The Chosen
He watched her walk by again; he stared dreamily
at her wondering if she would ever notice him. If she didn't, he was content
with just looking. She was so beautiful to him She had naturally blonde
hair, which she had even lighter highlights in. She was very slender, yet
shapely. She had these blue eyes that seemed to pierce through you, they
were as blue as turquoise stone. He just adored this girl, whom he actually
knew very little about. ..but little did he know all that was about to
change. "So what do you think?" was the question that brought him out of
his fantasy-like daze.
"W- What?"
"Do you think, I should be getting the blue or
the green?" asked Steph. Steph was a girl whom just happened to sit with
him at lunch one day. Her long dark brown hair waved nicely over her shoulders
and fell onto her blue sweater.
Without really knowing what was going on he responded,
"Green, much better"
"Yeah I think so, too" Chanted the girl whom
he had known only in school for two full years. "So, who is she?"
"Who is who?"' came the reply to the question
he wasn't sure he felt like answering.
"That girl that you watch walk by our table every
"Who are you talking about?" he responded, as
if he didn't know.
"You know who I am talking about, what's her
name over there. ..Rachel"
"Oh her. .."
"Yeah. ..her. .." Came the sarcastic remark from
the' girl."
Well.'s a long and depressing story ...back
in first grade I saw that girl walk into the room, and ya know how on TV
and movies when it shows a beautiful woman there is a big light behind
her and a choir is singing, well that might as well be what it was for
me when she walked into the room. I had a crush on her until she left the
school in 6'th grade and she knew it too. It turns out that I found out
in second she had a crush on one of my present day best friends, Tony .Well
nothing happened, I once bought her a birthday present with my own money.
..I believe it was in fourth grade. I asked someone to give it to her,
I didn't even get a thank you, and that really hurt.
"Jeepus. ..and after all these years you still
like her?"
"There's something about her. ..something I just.
..something draws me to her. "
"I see. .." came Steph, obviously wanting to
change the subject.
"So who's that?" asked Rachel's best friend,
"Who?" Rachel really had no idea who her friend
was talking about.
"That guy that always looks at you when you walk
by that table right there" She pointed to the table Danny was sitting at,
and Rachel looked to it inquisitively
"The kid with the black hair?" She asked
"Yeah, him."
"His name is Danny, I know he's liked me for
the longest time, and I just don't like him. ..personally I think he is
beneath me."
"I see. ..I think he's kinda cute," Amy responded.
"You can have him. "
"So. ..any hunting tonight?" asked Amy
"Um. ..not sure have you read anything in the
"Yeah the usual, two neck wounds, have you found
"No I haven't, I swear we must be the only kids
in school who turn to the obituaries when they open the paper"
Amy then pointed to a table full of people wearing
black wit white face paint. "Except for them."
"Oh yeah,” responded Rachel seeing that she
was referring to the Gothic kids and they both started laughing hysterically.
Danny couldn't help but turn his head after he
heard the laugh that he had known so well. He let out a mournful sigh knowing
he was looking at what he wanted but could never have.
"She's not worth it you know"
Danny responded to Stephanie's comment without
looking, "Yes she is."
Stephanie threw her hands up, "You 're hopeless"
"Hopelessly in love, " he responded
Stephanie, changing the subject "So you gonna
go to the cemetery tonight?"
Danny said, "As always, I go every night, ya
know, just look around for an hour unless something seems wrong.
"Oh. .." came Stephanie's response, "Can I come?"
"Can I come?" she repeated
Never before had Stephanie asked to hang out
with Danny outside of school, never mind go hunting with him, so this came
as somewhat of a shock.
"You do know how to handle yourself right?"
"Of course I do, you only talk about it 90% of
the time, stakes, knives, crossbows, holy water and a bunch of other crap
I know, I know."
" And you actually own these things?" Danny asked
very intrigued.
"Yes,” came her answer.
"Since when. ..?"
"Since you first started talking about it, a
girl's got to protect herself you know."
"Well if you bring your stuff and you think you
can handle yourself don't see why not."
"Great! We'll meet up at the entrance of the
cemetery at 8:00"
"Fine with me," Danny responded, "but just so
ya know, I usually go earlier so I’ll go at 7:00 and I'll hang around until
8:00 when I’ll meet you and we'll go back. .. presuming of course I don't
get killed"
"Don't talk like that! Besides what are you talking
about you're the all powerful slayer, you can't get killed"
Danny let out a small chuckle, that seemed a
little forced. "Well how do you think I am the slayer. ..the last one died.
"Well you won’t I just know it."
"Well if you 'just know it' then it must be true,"
Danny remarked, sarcastically. The bell rang to signal the end of lunch
and the beginning of the last class of the day. Danny continued out his
schedule, going to Algebra 2 and then leaving to where he was picked up
by either his parents or his "guard." He wasn't sure who it would be today.
Seeing her black ford explorer he knew it was the guard and approached
the SUV. He dropped his bag in the front seat and sat down. "Hi" Sophie."
Sophie was an Irish woman whom Danny had met
by chance at the library, she recognized what he was immediately, and talked
him into letting her train him. She had the most beautiful red hair he
had ever seen in his life, it was usually in a pony tail, she was not very
skinny, but yet not large either. Her soft green eyes masked the amazing
strength she possessed.
"How was yer day?" Sophie asked in her subtle
Irish accent.
"It was fine, thanks. Hey, Sophie?"
"Yes?" she responded.
"Remember how you said I could let a few people
in on my secret and they could. me?"
Sophie stopped buckling her seat belt and just
looked at him, a little angry . "Yeah. .."
"Well I think I found my first member. "
"Aww jeez Danny!"
"What? You said I could have help. I want to-"
"Well you can't have what you want this time,
and you better have not told this person anything did you say anything?"
Danny looked down somewhat ashamed, "Yes."
"How much…?"
"Everything. ..ever since I found out, ever since
this started” responded Danny in a low tone.
"TWO YEARS!? You mean to tell me that you have
been telling someone everything you’ve done for two years and have not
told me anything about it... which makes me wonder. ..why do you only tell
me now?" she asked angrily.
"Well. ..she wanted to come on a hunt with me
"And you told her no. ..right. ..said you had
to run it by your guardIann right. ..?"
"Oh c'mon Danny, you do realise that this girl
can be killed."
"You said I could have a team," He persisted
"That's right, when you're older and you can
protect the members, but now is just too early. Well nothing you can do
now. She will have to be the first and only member for the time being,
do you hear me?"
"Yes, ma' am,"
"You didn't tell anyone else, did you?"
"No I didn't and I already know what you are
going to say I won't"
"Good," Sophie said as she buckled her seat belt;
Danny did the same and they drove off for home.
Rachel walked out of the school with Amy and
walked slowly to their school bus, it was already half full when they both
got on. They chose a seat near the back of the bus to set their bags down
on the floor and sit.
"Want to come tonight?" Rachel asked Amy.
"Sorry, can't I got a long report for history.
I have Mr. Everett, remember?"
"All right then," said Rachel with not much
care because this happened somewhat often. For some reason Rachel couldn't
really understand Amy wasn't too fond of the undead. "Oh, well I guess
I'll just go and check it out and then come home," she said.
After a minute another boy walked onto the bus,
his complexion was nearly flawless. He had dark tan skin and a shaved head.
Both girls followed him with their eyes as the boy sat in the seat in back
of them. When he sat both girls turned around to face him.
"Hi Jay," greeted Amy cheerfully, "so. ..are
you going to go to the dance next Friday?”
"I think so,” responded Jay.
"...Got anyone to go with?" Rachel asked.
"Not yet. .." was Jay's response
"I see," said Rachel. As they both settled back
in their seats the girls gave each other a quick glance.
Soon afterward, the bus lurched forward and out
of the school parking lot. ..
“By Sophie” Danny said to his guard Iann as he
got out of the car, she waved then drove off. He got out his key and made
his way toward the door. Just then a school bus stopped across the street
about three houses down from Danny's. He stood
there looking at it knowing what was to come.
Rachel got off the bus and walked to the door of her house. Danny stood
at his doorstep dumbfounded. Rachel searched her backpack for her key
and got it out. After she got out the key she glanced across the street
to where Danny was in a daze, seeing she was looking he quickly turned
around and unlocked the door to his home.
"Pathetic. .." muttered Rachel under her breath.
Danny walked into his house and closed the door
behind him and then quickly threw his bag on the floor and went to look
out the window to see if he was able to catch another glance at Rachel
but all he saw was the door to her house closing
“I'm pathetic," he said to himself. He looked
at the clock, it was 2: 30. His parents wouldn't be home for another few
hours, He decided to get his homework done before going hunting. After
doing so he went to see if he had enough supplies for
the night, he did, and had extra in case Steph
forgot something. Five o’clock came sooner than he expected and the sound
of his parents coming home greeted his ears along with the sound of rustling
bags. It was McDonalds bags that he heard. From the fast food he knew that
his parents were going out tonight.
"Hi , guys," he said to his parents.
"Hi," they both responded at the same time.
"Can you lock the door please?" Danny's father
Danny did as he was asked and followed his parents
into the kitchen and began taking the things out of the bag and setting
them on the table. After they had eaten his parents announced that they
would be going out and would be back around !0:00 some kind of work meeting
they said. They said their good-byes and Danny headed up to his
room and checked his stuff again just to make
sure everything was there. This was a big night for him he knew that someone
else's life might be in his hands.
Rachel got all her gear out and being even more
organised than Danny got out a clipboard, and checked over everything.
After she was finished she went down to the basement with a stake. In the
basement there was a punching bag, a worn out dummy, a balancing beam and
many weights all set up. Rachel had changed now and was in a tank top
and some sweat pants, her sneakers were now on, rather than her heels,
which she had been wearing before. She began to punch the bag With amazing
strength, but even more so for a girl. Each kick and each punch that she
landed (and she landed all of them) sent the bag spinning and flying back.
Each kick and punch seemed more devastating than the last. After she had
seemingly worn herself out she went to a table, which had some weights
on it. She grabbed a black cloth and tied it around her head covering her
eyes. She felt around until she felt the familiar
bag. She again started wailing on it again once again landing each punch
and kick, it seemed as if the blindfold did not make any difference in
her performance. After a few minutes she began to pant and stopped. She
went over to her weights and began to lift 50 lbs. on each arm, she did
this for about ten minutes or so then. looked at her watch. Quarter to
seven. After going up stairs and back up to her room, she grabbed a two
stakes and put them in the waistband of her sweatpants. She grabbed some
holy water and put that in her pocket, then grabbing her cross, which was
sitting on her dresser she put it around her neck, the was ready to go
out and hunt
Danny grabbed all the gear and put it in a small
gym bag, which he found under his bed. He was in his lose black jeans and
a black short-sleeved shirt. He was ready. He looked at his watch. Quarter
to seven. He grabbed the gym bag and headed outside. Right on time just
as always Rachel was going out for her nightly stroll which is why he
always went at 7:00 to hunt. He saw her walk down the right of the street
and he headed for a left as always. He always went to Quark's cemetery
even though there was a closer one next to his house, he liked the terrain
there and decided it was better for any fighting. He began walking and
he looked back and Rachel, to his surprise she was walking in the same
direction he was, he ignored it and kept on going, not looking back. Halfway
to the cemetery he looked back and didn't see her, decided she must've
wanted to go the other way after all. After two more minutes of walking
he was at the cemetery with the stake in hand and the gym bag around his
shoulder. He could struggle going on somewhere in the distance and took
off toward the sounds until he got to where he was able to see. To his
utter shock and amazement he saw a vampire attacking Rachel he was ready
to dive in and be her savior when he realized that the vampire wasn't attacking
Rachel, she was attacking it. He hid behind a headstone and watched the
action. "What's goin’ on here?" he wondered to himself.
