"Although the human judicial system may be fooled divine justive can never be escaped" -"Tarot" Jonalthan Dee *Brought to my attention by: Librajustice" (2/4/02 -2/18/02 ) |
Past quotes of the week |
"Is it the aliens, or is it the government, or is is the aliens working for the government?" -Adam: The lone gunmen (04/01/01-04/14/01) |
"Look, follow the road, you wanted it." -Alan: Scariest Places on Earth (04-14-01 - 4/23/01) |
"Bring it on! Bring it on! I don't see no ghost! I got my EKG B*tch! Nothin'!" -Contestent on MTV's Fear (NOTE: He is acutally using an EMF Tricorder) (4/23/01 - 5/11/01) |
Most often it is not what we see, but what we can not, the unknown. -Linda Blair (5/11/01 - 5/28/01) |
"Well Mulder, they found your bleepin' UFO..." The X-Files: Gillian Anderson (Dana Katherine Scully) (5/28/01 - 6/12/01 ) |
"I don't know about you, Scully, but I fell the great need to blast the crap out of somethin'" The X-Files: Fox William Mulder (David Duchovney) (6/12/01 - 7/2/01) |
"Your aliens, Agnet Mulder, your little green men arrived here millions of years ago." The X-Files: Well-Manicured Man (7/2/01 - 9/21/01) |
"No mystery is closed to an open mind." -Tim White (SIGHTINGS) (9/21/01 - 11/27/01 ) |
"There is nothing to fear but fear itself. -Former President Franklin Delleno Rosavelt (11/27/01 - 1/25/02) |
"Fear causes hesitation, and hesitation will cause your worst fear to come true" -Patrick Swaysee *Brought to my attention by: SuaveN2lect@aol.com (1/25/02 - 2/4/02) |
"Welcome to the darkness, we've been waiting for you." -Nevermore *Brought to my attiontion by: Ghsthuntrss7 (2/18/02 - 3/3/02) |
"In order for truth to be known...information must not be hidden from all that seek knowlege." -Unknown *Brought to my attention by: Wendell52* (3/3/02 - ) |