- Sunday, June 23, 2002 - 11:40 | Ok, Working on page layout and content tonight. Hope to get more stuff up and working by the 4th. Get back to ya soon!
- Tuesday, June 11, 2002 - 11:28 | Today I had senior pictures and then a drumline meeting with the few people that showed up. Right after the meeting I talked to Mr. Mcadow about me running the MHS Drumline website, so I'll be adding that section to my page in the near future. I'm gonna start putting up pages withing the next day or so! Check back whenever you feel like it.
- Monday, June 10, 2002 - 4:28 | Well, I'm back with another website design after many moons away. I figure with all my time over the summer, I'll have plently of time to keep the site updated and running smoothly for a good while. I hope that nobody out there actually used this site for anything in the past as I've completely dropped the Greyhawk Information pages that I use to have on here. Unfortunaltly for all those lucky people that did, I haven't played a D&D game in my campain setting to completion YET. Thjs of course bothers the hell outta me, but what'cha gonna do, right? I have kept up my gaming in other styles though, so expect loads of info on my activities involving skinning for Jedi Knight 2: Jedi Outcast and after that, possibly Unreal Tournament, and eventually UT2. More to be posted tonight when the rest of the site comes online and I begin my preleminary structuring. I'll keep everyone (thats right, all two of you) in the know with this news section. Peace!