"How are you so strong?" The vampire hissed out
as the battle drew on.
"I get asked that all the time you know I'm surprised
no one knows?" responded Rachel. After seeing a stake being pushed through
the monster Danny heard Rachel say, "The strength comes along with being
the slayer."
"' Danny was so shocked that he almost fell over.
Rachel then walked away and went to check out the rest of the cemetery
.Danny just sat there wondering what in the world was going on. He knew
there was only one slayer and the next was only chosen after the first
one was dead. But he wasn't dead, neither was she. It just didn't make
sense. He looked at his watch, it was ten to eight remembering that Steph
was supposed to come with him tonight he went to the entrance of the graveyard,
but stayed low just in case Rachel happened to walk by, but she didn't.
Danny got to the entrance and had to wait only a few minutes before Steph
got there. He decided not to tell her what he saw. They went through the
graveyard cautiously. He soon met up with a vampire, it dove straight for
Stephanie. Luckily he was behind the vampire and he drove the stake through
the back of it, straight through the heart. The vampire's now dead body
fell full force on Stephanie, she screamed. Danny desperately tried to
calm her down, for fear Rachel would hear her and come by. He helped Stephanie
up after she had stopped screaming. He walked her home slowly, she was
still shaking from fear and shock. He felt really bad for her considering
it was her first hunt. Danny wondered about a lot of things on the walk
home that night. He wondered if Stephanie would ever come hunting with
him again, he also wondered how Rachel could have been the slayer if he
was, he wondered about Rachel and her past. Too many questions about Rachel
he decided he needed to get to the bottom of ...but how could he
talk to her? He wasn't supposed to reveal himself to anyone. Finally reaching
his house, he went in and headed straight to bed.
The next morning he woke up around 5:00 and put
on a tank top and some shorts to go outside for a quick jog. The morning
air felt good against his exposed arms and legs, it was still dark, and
daybreak would be in about a half an hour or so. He knew better than to
go out unprepared he put some seeds in his pocket just in case, for he
knew if he did run into a vamp throwing some seeds at it would force the
vampire to count
them and that would hopefully be long enough
for the sun to rise. As he was jogging he heard someone behind him, he
looked back and saw Rachel. He thought to himself, "Wow. ..we must train
the same I wonder how strong she is." For a moment he actually considered
picking a fight with her just to see how strong she really was, but he
thought better of it deciding that two slayers fighting together would
be better than two slayers fighting against each other. He came around
the block ofhis house and went in wondering if Rachel was going to retire
too. He went back to bed and slept for another
half an hour. He then got up, took his shower,
put on his school clothes grabbed a pop tart and went in the car and waited
for his mom to take him to school. He decided to ask if Sophie would pick
him up today, he hoped she would but if not he could always walk to her
house. Five or so minutes later his mom popped into the car and started
it up.
"Mom, is Sophie picking me up today or are you?"
"I will be picking you up today."
"Okay, just wondering," he said.
Before he knew it they were at school. He walked
into the school, made a quick left and walked down a hall to a hall shaped
like a circle there were "branches" of halls that extended from some points
in the circle. He tossed himself in with the mass of people walking. Looking
to the left and saw Rachel yet again. This time she glanced at him a long
critical and curious stare. He looked down at himself to see if she was
staring at something in particular, he saw nothing. He walked into the
first hallway and made his way down it to where it split to where one could
either take a left or a right Danny took the right and that hallway lead
him to a set of doors, behind these doors were staircases. He went down
two flights of stairs. There were many blue lockers. He went to the first
one in the second row and put his coat in it then made his way to the room
to it. He sat in his seat and looked at the clock.
Only 7:30, that was seven hours before he could get some answers.
Rachel got off her bus, she was a little spent
from the jog, since she had jogged much longer than Danny and had not taken
a rest. She made the same path Danny did in the school except when in the
circular hall she made a left and travelled in a circle before heading
to a green set of
lockers. She went into her room and looked at
the clock. Only 7:30, that was seven hours before trying to get Jay to
ask her to the dance.
They day dragged on for both of them until lunch.
Danny sat with Stephanie as he did every day. He saw Rachel walk out of
the lunch line as she did every day and he stared at her with much more
admiration and hope for he knew that they did have something in common,
though he did not now how or why. His crystal blue eyes met hers and she
took another critical look at him and he knew. He knew she felt something.
Something he had been feeling since the day he met her. She didn't know
exactly what she was feeling but she felt something from this stranger
who adored her so. Danny had a sly smile on his face as he took a bite
into his turkey sandwich.
"What are you smiling about?" asked Stephanie.
"I know I have nothing to be smiling about, I was nearly killed last night."
"But you weren't," he replied, "Did you actually
think I would let anything hurt
Stephanie smiled and blushed slightly taking
the statement for more than it actually was.
"I saw that," said Amy as soon as Rachel set
her tray down. "Saw what?"
"You were checkin’ him out, I saw you, you two
had complete eye contact."
“I really wasn't its just. ..something I don't
know what."
"Slayer sense maybe?" she asked, "Maybe he's
a demon."
“No, he’s not…its just…something…”
"Yeah and that something is something you were
checking out if you wanted"
"I'm telling you, it's not like that"
"So are we going out again tonight?" asked Stephanie.
“We You want to go again? Even after everything
that happened last night?"
"Of course, I want to do this."
"Can I ask why all of a sudden?"
"Well. ..I just do."
Danny sighed not thinking that was an acceptable
answer. "Okay but try and keep yourself calm."
"Will do." Stephanie smiled happily.
After he had arrived at home his mom went out
to go shopping. He quickly did the little homework he was given, he then
set off to see Sophie. When he arrived he knocked at her door to find her
in a worn out state.
"Is this a bad time?" he asked.
"No, no I just was getting some rest," replied
"Well I have some major questions to ask you,
can I come in?" "Of course, of course."
He followed her in and to the kitchen table.
"Would you like some tea?" she asked
"Sure, if its not too much trouble."
Sophie poured two cups of tea for them. "So what
do you have to ask?"
"Am I correct in saying that a new slayer is
chosen only after the last has died?" "Yes," was Sophie's response.
"Then can you tell me why there are two slayers,
me- and someone else?"
"Two Slayers? Are you sure?"
"I'm positive, I donno how to prove it to you
but you must take my word for it."
"I believe you, let me do some research and I'll
get back to you."
With that Danny left and headed for home. He
quickly ran upstairs as his mom called after him, "Where were you?”
"At Sophie's!" he called back.
"Okay!" Mom only knew that Sophie was Danny's
tutor, which really wasn't a lie she tutored him in slaying. that
kept Danny from feeling too guilty.
With that he grabbed some stakes, some holy water,
his flashlight and his cross and headed downstairs. The stakes were concealed
under his shirt. It was now 7:30 and he planned it as so, he wanted to
get out-a little later to avoid Rachel. He made a quick jog to the graveyard,
and waited at the entrance for Steph. She got there early that night. They
went in and after about fifteen minutes or so of walking they ran into
their first Vampire. Danny had his stake poised and ready. The vampire
shielded herself with her arms over her face
"NO!" was the call that came from behind him.
"What?" Danny said as he looked back at Stephanie
and then quickly back at the creature. Stephanie ran up to Danny and grabbed
his arm holding him back with weak force. The vampire stood shielding itself.
"She's my friend," said Stephanie to Danny's
shock. "Friend. .." he responded, "I don't understand."
"Um. ..I've been hunting once before on my own.
While hunting I met Kelly here." Danny looked back at the vampire who was
not shielding herself now. Danny could see she was very pale, as all vampires
were, she was slightly taller than he with dark brown hair .
"And she didn't kill you?"
"Not all vampires kill, you know," said the vampire
finally getting the courage to speak
Danny looked at the vampire the stake still in
his hand. Seeing that she wasn't a threat he put the stake back in the
waistband of his pants.
"When I saw Stephanie here that night I didn't
bite her, I didn't feel the need to just as I do not feel the need to kill
anyone. I told her to leave and never come back. ..but she obviously didn't
obey since she is here."
Danny was still a little confused but he shrugged
it off deciding a vampire ally could be a value. Danny out stretched his
hand to the friendly vampire whom took it and shook it slightly. Her hand
was cold and clammy. "I'm Danny," he said.
“The slayer?" The vampire asked.
"I'm Kelly."
"Well, thanks for uh. ..not killing us, and thanks
for telling Steph to go back and not to stay in the cemetery that night."
"It’s what I do," responded Kelly. "Oh and you
needn't be here tonight I haven't seen any other of my kind around.
He nodded and turned. He turned again and said,
"It was nice meeting you." Throughout the short conversation Stephanie
hadn't said much. They turned and walked out of the graveyard. Danny walked
Stephanie home and they talked about slaying, but he was careful not to
mention Rachel. When they reached Steph's home they stood there awkwardly
for a minute or two not exactly knowing what to do until Danny said that
he had to get home for school the next day. He walked home and on his way
he wondered about Kelly, and if she could be trusted, he also wondered
if Steph would want to come every night now, but mostly he kept wondering
why there were two slayers and how it could be. Finally halfway home he
had a break-through. He must have died, or she must have. He decided he'd
ask mom some questions tomorrow.
Rachel didn't go hunting that night instead she
stayed home and talked to Jay on the phone for about four hours. He had
asked her for her number on the bus that afternoon and without hesitation
she gave it to him. As of then they were going to go to the dance together.
The next morning while on the way to school he
finally asked his mother . "Mom?" he said.
"Yes hun?"
"This is really going to sound strange. ..but
did I ever die?"
His mother looked at him with a look of shock
on her face. "How could yo-. Yes, technically you did die, you see when
you were born your heart stopped for no apparent reason it stopped for
only a moment then the doctor's brought you back, but how did you know?"
"I don't know…" he answered just as they arrived
at school. ...
The day again went slow for both of them. Finally
at lunch it happened. Danny was sitting at his table watching Rachel walk
by, but this time she looked back at him, as she passed the table she slammed
her tray down, "WHAT!? What is it, what are you looking at!?"
