BattleTech: Welcome to the 31st Century

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Welcome to the 31st century. You have arrived in a time of war. A time where peace has been long forgotten. Giant BattleMechs are now used to wage wars. Wars which often have no meaning.

What is BattleTech?

BattleTech is a turn-based board game set in the 31st century. It is played using counters or miniatures as playing pieces, record sheets to record damage, two or more map sheets, and a pair of six sided-dice. (Refered to as 2D6, or 2 Dice Six) Depending on the number of units, a game can last from two hours to many days. It was created in the early 1980's by the FASA Corparation, and has grown into a huge and expansive universe. The BattleTech line has created many computer and video games, approx. 50 novels, countless sourcebooks and techbooks, and even an animated television series.

I am ammassing what will hopefully be one of the larger image archives on the internet. I hope to have most of the tech readout pictures and just about anything else that catches my eye, and pertains the BattleTech universe.

What's New

7.4.2000 -- I know that the Page hasn't been updated since God knows when. I hope to be rectifying that situation soon. I hopefully get around to posting the shitload of pics that I have yet to post. I am also think or a remodel, this site is rather bland...Just might have to break out good old photoshop and Dreamweaver and do something about that. Check back.

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BattleTech is a Registered Trademark of FASA Corporation. Original BattleTech material Copyright by FASA Corporation. Any references to or material concerning MW2, MW2 Mercenaries are copyright of Activision, Fasa. Any references to MW3 are copyright of © 1999 Hasbro Interactive, Inc. All Rights Reserved. MicroProse is a division of Hasbro Interactive. BattleTech Material © 1999 FASA Corporation. MechWarrior, BattleTech, BattleMech, and 'Mech are trademarks or registered trademarks of FASA Corporation and Microsoft Corporations. All Rights Reserved. Used without permission. Any use of FASA Corporation's, Activison's, Hasbro Interactive, Microsoft or Zipper Interactive copyrighted material or trademarks on this site should not be viewed as a challenge to those copyrights or trademarks.