Most people say that babies and little children are more in tune with spirits. I think the reason is because they know not of the living world, therefor they are very impressionable, so that if that somone from the world of the dead they would be able to communicate easier that older people or evern older children because they know not as much of the living world. so the living world has not made a permenant impression on them. Another theory that goes along with this one is that animals are also inept to the Human conciousness and world, and because of this I belive that animals have the power to see the dead and ect. as babies can, this is why I belive that animals run around for no reason what so ever it is because they see the dead.

I also belive that UFOs are merely test craft of the US gov. However back in the 40s the airforce investigated UFOs, however later in the 60's they stopped suddenly, why you ask well I think it is because the Air Force was too close to discovering what the air crafts were, so the government clued them in to protect their experimental project, but why keep it from civilians and even the Airforce...well if there were to be another world war then the US's power of the air would work greatly to their advantage, and they could not risk the possibility of having another country have this information because they woul attempt to get details, and buid their own crafts. Next question you are proboly thinking is, "Well if UFO's are from the government, how can you belive in aliens." Well I think that MOST NOT all UFO's are from the gov. I belive some are actually piloted by extra terrestrials. I think most UFO's we see are actually controlled by ETs because the gov. would not risk having their invention spotted, but if they let out enough then people would say all UFO's are from ETs and certainly divert some supician off the gov. Also I think that the gov got the idea for the UFO and the Alien cover-ups from real aliens!

I belive that the loch ness monster is a dinosaur and has been living in the loch for millions of years I also belive there are more than one because I belive that they breed because no speicie of animal can live for millons of years.

I also belive that Big Foot is a type of monkey just as the theory that we evolved from monkeys so did big foot but he evolved differently.

I believe that if you put a psychic in an MRI machine and minitor brain activity while the phychic is having a vision that you will see that the 90% of the brain that the normal human does not use they will use. Since human species use only 10% of their brain I elive that the other 90% is used for psychic powers that everyone has the power to unlock, however only a choice few do. I also belive that extra terrestrial life can use the etirety of their brain and that is why that reports have said that they have "powers"


Followup: If anyone can teach these powers that I believe we all have please contact me ( I am always open to try and learn thank you.
This next thoery has nothing to do with the paranormal, but I belive that the government never actually landed on the moon and that it was all a big scam to win the cold war. In case you might have not already guessed I have just watched a documentary on a conspiracy about the moon landing, and I belive that it is true that the United States, nor any other country have ever landed on the moon.