This caught both Stephanie and Danny off guard
Danny didn't exactly know what to say. He merely smirked slylyand said,
"You feel it, I know because I have felt the same thing." Rachel quietly
picked up her tray and walked away. Danny smiled fully almost holding back
a laugh. He knew the time hadn't come for him to reveal himself and what
he knew. Stephanie gave him a look as if to say, "what just happened here?"
then she came out and said it.
"What just happened here, what were you talking
"I'll let you know as soon as I figure it out
myself "
"Okay. .."
Just then a girl walked over to the table, Danny
looked at her wondering if he had seen her somewhere before. Then it hit
him it was Laura, a girl that had been in his Portuguese class.
"Hi guys," was her cheerful introduction, "can
I sit down?"
Stephanie and Danny looked at each other then
back at the girl, "Sure," Danny
She took a seat close to Danny and looked at
him. "You like all that weird ghost stuff, right?"
"Yes.. ."
"So do I, I've been to your web site, I like
it a lot I have one; too," she then handed him a tom piece of paper with
a web URL on it. "I think we should team up and make a unification site,
let me know."
"Okay," his was totally unexpected he hadn't
even been thinking about his we bsite. "What's your favourite area of the
"Definitely vampires," said Laura.
Danny and Stephanie gave each other a quick glance
and Stephanie raised an eyebrow.
With that Laura got up and walked away, Danny
and Stephanie watched as she went back to her table where she sat alone.
Danny looked at Steph, "She's not sitting with anyone I'm gonna go get
"Okay," said Stephanie not really liking the
idea very much, but wanting to be polite.
"What is your web site address? I've never seen
it,” Stephanie asked before Danny got up
Danny grabbed a paper and pen out of his backpack
and wrote down, "" and handed it to
Danny got up and walked to Laura and sat next
to her, she smiled at the company. "Would you like to come and sit with
us, maybe talk a little about web site plans and the paranormal?"
"Sure!" Laura said happily. She followed Danny
to the table, and sat next to him again.
The three of them talked and got to know each
other better until the bell rang. ..
"So what was that all about?" asked Amy,
"I'm sick of it; he keeps looking at me 'm sick
of him," replied Rachel, obviously aggravated. "I just told him off,"
"And what did he say?"
"Well he said you feel it or some crap like that
I donno what he's talking about." But Rachel did know, she felt it, still
unsure of what but she felt something from this boy whom she considered
"beneath her."
Danny left school and met Sophie outside in her
car. "I figured it out," Danny said,
"How there can be two slayers, I found out that
when I was a baby I died for a moment, but the doctor's brought me back,
hence choosing the next slayer that girl!"
"Yes, of course, why didn't I think of that?"
"And I have another question."
"Yes?" Sophie looked at Danny with her driving
glasses on.
"Can I have another member? I found someone who
would be good."
To Danny's surprise she said, "Can she handle
"I think she can "
"Thinking isn't good enough, take her out, do
you think you can save her if you get into any trouble?"
"I know I can.”
"Okay, then go ahead," she replied. With that
Sophie drove off.
On the bus that day Rachel sat with Jay and
they talked all the way home. The bus pulled up to Rachel's house and
she got off, again Danny was at his door, this time he didn't turn around.
Of all the times not to, when Rachel really wanted to talk to him he didn't.
She just couldn't take it any more and ran across the street to him. He
turned around the smirk on his face again.
"Yes?" he said.
"What did you mean at school?" she asked him.
"I meant what I said," and with that he opened
the unlocked door to his house, went in and closed it behind him. Leaving
her on the porch. He didn't even bother to look out the window.
He ran upstairs to his room and put on his computer.
He signed online and pulled the paper out of his pocket. He went to the
web site. It was rather good from what he saw. Just then he got an Instant
message from a screen name called "ParagrI86"
"Hi, its Laura," was what was read.
"Oh, hi, hey I need to talk to you about something
call me at: 555-4736"
"Okay," Laura typed back
A few minutes later the phone rang and Danny
picked up. "Hi," came the cheerful voice on the other side of the line.
"I have something to tell you, but you must first
promise to keep it a secret."
"Okay I will, you didn't kill anyone, did you?"
"Um. ..kinda, I'm the vampire slayer. I kill
vampires I'm 'the chosen one' I go out night after night and kill them
to keep the world safe, I want you to be on my team Stephanie is in it
and I want you to be to, you already know all about them so I think you
should bring any weapons you have and I'll bring some extra stakes tonight.
Meet me at Quark's field tonight at 8:00 okay?"
"Wow. ..that's a lot to take in, "
"I know I did kinda just blurt it out there didn't
"Yes, you did. Well, I'd love to come."
"That's great meet me there at eight," said Danny.
"Okay! bye," said Laura before hanging up.
At 8:00 Danny set out for Quark's field with his
gear only to find Stephanie and Laura already there. "Lets go," he said.
They walked throughout the graveyard for about a half an hour before hearing
a scuffle, they ran and got to the source just in time to see Rachel grabbing
Kelly by the collar with a stake poised to strike. Danny came behind Rachel
and grabbed her hand, as she was about to kill his new friend. Rachel
struggled but couldn't move.
"How can you. ..?" she stammered, letting go
off Kelly.
"You know what I am, I know what you are."
"But how?"
"We have a lot to talk about. "
"I have time now," said Rachel.
"Okay the basic thing is when I was just born
my heart stopped for a moment, thus choosing you as the next slayer, but
I survived, making two of us, and I guess the 'vibe' we've been getting
from each other is the sensing of another slayer."
"Uh-huh. ..I still don't believe it. ..prove
it to me," She grabbed a knife out of her pocket quickly and threw it at
his head he caught it by the handle.
"What’s your problem!? What if I was lying? What
if you just killed me, would you have cared?"
Rachel, thinking for a moment replied, "Maybe
just a little."
Danny just looked at her in disgust. "Okay just
tell me, what don't you like about me, what bothers you so much?"
"I donno maybe just because you're such a loser,
a goof, an idiot."
Danny turned around and left with his friends.
"Sorry we didn't see any action, guys”
"I don't know that was pretty action-like to me,"
said Laura with a smile
The next day was Saturday and time for Danny to
train. He got up at 6:00 and put on a green short-sleeved shirt and a pair
of shorts. He jogged to Sophie's. Danny was greeted at the door by a kick
to the midsection by Sophie. He caught her leg before it hit him.
He smiled at her, "And a good morning to you too!"
"Come in, " she said as soon as he walked into
her living room he saw a punching bag set up. It was brand new and practically
shined in the light that was pouring from the spotless windows.
Danny smiled widely, and turned to Sophie, "For
"What do you think my world revolves around you?
Yes it is," replied Sophie with a smile.
He touched the bag gently with his fingertips
feeling the bag up and down. "Well if you are gonna be so nice to it, I
might as well take it back."
Danny gave the bag a swift kick; it hardly gave
because of the newness. He again smiled widely. He jumped up and gave it
a hard kick sending it flying back and bit, he followed this up with a
left, and then spun around with a right he dropped down to the floor and
gave the floor under the bag a sweep kick. Sophie tried to sneak up behind
him, he turned around and grabbed her arm and twisted it behind her back.
"Good," she said getting out of the hold after
he loosened his grip.
Sophie then tried to sweep kick him, he jumped
up and came crashing down with a punch to her face, but stopped a few inches
from it. She nodded at him approvingly. She then handed him a sword, which
he quickly took and slashed at her throat, but again stopped an inch or
so from hitting it. Sophie stood there, not even flinching with her own
sword in her hand and slashed and Danny's leg. He quickly used the sword
to shield himself.
Sophie went for Danny's neck, but he saw it coming
and stopped it with his own sword. Then with a little manoeuvre he made
up himself he used the blade of his sword to catch one of the arms that
came off the hilt of Sophie's he did an upward motion, whipping the sword
away from Sophie’s hands. She again nodded approvingly. You are good with
the physical training; lets see how you are with the mental training! Sophie
pushed a play button on the stereo that was in the living room and the
sound of GregorIann chants began to fill the room. They both sat. IndIann
style in the room. Both of them had their eyes closed and their own hands
cupped. Danny opened his eyes and looked at Sophie's hands and saw a small
ball of white light.
"No peeking," Sophie said without opening her
eyes. Danny looked down to his hands and saw nothing, he then closed his
eyes and began to concentrate, trying to find
his inner chi. He slowly felt his hands get warmer,
he was getting happy at this result, and lost his concentration, forcing
his hands to feel normal again. He tried again, Rachel's face suddenly
appeared in his closed eyes. With a gasp he opened his eyes quickly.
"What?" asked Sophie.
Danny quickly looked at his watch, then out the
window, they had been doing this for a few hours, which seemed to Danny
as mere minutes. "I have to go."
Danny went to Sophie's dresser, which was in
her living room, he removed the inner lining to reveal a secret compartment
full of stakes, he grabbed one and ran out the door .
He ran as fast as his 16-year-old legs would
take him, at first he wasn't sure where his destination was, but as he
was running it became clear that he was heading to the graveyard. When
he got to the entrance he heard a bloodcurdling scream. He ran to see Rachel
on top of Kelly. Danny ran over: to Rachel and grabbed her shirt, and
all in one motion flung her off the vampire. Rachel landed hard on the
ground, harder than normally because she didn't see it coming. With Rachel
off her, Kelly ran into the darkness of the cemetery .
"What's wrong with you?" Danny asked harshly.
"Look let me put it in terms you can understand,
she vampire. Bad. Slayer kill. Was that simple enough for you?"
Danny never actually talking back to the girl
decided this was too far and he had to say something back, "Let me put
it in terms you can understand, no kill good vampire. Did ya get all that
or was that too fast?"
Rachel was somewhat surprised that he actually
said something to snap back at her, but didn't know what to say next so
she just turned and began to leave. "Wait," Danny called after her, "Look,
if you are a slayer and I am a slayer. ..I think we should at least work
together, we are fighting for the same thing after all."
"I go solo," she said, turned and walked away,
not looking back. After she was out of sight Danny walked out of the graveyard.
He made his way home not exactly sure what he
was gonna do when he got there. He walked in and looked at the clock, it
was only 8:00. He picked up the phone and decided to call someone. Without
really thinking he dialed a number that he was so used to dialing that
he would literally dial it when trying to call someone else,
"Hello?" came a woman's voice from the other
"Hi, is Tony jr. there?" asked Danny.
"Just a minute."
He could hear on the other line even though it
was at a distance, "Tony! Its for you!"
"Hi Tony, what's up?" "Nothing, you?"
"Nuthin. .." Danny said, after that there was
a full five minutes of silence. "So, anything funny happen at school yesterday?"
"Yeah actually, guess who's trying to act cool."
Tony said, coming a bit more alive.
"Who?" Danny asked.
"Mr. Landry!" responded Tony, “Well see-“
BEEP was the tone that interrupted Tony .
"Hold on a sec, Tony I'll be right back."
"Okay." Tony replied a little annoyed that he
couldn't finish his story. Danny pushed the button on the phone, "Hello?"
