Para Index - J
Loch Ness Monster - a creature that lives in Loch Ness in Scotland. Sightings have been reported for many years, it has been reported of having a long neck. And some experts say that it may be a prehistoic animal called an elasmosaurus.
Jersey Devil - a long time ago, in New Jersey, a woman found out she was pregnent with her thirteenth child, she cursed the baby's life. After the baby was born it was repored to have morphed into a horrable beast with wings and flying out of the house and out of site. Sightings have been reported in New Jersey ever since
Leprichons - Small people that are said to be the bearers of luck in Ireland, they are said to be very fast and if they are caught they MUST give you three wishes.
The Jersey Devil Main Listing
Lochness Lives!