First off let me explain to you how this all occurred. Every weekend my “group” and me used to hang out at one of our houses depending on whose parents were out or who had a good idea of what to do.
         Well my parents weren’t home; they went to some fancy banquet. So, we all gathered at my house. After about an hour of boredom just sitting on the couch and thinking we all agreed on playing the quija board. Well since it was really dark, but not too late we decided to go outside, you know just to make it creepier. Well we just sat there a minute after setting it up deciding what we should ask. Well Amanda *one of the girls in the group* decided of course to ask a dumb question about boys. You know the type the bored don’t answer. Well she asked whom she would go out with next. Then everyone else (except me) asked the same thing. Then the pointer started to spin; yet none was touching it. Suddenly it stopped and went to the letters to spell out “LEAVE ME ALONE"
           After a minute we all stood stunned looking at the bored and we all felt a cold chill and knew the spirit, whoever it was, was now gone. We just stood there looking at each other. Well Kim then said she saw something out of the corner of her eye. Of course we thought she was trying to scare us. But suddenly I saw it and I could tell by everyone else’s faces they saw something too. Then out of nowhere a huge bolt of lighting came out of the sky (note: it was not raining) and hit the board, shattering it. We got really scared and clung to one another. Then some unseen force took the pieces and rearranged them to say “wach out”
We took it as watch out and  ran inside the house as scared as anything. I then said to everyone “I’m glad that is over, who do you think that thing was?”
          Kim replied, “I don’t want to find out.”
          The lamplight in the house suddenly went off and on and off again. We got really scared but figured out it was Dave, I nearly straggled him to death. About an hour after that everyone else went home and I decided to get some rest. After brushing my teeth and doing the rest of the night routine I got into bed. I saw a shadow on the wall I just told myself I was seeing things. Then a heard what sounded like a moan “Just the wind” I thought, trying to comfort myself. I wasn’t sure what was taking my parents so long and I was a bit jumpy. Then I swore I saw a mist at the foot of my bed. I got out of bed and heard my dog making some noise I never heard before as if he was being choked. I ran to the noise only to find a ghostly figure grabbing him by the neck and holding him four feet off the ground. "LET HIM GO!" I exclaimed, not sure what else to say.
           The ghostly figure did as I said but he, she, it, whatever it was slammed him there. I was trying to show no fear but I could feel the hairs on my neck stand on end and I was sweating greatly. I think whatever it was could sense my fear because in what seemed like hours, but were only mere seconds the ghost let out an evil womanly cackle. I gasped but my fear diminished as I saw it was only the 55’ TV, I had forgotten it was horror movie Saturday. I breathed a sigh if relief and wondered to myself why I had missed it, it was my first time doing so. I jumped in the recliner and leaned back to watch, waiting for my parents to come home. I remembered something however, if the figure had been a movie what was the mist under my bed? And how did my Dog get choked, not to mention I didn't remember leaving the TV on. About five minuets later my parents got home and yelled at me for having been up, watching TV while being grounded. I sighed and went upstairs. I was kind of mad because they grounded me for another two days… I thought to myself “glad they don’t know about the guys being over here” Then I thought of the board  “I hope they don’t find it” I thought. Suddenly they rushed into my room they questioned me, “Now son, where is the quiga board?”
              I said I didn’t know but I also asked why.
They replied, “Well someone at the banquet was telling us that his house was haunted just by it being in the house so we were planning to burn it, you know get rid of it.”
I turned pale white and started crying on my mom's shoulder and choked out: "my friends came over, and we played it, and we saw something, then I saw something at the foot of my- “ Just then a harsh wind rattled the house and cut me off, My parents were as white as me in the face. We all started to cry. A moment later a knife came spinning through the air and nearly missed my head. A man’s voice, came out of nowhere and said, “Disturb the dead do you!?” Then a second knife came out of nowhere, I wasn’t so lucky this time, it hit me in the shoulder and pinned  me to the wall. I was really scared my parents pulled at the knife and after a few moments of desperate struggling it finally came off. We all bolted for the door, but something shut it and we couldn’t get it open we ran out the window it shattered and glass went everywhere, cutting us everywhere, but we made it out alive. I, however was really bleeding. We ran to the hospital which was about two blocks away. On my way I would swear I could hear something following me, footsteps, but no one was there. I was really freaked out now. I went in and they bandaged me up and that was about all. I had to stay the night, but the doctors were nice enough to let my parents stay with me. During the night I woke up to see a figure standing next to me and pointing out the door, the figure looked familiar, I was not afraid at all. I think he was probably one of my ancestors because he sort of looked like my dad.  I wasn’t sure what to so I went out the door and peered out I was a bit shocked at what I saw. I was oddly back in my living room and the Saturday horror movie marathon was still on. The figure pointed at the giant television as though it wanted me to watch. My parents were also in the room, they were on the couch frightened as anything clinging to each other. It seemed that they were more frightened and disturbed than me, which I thought was odd.
               It seemed as though I knew something they didn’t and I instantly realized what that thing was I realized this was not the apparition that had  been trying to hurt us I knew that it was actually trying to help us. Anyway we watched, the movie was just like our dilema, or what I percieved to be our dilema, in the movie a family was being tormented by an apparition, conjured up by the bored, when a boy stayed at home with his friends. In the movie it not only showed the boy but his friends as well it also seemed that they boy’s ancestor that just happened to look like the boy’s father was trying to help all of them one by one. It seemed-NO IT WAS US!!! I was so afraid but I realized this movie was a window into the future because most of the stuff hadn’t even happened yet, and everything that had happened was exactly the same, it really scared me, I guess I have been saying that too much but I can't nearly express fully the feeling I had. I saw the only true way to get the spirit back was to get another bored get my ancestor and let them "fight".
So all of us, including John (the ghost) went to a 24 hour store and got one, we couldn’t wait and played the board right outside in the parking lot. Instantly the spirit appeared. They both fought, but it seemed like mind control, it was not some big horror movie special effects shot or anything It was just one second they are here the next they aren’t. Well we burned the board and except for some minor cuts and bruises {‘cept my shoulder} we were all okay. Oh and well I am still grounded and I will be until I’m 30 (seriously)


Copyright Daniel William Fyre AFI New Bedford MA 02740