"Hi!" Came the cheerful voice, Danny had an idea
of who it was, but wasn't sure. "Um. ..who's this?" Danny asked.
"Laura!" came the cheerful voice again. Danny
quickly thought about whom he wanted to talk to more, he decided that he
would talk to Laura, and then call Tony back later .
"Can you hold on a second please?" Danny asked.
" up! " Laura said with enthusiasm.
Danny thought to himself as he pushed the button
again, "Wow , is this girl always happy?"
"Hey Tony, can I call ya back?"
"Sure, later." Tony said before hanging up.
Danny clicked over again, "Hi, Laura," he said
after changing.
"Hi, I have a question. .." came Laura, still
cheerful, but not as before.
"Let me guess, you want to know if I know when
cheerleader tryouts start?" Danny said being a little sarcastic, but more
"No, silly, I was wondering when are we gonna
work on the site?"
"Oh yeah," Danny said, he had nearly forgotten
about it with the whole Rachel situation.
"Well, look I haven't eaten all day, I've been
doing the whole slayer thing, so wanna go to Wendy's and pick up a bite
to eat? I'll call Steph and see if she wants to come too, and we can throw
around some ideas there."
"Wendy's, my fave, sounds great I'll meet you
there!" said Laura cheerfully.
"Okay, see ya there," Danny said before hanging
After he hung up the phone he decided it would
be slightly awkward with one guy and two girls, so he decided to call his
best friend Iann.
"Hello?" came Iann's voice from the other side
of the line.
"Hey, what's up?" Danny responded.
"Nuthin much, you?"
"Well I was wonderin if you wanted to come along
with me and a few girls to Wendy's to grab something to eat."
"Uh. ..sure. ..I'll see ya there."
"Okay," Danny responded as he hung up, and then
picked the phone up again to call Steph. She too agreed to go since she
had nothing better to do with her night
They all met up and grabbed a table outdoors.
The ladies set their things down as the guys went inside to order. Soon
after the girls followed. After ordering they went back to their table
only to be distracted by a laugh. The laugh was something that was very
familiar to Danny's ears. Almost as a reflex he cocked his head to confirm
what he already knew. It was Rachel, but she was not alone. She and Jay
were sitting together, eating and laughing.
"Oh my God. .." Iann said almost in a love struck
moan. Danny looked at his friend. Rachel had been in Iann' s homeroom
for the three years they had been in high school, and even more pathetic
than Danny, Iann remembered what Rachel wore to school every single one
of those days. Almost every Saturday they would meet up and Rachel always
came up in their conversations.
The two girls looked at each other and shook
their heads.
Rachel glanced over as jay was talking. She remembered
the first time she actually noticed Danny. It was when he asked her to
race, they were small children at the time, and neither of their slayer
"powers" had begun to take effect. She remembered as she beat him, she
could feel something from him. No, it wasn't a slayer sense. She knew he
liked her. However she did not know exactly what to do about it. She had
no feelings for him at all, but rather puppy love for Tony. She tried everything
to put this boy down, she tried ignoring him, and being mean to him, still
after the constant rejection he came back hoping for some type of relationship,
only to be put down again. She wondered why he would go to such lengths
to be nice to her even as she was so mean to him.
"…so then I ducked under the arms of the guy
and shot in the winning basket," came jay's voice breaking into Rachel's
She looked back at him trying to show interest
in what he was saying, but doing a poor job of it. "Oh really?" she responded
hoping it would make him believe her attention was being kept.
They all began eating, Danny and Iann kept looking
over to Rachel , and once in a while Iann would make a love struck moan
and then smile. Danny too would smile but not moan. His glance shifted
from Rachel to Laura' s smiling face, he looked at Laura' s face studying
every aspect of it. He thought to himself, Laura is every bit as good looking
as Rachel, and nicer. Why was he not attracted to Laura as he was with
Rachel? He tried to think of a reason, but came up with none. He was still
looking at Laura; she was now looking down, obviously a little self-aware,
because Danny had been staring at her for quite some time. Danny soon realised
this and looked away turning red. Iann shifted a glance to Danny and then
to Laura, then back to Danny again. Danny gave a slight shake of the head;
he knew Iann was asking if he was interested in Laura. "S~
Laura," Laura looked up from the table and at
Danny, "what exactly should we do for the site, do you have any ideas?"
"Yes, actually, I get this paranormal weekly
newsletter, I can take some of the stories and search the net too and put
up a news section. Also I can probably find a few more people to work on
the occult section and that type of thing, because I saw from your notice
that you aren't good in that area of the paranormal, and neither am I."
The shattering of glass interrupted Laura, and
all the occupants at both Rachel and Danny's table looked to see what
was going on.
"Wait here," came Danny and Rachel's voice in
They went into Wendy's to see what was causing
the noise. They saw a very muscular vampire grabbing the man behind the
counter by the neck.
"Slayer team?" asked Rachel.
Danny looked at her in surprise and quirked an
eyebrow. He knew they were wasting time and quickly nodded. After the nod
was cast they both ran at the vampire that was literally twice their size.
They jumped and kicked him in the back. The vampire dropped the man he
was holding. He quickly spun around to see Danny and Rachel side by side
in fighting stances.
In a very deep voice he said, "Children. ..the
perfect midnight snack."
Rachel looked at Danny and shifted her head
up and then down. Danny nodded. Danny jumped up, catlike and kicked the
vampire in the head. He stumbled back into the counter. Not a second after
he hit the counter Rachel was on the floor and giving him a sweep kick
that sent him down hitting his head on the counter .
Danny looked at Rachel, "You got a stake?" He
asked quickly. "No."
"Hey!" came from outside. Just then a stake came
whizzing through the air at Danny, he snatched it out of its path and quickly
drove it through the heart of the creature. Danny got up and looked around,
all the occupants had cleared out after the brawl had begun.
"Who threw that?" asked Danny.
"I did," said Jay as he came through the door.
"Thanks," Danny said to Jay.
"How did you know?" asked Rachel very bewildered.
"I've lived here all my life, and I've seen a
lot of those in my day ."
"Okay..." said Danny not exactly knowing what
to say.
Rachel walked past Danny to Jay, they then went
back to walk out, as she passed Danny she showed some respect or at least
acknowledgement of him by saying bye as she left.
Danny stood there not exactly knowing what to
do with himself. She actually spoke to him, and it was not negativ~. ..
"Well that was unexpected," said Iann. Danny
looked at him, "I'll say. .."
Laura finally asked what had been bugging her
for some time, "Do you like her?"
Danny gave her a look as if to say "duh" but
then changed his expression after he remembered that he hadn't told her.
"..I’ve got a story for you..."
The walk home for Rachel and Jay was quite silent
until finally Jay asked, " Are you the slayer?"
Never had anyone asked her this so she knew not
how to answer. "Um. ..yeah…”
"That's cool," said Jay and that ended the conversation
for the rest of the night.
Danny got home earlier than he had expected and
decided to watch a movie. He put "John Carpenter's Vampires" into his DVD
player and sat down to watch the movie for the 94’th time. Danny thought
to himself with a smile as the opening credits rolled, "Man, this movie
never gets old.” At that point in time the phone rang. Danny picked it
up, wondering who would be calling him at this time. "Hello?” he answered
"Hi!" came the cheery voice on the other
"Hey Laura," Danny said with a hint of excitement,
in attempt to match hers.
"I have some stuff you might be interested in
if you are willing to come to Quark’s field tomrrow."
“Um…sure- what is it?"
"You 'II see, just be at the run down warehouse
next to Quark's field tomorrow at dawn." With that she quickly hung up.
"Yeah, I know where-" Danny stopped abruptly
realizing that there was no one else on the other line. "Riiight. ..Dawn.
..this girl's crazy ...its Sunday," he thought to himself as he set his
The next day Danny awoke to the beeping of his
alarm. He reached over without even picking his head up and shut off the
alarm. He rolled out of bed, grabbed a black short sleeve button down shirt
which hung off his low bedpost, then put on some jeans. With a yawn he
fastened his belt which was equipped with a utility knife and went out
the door of his room.
The walk to the warehouse was a short one. He
arrived at the warehouse and knocked on the door. The sliding metal door
was opened and he peered in questioningly. A familiar face poked out of
the darkness. "Hiya!"
"Laura. ..its. .." he looked at his-watch then
looked back up at her," 5:42 on a Saturday morning, how in the world are
you fully awake?” he asked.
Laura ignored his question and pulled him inside
by the arm. She hit a switch and the warehouse lit up. Danny looked around,
still half asleep, what he saw quickly woke him up. A sight of weapons,
computers, chemicals, vials, and vehicles greeted his eyes.
"What the-"
At this Laura unsheathed a katana blade that
she was holding. Danny jumped back, assuming a fighting stance.
Laura, ignoring her jumpy guest looked at the
katana, "It's a beauty isn't it? I crafted it myself, made entirely out
of titanium, with the exception of the hand grip, of course."
"What the hell is all this?" Danny asked
Laura quickly thrust the blade at Danny, stopping
a half an inch from his throat. "Watch your language!"
Danny nodded slowly. "Okay. ..okay. .." he said
in a dry voice.
Taking the blade away from Danny's neck she explained,
"This is my destiny, I was sent to help you destroy the creatures of the
night. Now that that's settled, lets begin the tour. With that Laura began
walking ahead of Danny as she waswalkiIlg she threw the sword up in the
air, Danny caught the sword by the grip and stared at it. "For you, " she
said without looking back.
"Thanks. .." With that Laura turned around
and threw the sheath to Danny. She then began as if trying to sell her
arsenal to him. "This is what I so lovingly call. .the wall of blades.
As you can see we have almost anything you can imagine. Katanas of every
shape and style, want an Excalibur? What length blade? Daggers? You want
'em we got 'em. Survival kives, how could you live without them? (she paused
for a slight chuckle) Then of course we have the copycat swords, any movie
you have seen. …sword from Lord of the Rings? Got it. Blade? Got it. Highlander?
Got it." The wall was littered with all types of swords the likes of which
Danny could only dream of. Laura who had been shifting her hand at the
wall signaling to the different swords now gravitated her hand under the
wall. There was a wine bottle rack, which ran from wall to wall. Each slot
filled with a stake. "We got any wood you want. Cherry, Ash, Rose." She
then walked to another wall, this wall had all types of guns on it. "Yes,
they look real don't they? They don't shoot real bullets, though, no need.
We have every model you could want, though. I'm sure you are wondering
what they shoot. Every clip and chamber is specially fit for pellets. We
have two types of pellets. We have the paint ball style, which are filled
with holy water; we also got the ones made of pure silver. These are air
guns and pack enough punch to penetrate the skin, yet not kill. Shoot at
a human, he'll be mad, shoot at a vampire. ..he'll be dead. "Danny looked
around; this was his dream come true. Laura walked to a cabinet. She opened
a door of the long cabinet that spanned the lab bench and opened it. Inside
were gallons of holy water, "At last count we had 400 gallons of holy water,
if you wanted you could fill a swimming pool and dunk the vampires whole.
