L&L first meet

(Lucky comes outside Kelly's and see's a girl about his age smoking)

Lucky: Better be careful. You could stunt your growth.

Liz: Is there a reason you care?

Lucky: Uh uh.

Liz: That's too bad. What's your name?

Lucky: Lucky.

Liz: We'll see.

Lucky: You think you're pretty funny, don't you?

Liz: Oh, I'm much more than funny. Oh, I didn't hurt your feelings, did I?

Oh, I'm much more than funny. Oh, I didn't hurt your feelings, did I?

Lucky: I think I can take it.

Liz: Yeah, but can you dish it out?

Lucky: I think those cigaretes are doing something to your head.

Liz: God, not the cigarettes again. What are you, one of those secondary smoking freaks?

Lucky: You know what, you're right. I mean, if you want to fry your lungs, I just, I hope you have a good time.

Liz: Well you certainly know what to say to a girl.

Lucky: Only ones with ashtray breathe.

Liz: Like you could really smell it from all the way over there...God, you know, I'm really thirsty. Do you know a place where we can go get a beer?

Lucky: Yeah.

Liz: Okay.

Lucky: You have got to be kidding me?

Liz: Wait, don't tell me you have something against beer too?

Lucky: No, I don't care, it's just that I can't imagine someone like you being arrested.

Liz:Okay, well then, how 'bout just a soda? I mean, any place but this dump.

Lucky: What's wrong with Kelly's?

Liz: How about the crone behind the counter?

Lucky: Ruby?

Lucky: Like I need to know her name.

Lucky: What, uh, what did she ever do to you?

Liz: She didn't serve me.

Lucky: The nerve. Who cares if she could lose her liquor liscense if she serves someone underage.

Liz: Well I don't see any cops around here. Anyway who cares about her? She's just a pathetic old hag who has nothing to do but push people around

Lucky: You think so.

Liz: Oh, I know so. Why are we talking about that buzzard anyway?

Lucky: She's my aunt.

Liz: I am really sorry. I didn't know the old, I mean, that woman was related to you.

Lucky: No, you didn't. Just don't do it again.

Liz: Ok from now on she's my favorite person.

Lucky: You don't have to overdo it.

Liz: Really though, I was totally out of line.

Lucky: Look, it's no big deal. So you owe me one.

Liz: Well, then, any ideas on how I can pay you back?

Lucky: New computer?

Liz: How about some new jewelry? Anybody ever tell you beads aren't making it anymore?

Lucky: My little sister Lulu made that for me.

Liz: So is there anyone else in your family I haven't totally bashed?

Lucky: A few, but I have confidence in you.

Liz: So how old's your little sister?

Lucky: She turned 3 last week.

Liz: Oh.

Lucky: She's over in Europe. Quite a ways away. You have any brothers or sisters?

Lucky: I have one of those too.

Liz: I bet he's a brother.

Lucky: Now, how would you know that?

Liz: Cause if it was a sister, she'd have to be crazy about you.

Liz: Are you always this funny?

Lucky: It wasn't meant to be funny.

Liz: Well if you ever go on stage I'll be in the front row every night.

Lucky: I'll put you on my mailing list.

Liz: Well I have to go.

Lucky: Okay, you live around here?

Liz: You can't come over if that is what your thinking.

Lucky: I was wondering how you got here.

Liz: I drove.

Lucky: Oh you have a car?

Liz: Yeah, doesn't everybody?

Lucky: So you have a license?

Liz: Well, I don't know about you, but I find little details like that really boring.

Lucky: What, did you steal the family wheels?

Liz: Ooh, sorry. That's my secret. You don't actually hang around here, do you?

Lucky: Quite a bit.

Liz: Really. Well, work on that for next time, will you? Bye.

Lucky: Wait a minute, what's your name?

Liz: My name? Uma thurman.

Lucky: Uma, well, it was nice to meet you.

Liz: Same here, I guess this was my 'lucky' night.