby!

-------This is my Prop Page. Another compilation of links and info.

-------My ED WOOD PAGE!! Ed Wood. A hero in panties!!

--------My All in the Family page. So far I've only been able to find one site that is worth listing. If you find others, email me.

----The X-Files page.

--------Awsome 60's and 70's stuff!!

------My Star Trek Page!

The COOLEST store in Boston! CLICK HERE!!

Copyright 1999 Nathan Prouty