..up to you." Her hand moved to the door of the cabinet- "And of course.
..water guns. ..super soakers work best, but you got the small caliber
stuff too, it's entirely your choice." She moved to the top of the lab
bench on which a computer sat. "This is our state of the art vampire library
and tracking unit." She picked up a microchip, which had been lying in
a glass dish next to the keyboard.
"This is a work in progress, when its done you
will be able to load these babies as pellets into your guns, then you can
shoot and track a vampire." With that she clicked with the mouse of the
computer and brought up a screen, which was a map of the city. There was
a small red dot on the area on which the warehouse lay. "I should have
these done within the next month." She didn't move, but pointed to yet
another wall. "That is our fine assortment of religious items and garlic."
"Cripes," was the only thing that Danny could
utter. "You mean- you y- all- with the- and the-. ..okay must calm myself...thank
you! I feel like a kid in a candy store!"
Laura opened a draw in the lab bench. She pulled
out a belt with various holsters and pouches on it. After that she pulled
out a pair of leather boots. "Size 9½?
Danny said nothing and took the boots. He sat
down on the ground, took off his sneakers and slipped on the boots. "Yep,
9 ½ feels right." After slipping the boots on he went over to the
wall of swords, katana still in hand. He put the katana back in the sheath
and began loading up with blades. He took two small daggers with blades
about 5 inches in length and slipped them into his boots. Next his took
two slightly larger knives and slipped them in the back of his new belt.
He decided that he would keep his katana and not exchange it for another
blade, and put it on his back. He then made his way over to the wall of
air guns. Grabbing two replica sig sauer p226’s he thrust them into his
two thigh holsters. He quickly noticed there were no clips and grabbed
the two clips which rested on another smaller rack under the respective
guns for which they were used. He grabbed four. He loaded two into his
guns and put two in the back of his belt, on either side of the two knives.
He headed over to Laura. "Do you have the cross-"
Before he finished his sentence she already had
gone under the lab bench and gotten out a crossbow and threw it to him
“John Carpenter’s Vampires…here ya go…” in his excitement he reached over
and gave Laura a grateful kiss on the forehead. "You're the best!" He quickly
loaded the vials on his right side of his belt. "Pellets?"
Laura shook off the slight daze she was experiencing
after the surprise outburst of emotion, walked over to the wall of air
guns and opened a cabinet on shelf attached to the door was a bucket of
pellets on the other door there was another bucket of different pellets.
Danny systematically grabbed his two air guns and took the clips out. He
loaded each gun with a different type of pellet. He took the two clips,
which were on his back and loaded each with each type of pellet. He re-holstered
his weapons and clips and took a quick check of his supplies. He then took
some extra pellets and loaded them into his pouches "Stakes." He went over
to the racks of stakes. Danny grabbed a few rosewood stakes and slipped
two on either side of his thigh holsters.
"You 're forgetting your pump action shotgun.
.." Laura went over and grabbed the shotgun. She headed over to another
cabinet with shotgun shells. She loaded the gun and gave it to Danny along
with some shells. He put the gun on his back. On one side of his back now
rested the katana diagonally and on the other side, oppositely diagonally
rested the shotgun. He took the shells and loaded them into yet another
pouch. "The shells work the same as the pellets only a greater quantity
of silver and water." Danny looked in a mirror .
"Good Lord, I'm Rambo the vampire hunter. .."
Laura giggled at his comment and went over to her computer. Danny looked
over at the computer. "What's that?" On the screen was a real time video
of every action Danny was making at the mirror.
"I've put a small camera in a every mirror, every
mirror is a two way., that way you don't even see the camera," replied
"Ah. ..what's the use of that if vampires don't
have reflections.. .they aren't going to be standing in front of a mirror?"
"Simple, this isn't for vampires. I have this
little camera transmitting images to my home computer, if someone comes
in here I'll know."
"Good idea," by this time Danny had turned back
to the mirror and began looking at all his equipment again. "You ta1kin'
to me? You talkin' to me?” after a small pause to look behind him he continued,
"There ain't no one else here so you must be talking to me." He then quickly
went for his air gun, which was still holstered at his thigh and pointed
it at the mirror. "Yeah. ..that's what I thought. .."
While Danny was busy getting his new gear together
Rachel was shopping, getting her own gear of sorts. She and Amy were walking
throughout the mall stopping in various stores. They made a left turn into
a store with various dresses in the front window.
"Hmm what to buy, what to buy. .." said Amy stopping
to look at a long black dress.
Rachel continued on to the middle of the store.
Her eyes darted from rack to rack. Her eyes became fixed upon a red low
cut dress. She moved to the price tag, which was crossed out from 150 dollars
to 75. "Half off!" Rachel thought to herself and quickly removed the dress
from the rack. She went over to a nearby mirror and pressed the dress to
herself, it was as if the dress was made for her. It would fit her perfectly.
She took it to the counter, paid for it and turned around to go back to
Amy. Amy was coming toward the counter with the black dress she had previously
been looking at. Amy purchased the dress and they walked out, and throughout
the mall together.
"Where to next?" asked Rachel as they passed
the CVS in the mall.
"Hmmm. .." Amy's eyes darted around at the different
stores and finally settled upon a nail styling salon, “There," said Amy
pointing to the salon, which was one level above them. They continued on
to the escalator on the way a shoulder collided with Rachel's. A shiver
ran down Rachel’s spine and she looked to see who bumped into her, but
only saw the back of the culprit, which one could see was female with a
white shirt and black pants, but the woman ducked into a store before Rachel
got a good look. Rachel only looked away from the store which the woman
entered after Amy literally pulled her onto the escalator.
Meanwhile Danny and Laura were sitting at
the lab bench hovering over the computer discussing ideas for their web
“Want something to drink?” asked Laura
as she got up
“Sure,” Danny answered
“What do you want?”
“Well, you seem to know my tastes very
well, you pick.”
Laura went over to a small refrigerator
that was in the corner of the room next to the air guns. She came back
with two Fire Snapples. Danny shook his head with a smile, “You’re amazing...”
She blushed as he took the bottle from her. Danny thought a moment then
looked at her seriously, the previous smile now faded. “How do you know
so much about me…”
Laura’s face became even redder. “Well
you see…I knew who you were from the beginning I followed the lineage of
slayers and I know all your personal stuff from your website…” she spun
the computer around and showed him his bio page.
“Oh yeah…I almost forgot about that…” With
that he took a sip of the Snapple. “One more question, where did you get
the cash for this?”
“Ah, that’s an easy one I asked my parents
for the money for my birthday, my Dad’s a stockbroker and he makes a pretty
“Oh… hmm…I got an idea, where’s the phone?”
Laura got up and handed him a portable phone. Danny dialed a number and
waited, but it just kept ringing.
“Who’d ya call?”
“Rachel…lets admit it this place is very
large and I alone would end up wasting all these great weapons by just
letting them sit here without use. Lets see…we need a team…” After realizing
what he had just said he looked at his watch with wide eyes. “CRAP!”
“I’m late for my training,” he began to remove
his belt, but thought instead of him going over Sophie’s he should have
Sophie come to him she really should see all this great stuff. He picked
up the phone again and dialed Sophie’s number, but got only the answering
machine, he then decided to call her cell
“Hello?” came his guard on the other side of
the line.
“Hey Sophie…”
“Ah, I see punctuality is no longer important
to you, I waited for you for a half an hour then decided I would just go
do my errands.”
“That’s exactly why I called look, come
to quark’s field right now I believe I have something you will be interested
in,” with that he hung up not giving Sophie a chance to say no.
“Who was that?” Laura asked with curiosity.
“That was my guard, I have a guard who trains
me for my…”slayerhood” would be the word, I guess.”
“Okay…I like what we’re getting going here it
makes me feel useful.”
“Me too,” responded Danny as he took another
sip of the Snapple.
While at the mall Rachel kept looking around
for the person who tapped her shoulder, but found no one matching the vague
description she had of the person. On the way home Rachel pretty much
forgot about the event and only stared out the window. The car ride home
was silent, for Amy had just gotten her license and was not yet comfortable
with driving with the radio on.
Rachel tried to decide what the passing clouds
looked like in the blue sky overhead. “Hmm…stake…sword…vampire fangs…decapitated
body…I don’t think I’d pass an inkblot test.” She sighed and looked forward
to the truck in front of them. Nothing about the truck actually caught
her eye, just the fact of an object in front of her sparked her interest.
She averted her attention when she realized that her right shoulder was
itchy. She scratched it and looked under her shirt to find a red rash there.
“That’s odd…” she thought dejectedly. She rubbed her forehead and sat back,
for this long silent trip would be too long for her to bare.
Danny and Laura kept watch at the computer
which was wired to a wireless camera that was outside the warehouse. After
about ten minutes after calling Sophie the Irish woman appeared at the
front door. “That her?” Laura asked.
“Yep,” Danny responded as he walked over
to the door to let the woman in, her hair was still damp from the shower
which she took after coming home from her errands.
After stepping inside Sophie’s eyes grew
wide and she breathed in a deep breath. “Wow…” she looked to Laura, “you
set all this up?” Laura nodded proudly. “This is very impressive,” Sophie
continued, “This is going to be useful.”
“This is why I wasn’t at our training session
today…and I also brought you here to make a proposition. I think that I
am really ready for a team…a real team. I already have an idea for the
members. Laura and I had been talking about it and obviously her and I
are in it, but also that girl that I was telling you about, Stephanie…”
Danny went over to the lab bench and grabbed a yellow notepad, “Iann, Rachel,
This kid Jay that we met, Tony…”
“Whoa whoa whoa, I think you need to calm
down a bit…let me think here, this is a lot to take in, you do realize
that? I mean first it starts with a single member then another…now you
have a freggin’ base!”
“Yeah it’s great huh!?” Danny exclaimed
Sophie let out a loud sigh and nodded silently.
“One condition!”
Danny looked up at Sophie with some what
aggravated eyes, he wasn’t sure what the condition was but he was sure
it would hinder his plans. “What?” he asked.
“All members must be trained, tested, and
approved by me, honestly this isn’t that bad an idea, getting the two slayers
together…I have been wanting to meet this second slayer ever since you
mentioned her...”
“Great then its settled the team will be…”
Said Danny with confidence.
With a sly smirk Sophie replied, “We’ll
see…lets get started right now…you,” she said as she pointed to Laura,
“you will prove yourself…”
Nothing more needed to be said to Laura
she lunged at Sophie and to even the surprise of Sophie herself Laura had
the point of a 7 inch dagger to her throat. “Fast enough for ya?” Laura
asked slowly drawing the blade away.
“Fast yes…smart no…” Sophie reached for
Laura’s still outstretched arm, latched on to it and with one swift motion
tapped the heel of her hand to Laura’s arm, making her drop her weapon.
Sophie then came around and tripped Laura’s leg causing Laura to fall hard
on her back onto the cement floor.
