Welcome to my Guestbook, if you dont know me, I am Danielle! Please fill out all the info that applys to you! :) thanks! :)

12/11/00 23:33:19
Name: Ifer My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Full Name: Jennifer Snow Are you Proud to be Canadian?: YES!!! What Grade are you in?: 12
Favorite Band?: Don't really have one Do you know me?: YES! What starts with R thats intresting?: Rubber...I don't know :)

Hay GIRL!! Waz up?!? I'm so HYPER!! I know I'm a Dork! YOur page is COOL! YOu and Andrew are so cute! I hope I end up with my cutie ;) you know who! Well gotta go loves ya!

12/08/00 20:32:27
Name: Randy Cox My URL: Visit Me Full Name: Mike Bullard
Are you Proud to be Canadian?: I like the fact that they gave me a talk show that sucks just because i am canadian. What Grade are you in?: I plead the fith to this too. Favorite Band?: Pink Floyd
Do you know me?: Yeah you are a character What starts with R thats intresting?: Redrum

After a long hard day of work, you return to your miserable suburban home. The kids are bouncing off of the walls. Your wife has something to tell you. "The kids want to go to Disneyland. I told them we could go. Can we?" You give in to shut the nagging w man up. The kids, elated, end up infuriating you more by cheering. Reluctantly, you pick up the brochure to see what you have gotten yourself into. "The Happiest Place on Earth" it says. Upon reading the brochure you realize exactly what you just committe to. Three weeks pay pissed away so that the Mouse can fuck you and the rest of working-class America up the ass. Depressed you decide to go out for a drive. Once inside the safe confines of your car, you turn on the radio and what do you hear? A radio co mercial for the newest Disney movie: Hercules. It's the "Magical World of Disney" crawling inside your skull, repeating over and over "You and your money belong to us." Desperately, you change the station, only to hear more of the same. You pull into the ocal McDonalds® to drown your sorrows in grease and animal fat. Standing in line, you realize you are surrounded by cardboard cutouts from the movie Hercules. Hercules Happy Meals, CDs with your favorite Disney songs, you can't escape it. You can hear the voice in your head again, except for this time it's louder and is masturbating on your brain. You order. A Value Meal to save money. "Would you like to buy your commemorative Disney plate with that?" You take the tray and sit down. Hercules cup. Hercules ray liner. Hercules has now climbed into your head. Frantic you run out of the establishment, Hercules fries in hand. You walk past the mall and decide to go in. What do you see? The great big, ultra-new Disney Store staring you right in the face. Pizza f ced high schoolers wearing ridiculous pastel uniforms, pretend to happily entertain the customers, all the while plotting just when to go postal. Buy buy buy. Buy, it will make the wife and kids happy. Buy buy buy. Pluto, Goofy, Donald and the fucking Lio King all join in the mantra inside your brain. "Buy buy. Give us your money!" "Under the sea, under the sea. Hakuna Matada. Give us all your fucking money. Eisner commands it." You run home, fearing the evil lurking inside your car. Through the window of your house, your family sits in front of the TV and what's on? The Disney Channel. The Disney Channel? When did we get the Disney Channel? You ask yourself. As if the cable company didn't have enough of your money already. The entire Magic Kingdom is SCRE MING inside of your head now. You storm through your living room, not even bothering to notice your family in their cute Disney pajamas with their cute Disney stuffed animal. "But Daddy, Quasimodo wants a goodnight kiss." You march upstairs, hoping to fin solace in your room. You lock the door, perhaps for a quiet evening of masturbating to your hidden porno stash. You undo your pants and open your underwear drawer. Where are the tapes? Missing. A lone tape sits in the drawer along with a note written eve -so-neatly in a familiar looking longhand. "Honey, why do you need these videos anyway? Here watch this one instead. It's much better." Taking off the note reveals the video cassette to be 101 Dalmations. All 101 jump through your ear and into that melon f yours. Completely disarrayed you decide to resort to alcohol and a night of watching TV alone. "Call 1-800-WDISNEY...". Click. "After 2, it's the Flyers 4, the Mighty Ducks 0." Click. "Hercules. Playing at a theatre near you now." Click. "Now on video " ocohantas". Click. "ABC is a Division of the Walt Disney Corporation." Click. "Michael Eisner is the world's most powerful..." Click. "Mickey, Donald, Pluto, c'mon let's..." Click. "...traded from the Anaheim Angels.." Click. Disney Stores. Disney Channel . Disney Sports Teams. Disney Plates. Disney CDs. Disney Videos. You cannot escape it. Suddenly you realize that you have a splitting headache. What is all that pounding between your ears? * * * * * * * * * * It's damned near impossible to go anywhere, be it by foot, by train, by car, by television or by the internet, without falling prey to the ravenous Disney giant, its teeth bared, salivating as it sizes you up and eyes your wallet. Its blood stained, clawe paw reaches into your pants to pluck it from you and the green paper contents contained therein. Everywhere you go, there is nothing but Disney. Disney. Disney. Dismal. It's a goddamn Disney onslaught. Mickey and his evil army of happy-go-lucky hellions re invading and they aren't going to leave us in peace until we fork over every last shiny red penny. And God be merciful on those who attempt to side step the barrage and high tail it for Canada. Their assets are immeasurable and the Mouse's reign of terror transcends far beyond the well fortified embattlements of Disneyland. The four fingered white glov of doom reaches out, clenched, ready to pound down on the million of people beneath it, like a judge's gavel. No one is safe. Nowhere is safe. The legions of costumed characters, animated ghouls and talking animals are leading the assault. Puppets of the apocalyptic vision of the Anti-Walt, Michael Eisner. Their goal is simple: to lull you into a false happiness, a false sense of security with t eir happy movies, politically correct themes, lovable characters and their big stuffed mouse so that they can take your hard earned cash. The gambit has paid off. Not only America, but the world as a whole, is blinded to the evil scheme. How could the Mou e be evil, they say. What they fail to realize is that the Walt Disney Company has its sun bleached fingers grasped around the balls of America, Japan, and the rest of the "free" world. And it is beginning to squeeze. I love the farce the Disney Company p ts on for the American public with the light parades and the facade of caring about your children by providing quality entertainment. When in actuality it is a clever ruse. The Disney Company has its hands in more shit than a proctologist the day after th grand opening of a Taco Bell. Michael Eisner's company not only produces your quality entertainment, but also a lucrative pornography institution, and violent movies. Oh no!! Yeah, they even own that fat fuck Roger Ebert along with America's favorite dyk , Ellen and ex-crack dealer turned funny man, Tim "The Tool Man" Allen. Disney is everywhere. Disney is everything. Disney encompasses us all, from the young, innocent children who are content with their Hercules movies and Lion King stuffed animals, to t e adult who is content knowing their children are happy, to the fag that applauds Disney's stance on same-sex marriages, to the guy who just wants something to jerk off to. Oh if Walt could see his empire now, he'd roll over in his grave. He has rolled ov r in his grave, only it's Michael Eisner, the Anti-Walt, who rolled him over so that he could fuck his rotting corpse up the ass. It's time to wake up America. Those movies aren't all that happy. Pocahontas was a tragedy. The Hunchback is an extremely morbid, grotesque story, not a happy, fun family film. Their attempts at political correctness leaves a bad taste in my mouth. The ne t inanimate object I see with an ethnic voice is getting turned into firewood. And Ellen, you box eating whore, the next time one of your pink triangle wearing Disney-philes has a parade, you are personally going to receive the ass kicking. And that big s uffed mouse? Well, by night the guy in the costume is passed out in some God forsaken bar on Sunset Strip. Jungle to Fucking Jungle? What the fuck? Tim Allen sells crack to kids. And Snow White is stripping for quarters at the peep show. Stop shelling out the dollars so that assholes like the Anti-Walt can get richer. Support Warner Brothers or Paramount. They have better themeparks and they aren't quite as pugnacious as Disney. The forces of evil are marching down your street and into your house. Are you oing to let the Mouse take your wallet without a fight? Or are you going to break your bottle over his head and shove your boot in his mouth? Because if you don't fight it, sooner or later they are going to win and you are going to be a prisoner in your o n land to the heinous Walt Disney Company with nothing to show for it but some shrapnel in your back and an empty wallet. And by the way, that pounding in your ears, it's the Magical World of Disney having a prison cell gangbang on your sweet, tender, virginal brain.

