Hello, and welcome to my evil clown websight. I REALLY hate clowns. I woek at McDonalds, so I have to somehow avoid all the pictures of Ronald, which is hard to do. I now avoid the place where we put all the old pictures so I don't have to freak out at work.
Anyway, this page is dedicated to the monstrous entities known as clowns. I think clowns were first concieved back in the dark ages as a way for demented men to hide their otherwise ominous visage from others by covering it up with a fake smile and lots of face paint.
Things I hope to soon have on this page include links to other evil clown websights, several pictures, how clowns are slowly infiltrating the media, and stories of the dasterardly deeds commited by clowns. I will also put up the story of how I aquired my phobia. It is a classic case of "Don't do Drugs". If you have any other ideas for improvement on this page, please E-mail me or sign my guestbook and tell what could be better. For now, all I have are some pics of some frightening looking clowns. Don't believe me, just click on one to find out.
Arrant Here is what I see as the standard circus clown.
Here is a clown that was having too much fun with matches. Is that a church burning in the background?
Doink is a wrestler from WWF a few years ago. He had a little midget clown named Dink who would help him out, but I have been unable to find any pictures of him.
ICP The Insane Clown Posse, one of the few rap artists who I really enjoy. Anyway, they sing about the joys of being evil clowns, terrorizing children, etc. I need a better picture of these guys, so if you know where I can find one, let me know
It by Stephen King. If you know where to find a better picture than this one, please let me know.
A Jack-in-the-Box These are toys that are intentionally made to scare little children. Just spin the knob and a clown jumps out of the box to get you. Is that a demented idea or what. Check out this perticlarly scary one to see what I mean.
The Joker Perhaps the first really famous clown. Is it a coincidence that he is also Batman's arch-enemy? I doubt it. I think those comic writers knew what was going on.
The Joker Here is another of the Joker.
A toy that represents the Joker. And you thought only angels wore solid white.
This is what happens when you let clowns play freely with children. Take a close look at the little girl on the left side of the picture, she seems to be missing something.
Here is an interesting picture of what looks like a clay figure.
The Violator from a comic book called Spawn. There is also an HBO series modeled after the comic. It just so happens that a clown is the devil's right hand man. Here is a picture of him.
This clown has very sharp teeth. What do you think they're used for?
A clown car, but not quite the usual type.
A clown in a house of mirrors, how appropraite. This picture was sent to me by Michael O'Keefe. Thanks for the pic.

Due to a lack of quality clown pages on the net, I only have on link. This guys page rocks. It is where I got most of the pictures for this page.
It is definately the best clown page (and I think one of the best pages of any genre) on the net.