Sophie looked at Danny, “I like her, she’s
got spunk… I think she’s in, but she needs to train a bit more on tactics…”
With that Sophie turned her gaze to Laura, “Lesson one, never let your
guard down-“ at the same time Danny and Sophie both finished the sentence,
“NEVER” Sophie stretched out her hand to the girl on the floor, who grasped
her hand and in one motion attempted to drag Sophie down, but Sophie instead
pulled back with greater force springing Laura to her feet.
“You learn fairly quickly,” Sophie said
with a soft smile.
“Laura do your thing I need some numbers,
Iannn Abu, Tony Sylvia, Rachel Brooke, Jay Johnson, Marty Heinberg and
Stephanie Leurns.”
After getting all the numbers he called
all of them, but was still unable to reach Rachel, the rest of them agreed
to the conspicuous conditions to come to Quark’s field and to look for
the nearby warehouse.
After they all arrived Laura and Danny
took a seat next to Sophie as she breifed all of them, “I assume you all
know the identity of Daniel Simmons? If not, I am going to make you all
aware right now. He is one of apparently two slayers, but normally there
would only be one. The slayer is chosen once the last has…perished.
The slayer’s job is to destroy the undead…I’m talking vampires, people.
I don’t know how many of them that you have seen around if any but the
only reason you don’t see them is because of this young man right here.
Now ‘why are you here?’ you must be asking yourselves. Well the answer
to that question is that most of you have seen vampires, and that is a
problem. Two slayers we have learned aren’t enough to combat the increasing
number of vampires that seem to be rising in this town. You have been chosen
to be let in on the secret, but if you all wish you may try to be on the
slayer team in which we are trying to put together.
“If you wish to be on the team then you
will be ‘auditioned’ to see if you have what it takes and then be trained
to battle vampires, so who’s in?
All the guests raised their hands, as they
did so Danny smiled knowing his friends would not let him down. “Alright
then, lets get started…Who wants to be first?” Sophie asked as she walked
back and fourth among the seats in which the guests were sitting. “No volunteers?
You.” She said pointing to Tony.
Tony rose from his seat. “Are you ready?”
Sophie asked
Tony silently nodded.
Sophie stared directly into Tony’s eyes
and he stared intensely back. The tense staring went on for another five
minutes, no one moved, or seemed to even breath. Silence came on the room
and was finally broken by the sound of skin meeting skin. Sophie had tried
to slap Tony, but he quickly blocked her arm, they stayed locked up for
a moment. “Sit down, you’re in,” Sophie said.
“You’re next she said pointing to Iannn.”
Iannn rose slowly. Sophie leaned into Iannn and came close to each ear,
her eyes closed. Her body pressed up alluringly against Iannn. She mumbled
something inaudiable to the rest of them into his ear. She slowly moved
to his neck and began gently kissing him. After two kisses she bit him,
hard. Iannn began screaming wildly. Sophie quickly backed away before breaking
the skin. Iannn was left with a bruise on his neck.
“That was a lesson, a vampire could be
anyone, trust only your team and no one else. Had I been a member of the
undead family, you would be gone. I want you all to think about that, this
runs a very real risk of death, if you are uncomfortable with that then
get out now, and no honor will be lost, but if you become part of the team
and lose yourself out there on a mission and begin panicking, then you
run a greater risk of getting yourself or one of your team mates killed,
I will not stand for it, and I will kill you myself.”
“I’m out,” Said Iann being made aware of
the danger perhaps better than any one of them.
Sophie nodded, “Anyone else?” then said
after a silent pause, “good.” Now, who here feels comfortable with weapons?”
Marty raised his hand as did Jay. Sophie looked to Laura, if you please.
Laura went to get two swords with 20 inch blades. She came back and handed
one to Marty and one to Jay.
“Okay then, will you two stand up, please.”
Sophie went into her black leather boots and took out a dagger approximately
5 inches in length. “You first,” she said pointing to Jay. “I want you
to try to stab me, and don’t worry about going easy because I guarantee
you it won’t happen.”
Jay rushed her, gripping his weapon tightly
in his hand he tried to slash at Sophie’s shoulder, she came up with her
other hand, which held her small dagger and blocked the larger sword. Jay
tried to slash at sophie’s legs, but she jumped above the blade and came
down, her dagger in a stabbing position pointed at his chest. The blade
stopped a mere inch from his shirt. Jay had his eyes closed and dropped
his sword in defeat.
“You’re dead, lesson two: when using weapons,
size is not an issue so don’t make it one. You.” She said pointing her
dagger at Marty.
Marty held his sword in a fencing position
and awaited Sohpie’s attack instead of engaging her as Jay did. The two
fenced for a few moments, the fencing ended in Sophie using her small dagger
to force Marty’s sword out of his hand.
“Sit down. Lesson three: when using weapons…keep
yours, you’re weapon is as precious to you as your life, for that may be
the only thing that can save it.”
Sophie looked to the last one she had neglected,
“You’re next,” she said pointing to Stephanie.
Sophie tossed Stephanie her dagger, “Stab
me, run at me and stab me,” Sophie stuck out her chest so that Stephanie
had an open shot at her.
Danny leaned over into Laura’s ear, “I
love this one…”
Stephanie ran at Sophie with little resistance
and felt the separation of flesh as the dagger pierced through Sophie’s
chest. She stepped back horrified, dropping the dagger on the floor. Sophie
feel hard upon the floor, and did not move. Stephanie turned with a look
of fear on her face to the other ‘recruits.’ Sophie quietly, but quickly
got up, and grabbed the back of Stephanie’s head. “Lesson four…once you
kill something…kill it dead…”
When she realized that Sophie had gotten
up and grabbed her she fainted into Sophie’s arms. When she awoke again
Laura was standing over her waving smelling salt in front of her nose.
“What happened?” Stephanie asked as she slowly got up.
“You took a slight spill when I grabbed you from
behind,” said Sohpie casually.
“Well, folks if you’ve seen this much without
quitting…then you’re in. Now…lets see here…I think you should all probably
go home, and get some rest, tomorrow’s Sunday…and we will begin your training.
Over there, there are a bunch of stakes, take a few of them with you for
protection, tomorrow you will get real weapons, but that will do you for
now.” Sophie watched as they all (with the exception of Laura and Danny)
systematically got a stake and left. She then turned to the two remaining
souls in the room, “I think that went well, don’t you?”
When Rachel arrived at home she ran upstairs
to her room. She set her bags down near the entrance and collapsed on her
bed. She looked over and noticed she had a new call on her caller ID. She
looked closer and saw a number which she did not recognize, out of curiosity
she dialed the number.
The phone rang on the other side at the
warehouse. Laura answered it with her usual cheerful attitude, “Hello,
how may I help you?” Sophie and Danny gathered around the phone wondering
who called.
Rachel paused not sure exactly what she
wanted to say. “Hello? Uh…you called me before?”
Laura instantly handed Danny the phone
who was somewhat taken aback and hesitated in taking the phone from Laura.
“Hello?” he asked as he came on.
“Who is this?” demanded Rachel, thinking
she knew who it was at the other side of the line.
Realizing that it was Rachel Danny put
on his best professional salesman voice to try to get Rachel to come down
to the warehouse, “OH! HI! This is Danny, I called because I think you
should know about what is going on, my friend whom you just finished speaking
to has set up a little…base I suppose you would call it for us at this
warehouse near Quark’s field. If you are interested then you should come
down, and I believe you will be impressed with what we have here.”
Thinking for a moment Rachel decided that
she would go, “OK…I’ll be down in a few minutes,” she said and hung up
the phone.
“Well that’s gr- hello? She hung up,” he
said somewhat disapointed.
Laura went over to “the wall of blades”
as she so lovingly called it and grabbed a katana from the wall.
“What are you doing?” Asked Danny as she
went over by the door.
“Giving her the same tour I gave you,”
Laura responded cooly.
“Whoa Whoa Whoa…back the weapons convoy
up here…she’s not like me she’ll get pissed she’ll strike back I guarantee
it,” as he said this he took the blade from her hands which were reluctant
at first, but finally relinquished it.
“Okay…So how does the team look so far
Sophie?” Danny asked dejectedly as he looked out the window.
“I’ve seen better…seen worse too, the real
heart of the team seems to be you two.”
Just then Danny saw Rachel coming up the
trail to the warehouse. “Here she is!” he said excitedly.
After reaching the door Rachel, clothed
now in jeans and a white shortsleeve shirt, hesitantly knocked, the response
to the knock came almost instantly as Laura cheerfully swung the door open,
“Welcome to slayer central…”
Rachel, still unsure what she was getting
herself into peered inside cautiously.
Her curious eyes were greeted by Danny
standing in back of Laura, trying to keep the excitement from his face.
“What’s going on here?” She asked, after taking a step inside.
The door closed behind her and Sophie came
from the lab bench she had been sitting at. “As you already know Danny
here is a slayer, like you, we figure two slayers working together could
be very useful and relieve part the strain from both of you.”
Rachel nodded, now looking around and
stepping a bit further into the warehouse. She turned abruptly, “So are
you telling me, you want both of us to work as a ‘slayer duo?’ And this
would be our ‘base’ I am presuming?”
Laura nodded excitedly “Yes, do you like
it, I put most of it together myself?”
Rachel nodded slowly, turning around completely
looking over the walls and equipment. She stopped the turn when she got
to Sophie, “So who are you exactly?”
“Well I am Danny’s…er…guard basically his
tutor, I’ve tutored him for two years, ever since he first learned about
his ‘talent.’”
Rachel folded her arms in jealousy, she
had no one to help her, why is it that he did? Inside Rachel was overjoyed,
she knew that this could mean a few things, for one easier duties, and
for two she would not be completely alone in her secret and interest in
the gift she was given, but played it cool, she didn’t want to think that
she really wanted to be in this group as much as she did.
“Along with this we are trying to put together
a little more of a team, we have a few of Danny’s friends who are greatly
interested in this little opertunity,” Sophie continued.
“How many people are we talking here?”
Rachel asked, arms still folded.
Sophie thought a moment, “Six, counting
Danny and Laura over there”
“I suppose I am lucky seven, then?”
Danny’s face could not stay the same and
he smiled widely as did the other two.
Sophie looked out the window, “Twilight…anyone
up for a little fun?” asked as she turned back to the three.
Rachel turned to the wall of swords, grabbed
an excaliber and lead the way out the door. Danny went to the cabinet where
he previously put his gear, suited up in a Martyer of seconds and was out
the door after her in a flash.
The two left in the warehouse stood next
to each other shaking their heads, “Men…” Laura said as Sophie nodded.
They turned and got their blades and stakes and followed after the two.
Danny caught up to Rachel quickly "So...where
do you usually go to"
She looked at him, but did not bother to respond
Danny figured perhaps that was a bad question to start out with, "How was
it when you first found out you were a slayer?" Again she gave no response,
"A bit psersonal," he thought to himself
They walked in silence the rest of the
way to the cemetery, they ended up going to the one that Danny usually
went to, the one next to the field. Slowly, Sophie and Laura caught up
to the two. They walked by each other in silence the rest of the way to
the cemetery. When they reached it the sky had grown black and the bright
stars were clearly visible.
