Hello reader my name is Ben. Let me tell you about my supernatural experience. It all started when the fair came to town...
       I, of course, with all the other kids in my class from Crimson High went to the fair. We all looked forward to the 500 ft. ferris wheel. It was the star attraction. I just wish I had known the history of the wheel and the carnival before I went. My friends and I had been planning for months on the order in which we would go on rides, what we wanted to win and what we were going to eat. Finally the day had come. We went early around 4:00 so that we could get there before the lines. We decided to the to the ferris wheel last. We hit the bumper cars, the giant slide, the park swings, the suicide twirler, and of course the 100 MPH swing toss. Finally we headed over to the ferris wheel. Each car was huge so all five of us (Me, John, Jonne, Jason, and Kim) could fit on one car. It was six-o-clock then we were next, but the ride had just started and they were taking no more people. In a way we were more exited because our anticipation grew as we waited. While waiting I timed how long the ride lasted it lasted for 20 min, it was the longest lasting ride I had ever seen. It finally stopped, but before we got on a man dressed in somewhat old-fashioned clothes, a beard, and an eye patch grabed me by the arm.
        I jumped, startled and looked at him, "DON'T GO ON THE WHEEL!" he exclaimed in a horse, low tone.
        "Why?" I asked.  
        He replied,"Because it's haunted!"
        I ignored him and wrenched my arm out of his grasp and got on with everyone else. Oddly the man himself got on and looked at me from the car behind mine.
        "Like,  who was that?" Kim asked as she chewed on her gum in her dippy attitude.
        "Just some wierdo, said the wheel was haunred and he got on himself," I replied
        She laughed a little and siad one of her dippy phrases, "Like whatever, anyway I am like so exited!"
        I looked at her playing with her hair and speaking, my heart was filled with joy, just bieng there sitting next to her, I finally said after looking at her momentarily, and snapping out of a trance, "me too!"
        About three miniutes later after stopping and moving to let people on, the ride was fully underway. I looked over the edge and felt a bit sick from bieng up so high. Suddenly, I felt a small hand push me. I jerked back  and yelled," DON'T DO THAT!" everyone looked at me.
        Kim, whome I had been yelling at exclaimed,"I didn't do anything!"
        "Your just afraid," said John.
        "I AM NOT!" I yelled.
        "Then prove it," said Jason and added, "I dare you."
        "How?" I asked
        After a moment of thinking, John said, "Get out and stand on the roof of this!"
        "ARE YOU INSANE!?"
        "He's just scared," said Joanne.
        "Fine, I'll play your little game! But if I do it each of you have to give me twenty bucks!"
        "Fine," They each said one after another.
        "Fine," I agreed.
        I grabbed onto one of the bars, put my foot on the edge of the car and hoisted myself up. I climbed up on the roof. I stood up slowly hoping not to lose my balence, people were staring at me from below, I knew I was going to get banned from the park becasue of this, but I told myself eighty dollars would help mend my wounds. I looked around triumphantly, as I smiled with pride. Suddenly, the small hand pushed me again, I lost my balance and fell on all fours, suddenly a small foot kicked me and I slid, and almost fell off the roof of the car. I would have if it hadn't been for someone's hand grabbing my arm, I looked up past the hand to see the man with the eye patch, saving me from some unseen force. I don't think anyone else could see him because they were just staring at me dangling off the roof not connected to anything rather than staring at him. With his free hand he grabbed the air. He looked at his hand as he hoisted me up onto the roof of the ferris wheel car. He then showed me what he was grabbing, suddenly the air materialized into a girl no older than six.
        "What do you say?"  The man scolded the girl.
        In a  little childish voice she said, "I'm sorry for almost killing you."
        I didn't say anything, but the man added, "and what else?"
        The little girl continued after sighing, " and I'll never do it again," she looked at the man and said," Is that better, Daddy?"
         He smiled a forced smile and said, "Yes honey, thats better, just don't do it again!"
         I jumped down and got back inside the ferris wheel car, "DID YOU GUYS SEE THAT!?" I exclaimed ecstatic.
         "Yeah," Jason said, "you took a pretty bad digger."
         "That's all you saw?" I questioned.
         "What do you mean did we  like miss something?" asked Kim.
         I suddenly remembered the bet,"yeah, well shouldn't I get an extra five bucks from everyone because I almost fell off?"
         Jason replied, "NO! The closest thing you'll get for that is a sympathy card!"
         I muttered under my breath and remembered the man. I looked down to see if he was still there, and he was.
         The ride stopped and I got off to go talk to him. I grabbed him by the arm this time and said, "Thank you, but not to be rude, who or what are you?"
         The man replied, "What I am is an angel, and who I am is the father of that little girl whom tried to kill you.
         "Oh, yeah and about that, why did your daughter try to kill me?"
         "Oh yes, he started, "about that see when she was alive she went on the ferris wheel and died on it, so always on July 27 she kills whomever is on the wheel in the same car at the same time that she died. And you were that person. She died in car 4 on July 27 at 6:26 PM and that is exacly when she pushed you the first time, and in that same miniute you got on top of the car, and she tried again. This is the first time she did not kill somone. I always try to save the people whom are going on that car in that time, but this is the first time I succceeded."
         "Oh well, thank you," I said and walked away, I turned around, "and mister..." but he was gone. I said the rest of the phrase, "what's your name...?"
         As I walked away from the carnival I think I heard the wind wisper, "Benjamin..." but, maybe it was just my imagination.