SF Crows Nest Falcon Science Fiction & Fantasy Society Shop at Amazon.com!

FALCON can be reached at: 902-422-9614

2533 Brunswick St.
Halifax, NS
B3K 2Z5
Email: lesmills2@hotmail.com

You are the Counter visitor since Jan 2001.

Upcoming Events: To find locations of Falcon Events refer to our maps.

To submit an event call Les at 902-422-9614 or email: lesmills2@hotmail.com

Dalhousie Magic Tournaments are open to all every Saturday. Bring your best deck and you can be a champion.

Fantasy Field Trip Society - Newsletter Info on past and upcoming events.

NSAMO Meetings and planned anime schedule.

SCA East Kingdom Events in the Barony of Ruantallan (NS & PEI)

SCA Major Events with calanders for all the Kingdoms.

Avalon East Pagan Gathering, August 2002 near Annapolis Royal at the Western tip of Nova Scotia.

Torcon III: Worldcon in Toronto, August 28 - September 1, 2003 at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre, Royal York Hotel, Crowne Plaza Hotel, and Renaissance Toronto Hotel at Sky Dome.

Dalhousie Project Group
Dalhousie Project Group - This organization's purpose is to promote 'structured fun'. We hope to accomplish this by promoting role playing games, anime, and other items in the science fiction/fantasy genre. We will be working with other societies (both on campus and off campus) in joint ventures to accomplish these goals, as well as events on our own.

Gothic Society of Nova Scotia
We are dedicated to promoting an interest in Gothic and Horror Fiction, Film, Fashion, Music, Art and getting a "Goth Scene" happening here in Halifax! For information E-mail:gothic@accesswave.ca

Fantasy Field Trip Society
Fantasy Field Trip Society: what is it? Some might call it a game or an adventure of sorts, others would describe it as a recreation group. Actually, the FFTS is a combination of both of these things -and much, much more.

Seaside Book & Stamp
Seaside Book & Stamp
is a real and virtual shop located in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada
which carries Science Fiction & Fantasy books.

Strange Adventures
The best selection of comics and graphic novels! Manga, anime, games, t-shirts, toys, and more!

Adoption Certificate Falcon's Dragon
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CONtract is a bi-monthly newsletter primarily aimed at Convention Committees (ConComs) and exhibitors (dealers/artists) of Canadian SF/Media & Gaming conventions. CONtract is mailed free to all known Canadian ConComs, providing they are still putting on cons. It is also available by subscription (6/$10.00) or to all other interested parties for the usual. Permission is given to reproduce any part of CONtract for further non-commercial distribution, providing credit is given. We appreciate all mail as the information we provide is only as accurate as that received. All con reports, progress reports, and LOC's should be sent to 516 Portage Ave, Winnipeg, MB, Canada, R3C 0G2. FAX (204)772-5458 E-mail: pgh@Pangea.ca

Whenis - Internet directory of upcoming events.

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Falcon Science Fiction & Fantasy Society
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