Although Rachel would not admit it, she
was as excited as Danny was, she felt a missing piece had been filled,
she was going to go do what she did best with the only other one who could
do it as well as she. Rachel glanced to Laura, who's face was forward,
looking around at the tombstones. They all crept further in slowly, as
not to literally wake the dead. This was Laura's first actual hunt and
she gripped her stake and sword tightly in her hand, her expression masked
the intense pounding of her heart that grew harder with each step she took.
Sophie seemed to be the only cool one out
of the bunch, her face was as expressionless as the other three, but unlike
them she had no emotions to hide.
She walked through the cemetary, creeping slowly
over every grave, eyes constantly darting from side to side.
A shadowy figure in a tree was first caught
by Laura's eyes. She poked Danny, who was directly in front of her. She
pointed her delicate finger up, Danny looked up, then back down at her
hand, she was beginning to shake. Danny grabbed her hand and with the other
hand made a motion as to tell her to be calm. He repeated the motion to
the other three and reached for the gun in his thigh holster.
Slowly he raised the gun to the shadowy
figure, he fired a shot, the creature fell to the ground and was quickly
covered by the blades of the other three, it had nowhere to go. A burn
from the holy water could be seen on its forehead, Danny had apparently
gotten a direct shot.
While the others had their blades merely
guarding themselves from the vampire Rachel ruthlessly slashed at the
head with such force that it was severed in a single slash. She lit a match
which she had gotten from her pocket and dropped it on the body which erupted
into flames.
Sophie said in a whisper, "Did the rest
of you see that? No hesitation," she looked to Danny, " should've
ended him..." Sophie continued to walk on, Rachel trailing shortly behind
her, Danny paused a moment, a bit disgruntled, then followed, with Laura
close by his side.
As they were walking Laura's hand brushed Danny's, he looked at her, smiled
gently then looked forward again. When it happened Laura silently gasped
a bit. Laura took a minute to think, of things other than vampires and
weapons for the moment. She daydreamed about the two of them...together
so close that nothing could pull them apart.
The daydream was interrupted by someone grabbing
her from behind. Danny turned, and gathered up all his strength into his
punch which sent the beast to the ground, his automatically pounced on
it, and staked it. Rachel and Sophie doubled back. Sophie looked at the
body, nodded to Danny and turned around to head on her way, Rachel still
following her every move.
"You all right?" He asked as he helped Laura
up from her fall which was a result of the commotion.
She brushed herself off, "I'm fine, thank
They kept walking, constantly creating space between them and the other
After twenty minutes of walking, and no vampire
surprises the two relaxed and began talking, a whisper which slowly grew
to ordinary audio level. The conversation got around to school which ended
up getting into relationships and finally their own personal experiences.
"So have you dated anyone in high school?"
Danny asked
Laura shook her head, "I never
saw me in your Portuguese class it was nearly impossible for me to form
"But you came up to me at lunch with no
She giggled slightly, "That's what you
think, it took me quite a while to come to talk to you, the whole year
up until that point, as a Martyer of fact."
Danny was taken aback, she seemed to comfortable
around him, “So was there anyone that you've liked in high school?"
Laura blushed red, "Yes there was one guy...but
I don't know...Well maybe you can understand...You ever find someone that
you know is for you, and that the closer you get the more the feeling of
love grows?" Danny looked at her, her hazel eyes twinkling in the light
of the full moon. She continued, "well that's how I felt for this one
a in fact I still feel like that for him...its just...hard ya know?"
Danny stopped walking and smiled, "I wish
I knew...I wish I knew what you felt, being able to be close enough to
someone to feel like that, but the only person I've even remotely had that
feeling for...refuses to coexist with me," he looked down to Rachel who
was nearly out of sight .
"But based on what you said, I think you
should let that guy know, you never ever know, he may just feel exactly
the same way you do."
Their eyes met, they looked at each other,
Danny with pity, Laura with hope, with joy, The moment was
interrupted by Danny's sigh and look to Rachel who was growing further
away from him. They continued walking trying to catch up after the other
The next day was a memorial day, and they
all had the day off from school so Sophie called a meeting of the slayer
team. They met early that Saturday morning. Everyone with the exception
of those who went on the graveyard hunt the night before were visibly tired.
Sophie paced the row of chairs slowly. She had gotten there before
everyone else and set up a dummy for the rest to practice on.
They were given a short run-through of
the events for the day, all of them were to start practicing with the dummy
then each other, Laura was to lead the training.
Danny and Rachel were to be taken to another
part of the warehouse and be trained solely by Sophie. Sophie was very
interested in Rachel, she saw in him something she did not see in Danny,
a ferocity that Danny did not possess.
"Come at me," Sophie said to Rachel once
they had gotten to the area in the back of the warehouse.
Rachel lunged at her with no hesitation
every kick and every punch was blocked by Sophie with little effort. Sophie
remained on the defensive not making an attempt to strike back, but merely
stopping Rachel's blows. Rachel realized her strategy and jumped
up on a pipe that was above the two of them. She used her weight to spin
herself around the bar once and on the second revolution tried for a kick
at Sophie's midsection. Her feet were abruptly caught and she was taken
down by Sophie. Sophie rushed for her, and landed her knee upon Rachel's
neck pinning her down.
"Don't telegraph your moves so much, I
saw the pipe thing coming from a mile away."
Rachel nodded while gasping for air. Sophie
got off of her. Rachel slowly got up and went back to where Danny was
standing, he abruptly took his fighting stance, he knew he was next.
He had sparred with Sophie many a time
before and he knew her style as well as she knew his. Danny started
off with a shot to the head, which Sophie ducked and attempted to counter
with a sweepkick. Danny jumped at the move and brought his elbow down on
Sophie's head, but she quickly rolled out of the way. Sophie quickly got
back on her feet, she ran at Danny and jumped in the air, trying to kick
him in the midsection.
Danny had countered this move many times
before and grabbed sophie's leg bringing her down. He followed up with
an elbow to the midsection which he landed on Sophie. Danny quickly got
up, doing a roll like Sophie had done a moment before, the battle had already
outlasted Rachel's. Danny got to his feet, he was abruptly kicked in the
area behind the knee. Rachel had gotten him to his knees, she grabbed
his hair and raised her hand to strike him. She brought it down,
Danny caught the fist, and breathed in a deep breath, with his free hand
he grabbed the arm that was grabbing his hair.
He got to his feet and twisted the arms
so that Rachel's back was pressed up against him. He whispered into her
ear, "nice try." She struggled and he finnaly let her go. Applause could
be heard on the other end of the warehouse The Rest of the recruits had
been watching the intense fight. After the clapping had died down only
one pair of hands remained clapping, Sophie's.
”I am impressed, good technique, creativity,
and each of you were ready for anything. I think there may be hope for
this group yet.”
The recruits turned back to the dummy and
began fighting it. Laura, however, continued to stare at the three. She
glared at Rachel, and Rachel caught her eyes. They stood for a moment
looking fiercely at each other.
Laura turned away and back to the dummy.
”Good you guys take a break, there's water and snapple in the fridge to
your left" Laura said as she made her way to Sophie.
"So how are the others doing?" Sophie asked.
"They're coming along, slowly, but I think
it will be a while before they are ready for the field," Laura responded
"Is that right?" asked Sophie, "well, tell
them they're goin out tonight."
Laura looked at Sophie with a look of question
and objection, “But I just said they aren’t even close to being ready.”
“Are you questioning my descisions? I’ve
been fighting these things for longer than you’ve been alive, hunny.”
Laura stomped furiously away. Danny followed
after her. “Hey don’t worry about what Sophie says she really does know
what she’s doing though, given you don’t know her well, but try to trust
“If anything happens out there the blame
is going to be on her, I hope she realizes that, and if something does
happen to her, I will have some stuff to say to her and believe you me
it won’t be pleasant. I’m giving you a fair warning now.”
“Okay, but don’t worry about it.”
That night they went to Rachel’s usually
prowling grounds which was a mile in the opposite direction from Quark’s
field. They were each carrying weapons which best suited them. Danny had
his usual gear on. Marty had gotten the original 20 inch sword that he
was given the day before as did Jay. Along with that Marty had two ashwood
stakes in the back waistband of his jogging shorts. He had gotten a USP
P8 gun with two different clips one with each type of ammo. Jay had gotten
a small caliber water gun, which he felt was sufficient along with five
stakes which he kept in the backpack he had brought. Tony had brought a
pump action shotgun and two daggers which were concealed in his shoes,
along with this he had a single stake which he kept at his side where a
holster would normally be. Laura had brought a crossbow with her, she had
some extra bolts in a small bag at her left side. She also had brought
two stakes and a tomb raider style gun with only holy water ammo. She enjoyed
the katana and got one very similar to Danny’s with the exception of the
hilt, Danny’s had black cloth hers had baby blue. Stephanie, wanting to
be simple brought a single dagger and stake.
Rachel brought only a single stake, and
a crossbow, that was all she felt she needed and thoight that anything
more would wear her down. Sophie went to the graveyard completely unarmed,
she knew that she would be in no danger and her skills would save her if
need be.
The mile walk was walked in complete silence
not a single word was uttered among the eight of them. Laura and Danny
walked together, they seemed to be getting closer every day, or at least
Laura felt so. Danny, on the other hand, did not realize the connection
he had with this girl and how alike and compatible they were. He was too
blinded by love, the kind of love only a fool has, a fool who wants that
which he can not have.
They entered the graveyard, Rachel leading
the way, for she knew the terrain and where the path lead. She walked the
path from the main entrence around the winding graves, slowly she stepped,
ever so slowly, the rest followed noiselessly. Stephanie breathed out hard,
she had been holding her breath since they had first stepped foot in the
grave yard, and only now realized it. Rachel’s deep blue eyes scanned
the darkness and her keen ears waited and listened for any sign of trouble,
hearing no immediate danger her pace quickened and she stepped normally,
a bit less cautious.
Laura looked around, her hand constantly on the
hilt of her katana. Danny stayed alongside her and kept a watchful eye
out for her, he knew she was one of the best trained of the bunch, but
nonetheless had a bad feeling about this adventure. They kept walking slowly,
ever so slowly. The pace and pressure was enough to make one go mad. A
fog began to creep slowly in. A shiver ran down Jay’s spine. Tony and Marty
stuck close together. Tony kept his shotgun out and Marty kept his sword
poised and ready to strike.
The group was very close together and eyes
were on all sides watching, waiting. A rumble could be heard, but by Rachel’s
ears only. She put out her hand and the group sopped. She put her head
to the ground. She stayed on the ground for a moment, three graves down
from her point the earth could be seen moving, fresh dirt being displaced
under the level ground. Rachel quietly rushed to the grave, stake in hand.
“No,” Sophie whispered, but loud enough
for all to hear. Let the recruits handle it.