11/01/00 21:26:37
Name: *SaWder* My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Full Name: ~Sarah~Power~ Are you Proud to be Canadian?: Yes bye! What Grade are you in?: ummm 9
Favorite Band?: NoFx,Goo Goo Dolls,Snoop,DMX... Do you know me?: Yes of Corse! What starts with R thats intresting?: I dont have a clue??

Hey Danielle,, cant wait to kick some ass this year at golf... she's gonna be pretty wicked year! well anyways gotta go your page is the best page I have ever saw!! keep up the good work! talk to you later! loves ya! xoxox say hi you everyone for me! hey tell Claire I loves her to! BYE!!!! *Sarah*

11/01/00 03:12:42
Name: Sheba My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Full Name: Carol Are you Proud to be Canadian?: yeP What Grade are you in?: Im graduated
Favorite Band?: Our lady Peace Do you know me?: Nope What starts with R thats intresting?: retard!

Hello, nice page :>

10/09/00 19:40:25
Name: Whore??? My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Full Name: Jill Nash Are you Proud to be Canadian?: Of Course What Grade are you in?: 11
Favorite Band?: Tragically Hip Do you know me?: Your one of my bestest friends *hehe* What starts with R thats intresting?: Rum...Rear End *haha*

Hay Baby, Your page is aweosme, but you need a picture of ME *haha*..I'm kidding!..No, I love it, awesome! Talk to you Later Chickie Jillie :)

09/12/00 21:20:12
Name: erin My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Full Name: erin ashley dillon Are you Proud to be Canadian?: Hell yes baby What Grade are you in?: 11
Favorite Band?: Ummm Philosopher Kings Yummy Do you know me?: I love you!! What starts with R thats intresting?: RED PANTS!! :)

man Daneo, you rule! And I miss you and I want you to come to booth so I can see you! We need to have a big party! Oh yes we do! Haha! Well I must be going, but you have a AWESOME page!! :o) Loves ya!! byebyebye

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