Welcome to solesurvivor27's eBay auctions!

Up for auction today we have a very rare MOTU MOC Horde Trooper figure!! :)

I will post anywhere in the world, though postage rates vary. Email me for more details.
I accept payment by cheque (£ sterling only), international money order, PAYPAL, US
cash, UK cash and any other form of well-concealed cash! :)

This beautiful MOTU figure and star of many a She-Ra episode comes mint on mint card - the
condition of the card is immaculate, which is rarely seen, especially for something of it's age.
The card is English - no foreign writing at all - snap this up!! :)

There is no reserve on this item and a low starting bid - don't miss this golden oppurtunity! :)

Good luck bidding! :) -solesurvivor27