Rachel reluctantly backed off. Stephanie,
Tony, Jay, and Marty surrounded the grave. Marty and Jay kept their swords
poised to strike, Tony had his shotgun pointed at the ground. Stephanie
put a death grip on the stake she was holding and nervously swayed from
side to side around the grave. Laura Sophie Rachel and Danny stood 20
feet away ready to back them up. Laura had her now unsheathed katana in
her hand, Danny had his sig sauers pointed at the group, and Rachel had
her loaded crossbow in hand.
The earth grumbled, it was loud enough
to be audible to the group standing around the grave. A drop of sweat fell
from the tip of Jay’s nose and onto the damp ground. A hand poked out of
the ground, each person shifted nervously.
“Wait,” Sophie said to them.
The moment seemed interminable but the
hand reached up, then a second appeared slowly a head and shoulders were
now visible.
“Whenever you wish…” Sophie said.
Jay’s eyes grew wide, he backed off slowly
and the rest followed his lead. The body climbed out and got to its feet,
and got its orientation. After a moment a bloodlust plagued him and he
went after the first person he saw, which was Stephanie. He jumped at her,
it seemed to her that he flew. She let out a bloodcurdling scream. She
held out the stake, but it was quickly knocked away in the confusion. She
had to rely on the others to save her life.
Jay and Marty slashed at the vampire at
the same exact time, they hit only its back, this did not deter him from
his job. The vampire began to go for Stephanie’s open neck. An arrow came
from the left, it was Rachel’s it went through the beast’s head, this
made him look left but did not destroy him. He got up, scratching Stephanie’s
face as he did. Tony did not hesitate and fired a shot at the vampire,
it missed and hit a gravestone making a ricochet sound as it hit. Rachel
braced herself, she was taken down to the ground, but used her weight to
counter and kick the vampire off as she went down with it.
It quickly regained it balance and went
for her, she ducked, the creature ended up tackling Tony who had been running
after it. He was pinned on the ground, he kneed the male vampire in the
crotch, no effect. He reached up and punched it with such force as to knock
out a tooth. Danny, holstered his weapons, went over to the vampire and
threw it off his friend. Stephanie was now on the ground squirming in pain.
The vampire landed close to where Jay and
Marty were standing. They each jumped on it, slashing at the neck with
the swords, instantly severing the head.
“Burn it,” called Rachel as she threw
a lighter at them. Marty who caught it, and lit it, then bent down and
set the body aflame.
Danny ran to Stephanie who was still on
the ground. He took a look at her scratches, they were all superficial,
but still very painful. She had four marks on her face, it looked like
she was clawed by a large cat. He helped her to a sitting position and
she kept sobbing on the ground. The tree that they were under shook slightly,
he knew what lurked up there, but didn’t say anything not wanting to alarm
Stephanie any more. He quickly and quietly helped her to her feet and to
where Sophie Laura and Rachel were standing, her loud sobbing could be
heard by all in the group.
Laura sympathized and hugged Stephanie
warmly, trying to comfort her. As Danny brought her over he made an eye
motion to Laura trying to alert her of the danger in the tree. Laura, with
her arm still around Stephanie turned and walked, set on a course for the
exit of the graveyard and Stephanie’s home, she gave one last glare to
Sophie before leaving.
Rachel looked and Danny, he made the same
motion to her as he did to Laura, she nodded knowingly, and began to reload
her crossbow. Throughout the whole thing Sophie stood with her arms crossed,
not making a single motion, it seemed she wasn’t even breathing. Tony had
wandered under the tree, soon after the danger lurking above jumped down
on Tony and began ripping and clawing at his back, Tony was quickly knocked
unconscious. Marty ran over, sword in hand and sliced at the face of the
vampire, leaving only a cut that healed almost instantly. The vampire leaped
from the back of Tony to Marty. Jay ran and went to tackle the vampire
down, but slipped on a wet patch of grass. He got up and ran at the vampire,
sword in the air, the vampire reached out and knocked him out with one
Rachel and Danny both shook their heads.
Danny unsheathed his katana and ran after the vampire he ran it through
from the side. He forced the vampire off Marty and held it in place. Marty
abruptly got up and stabbed the creature repeatedly in the heart with a
stake, even after it had been killed. The body went limp after the first
stab and Danny removed his sword from the now twice dead body, Marty followed
it to the ground and continued to stab in a fit of rage, which was so strong
that Danny had to actually pull him off the body to stop.
Seeing that the whole crew had been more
or less beaten senseless Danny said, “I think its time we-“ He was interrupted
by a scream that was in the area of the graveyard where Laura and Stephanie
had headed.
Danny, Rachel, and Marty ran for the scream
with no hesitation, they all jumped over various gravestones, as he tried
to jump over one Marty got his leg caught and fell behind. Danny and Rachel
left him knowing that a more immediate danger was at hand.
Upon reaching the source of the screaming they
found Laura fighting off four vampires with her katana and two bodies lying
face down in the dirt, Stephanie however was nowhere to be found.
Danny and Rachel each pulled out their
stakes and began fighting the vampires that were closing in on Laura. Rachel
punched one and got its attention, it tried to slash at her midsection,
but she abruptly dodged and punched it again in the face. She gave the
vampire a back hand punch and staked it when it was taking the hit.
Danny had slashed at his vampire's legs, and
kicked it, the legs were now completely separated from the body as he was
able to kick it before the vampire was able to heal. He spun around, his
katana outward and cut off the head of the vamp. "Ya mind?" he asked Rachel.
She got out her lighter and ignited the body
Laura jumped up and did a split kick to
her two vampires, on the way down she got out her two stakes. She landed
still in the split position and stabbed both vampires while being on the
ground they both fell and hit the ground at the same time.
Laura got up completely out of breath,
" of them took Stephanie and the others jumped me. I'm so
sorry," she panted.
"Shit happens," Rachel said as she averted
her gaze to see three more vampires coming toward them
"Not again," Danny sighed as he got in
his fighting stance.
Marty jumped out from behind a gravestone,
he took one quick, but powerful slash with his sword and the heads of the
three vamps all fell to the ground, the bodies fell on top of each other.
He spat at the the creatures’ lifeless bodies.
Danny turned to Rachel, "Yeah I
got it," she said as she bent down and set the bodies aflame.
Emotion and regret overcame her and Laura
collapsed in tears, she knew she had failed at her only job.
Danny shifted his gaze from the burning
mass to Laura. He made his way to her, and kneeled next to her, “hey, you
tried your best, we’ll get her back.”
Laura kept sobbing uncontrollably, Rachel
looking to her rolled her eyes and said, “c’mon lets get out of here we
gotta figure some things out.” Just then Sophie, bringing the unconscious
Tony and Jay came walking up to them, with one boy on each shoulder, carrying
them as if they were newly killed deer.
“What happened here?” Sophie asked as she
looked at Danny and Laura who were still on the ground.
Danny got up and faced Sophie, “She was
attacked and they took Stephanie we don’t know where she is…”
“Or even if she’s alive,” Rachel interjected.
The comment caused Laura’s cries to grow
louder. Danny helped Laura up and they all headed back to “slayer central.”
On the way Rachel thought about the events of the evening and noticed
that there was a considerable amount of vampiric activity for any day.
They had encountered a total of nine vampires, and usually she herself
was lucky to see even one.
Danny was in deep thought the whole way
home and was fearful for the physical condition of Stephanie, along with
these thoughts he wondered how he was supposed to rescue stephanie. Another
throught that rang in his head was the condition of the team in general,
he personally thought at least one member would quit, he thought Jay would
be the most likely to do so.
The next morning Rachel’s alarm went off
as usual, she put on her jogging outfit, as if she hadn’t a care in the
world. After grabbing the stakes and heading downstairs she flung the door
open and looked outside into the cool morning mist. She breathed in deep
and began to stretch. She loved the coolness, and the jog in general it
made all her cares disappear she could jog for hours she thought to herself
as Danny came out from inside his house. He looked at her momentarily then
headed in his usual direction. She set off after him and after a few moments
managed to catch up.
“Hi,” she said politely.
Danny, taken aback by the greeting stammered
out a response, “uh…hi.”
“How far do you usually go?”
“About two miles or so then head home,
four in all,” came his reply as he dodged a tree that came between them.
She looked at him, his straight black hair
waving in the wind with every step he took. He was taller than she, but
just by a few inches, he himself, however was short standing at a mere
He looked back at her, noticing she was
staring she looked down and tried to continue the conversation, “So how
long have you known Laura…?” she asked casually.
“Not long, only about a week, but she was
in my Portuguese class, but we didn’t talk then.”
“Oh, you two seem like you’ve known each
other all you’re lives.”
“Yeah she’s a great person, she’s into
the same stuff I am,” he replied, nearly forgetting who he was taking to,
he was beginning to feel more comfortable.
Rachel looked at him once again, then
turned her gaze back to the ground wondering if he had feelings for this
girl now, she knew not why she cared, and what confused her even more was
why she had been talking to him, why she cared what he thought and why
he thought it. Thinking more about the matter she decided that for some
reason unknown to her she didn’t want him to want anyone but her…
He turned his crystal blue eyes to the
side and looked at her, he could tell by her glazed over eyes that she
was deep in thought, but what was she thinking about he wondered. Was she
thinking about him? It couldn’t be, she detested him and he knew so.
She turned her eyes to meet his and they
jogged together, without either of them knowing it they began to jog in
step. Danny averted his eyes only to see a tree rushing up to him, he slammed
into it so hard that he feel upon the cold cement.
Rachel bent down and stretched out a hand
to help him up, he grabbed her hand and got up very much embarrassed. Rachel
pulled and he sprang to his feet, when he regained his balance his face
was an inch away from hers. Their eyes again met, they stared a long deep
stare into each other. Danny swallowed hard his heartbeat quickening with
each passing second.
Rachel looked at him, looked at his straight
black hair those crystal eyes that matched hers, continuing her previous
thought thinking, “Because…I want him.”
They stayed in the position a moment longer
both unsure of what to do, he knew not to take the initiative for what
if he was wrong he could completely ruin any friendship relationship that
may have been developing. He turned away and began to jog, she followed
in silence. The awkward moment would be burned into both their memories.
After arriving home Danny finished his morning
routine and ate breakfast then headed off for school. That morning Sophie
picked him up in front of his house. He sat in the front seat next to her
and buckled his belt. He looked at Sophie as she put the car in drive and
drove a few feet to Rachel’s house. Danny looked questioningly at the
house and at sophie. Rachel emerged from the house and sat in the back
“Hey guys,” She said pleasantly.
“Hey,” Both Danny and Sophie responded.
“She must really be a morning person,”
Danny thought to himself.
Rachel looked from Danny to the road wondering
what had suddenly attracted her to him. She decided finally that it was
the way they could relate. On the surface they were different people with
different pasts and different histories, but underneath it all they lived
the same life they had to live with the same responsibility and secret.
If they were to be together no secrets needed to be kept it would be so…simple.
-Copyright Daniel Fyre 2003