This is me in grade 11, I was 16 years old!

Hey again I am Danielle, and welcome to my Page!!!!!

Name: Danielle Holly Marie Foley
Birthday: December 23rd, 1982
Height: approx... 5"8 1/2
Hometown: St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada
School: Beaconsfield High School
Hobbies: Sports (basketball, golf, volleyball, and softball)
Favorite Food: Any kind of PASTA!!
Favorite sayings: "ok then....." , "well"
Pet Peeve: I have a few....1) when I try to give someone a high five and they see me and turn away, or they don't see you, makes me feel like an idiot! 2) When people make fun of how clumsy you are :(
Most Embarrassing moment: In Earth Systems Class, I was walking back from getting my test back and wasn't looking where I was going, and ran into a sharp part of a desk, and fell on my legs in pain, got up and discovered there was a hole in my jeans.
Message to All: Live Life to the fullest, and don't let people bother you along your path of life, friends will come and some will pass, cheerish the moments you have with your friends before you look back on it!

This is me when I was younger, I am not sure what age, but appoxmately 5ish I am guessing. Wasn't I cute?

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