Quotes by the teens
Emily to Peirce Dorman: " I hate you! You are a sick bastard who dosen't care about ANYONE but yourself! You sold drugs to Matt and made him an addict! I was going through a rough time so I did them to make me feel better. And then I became addicted and they ruined my life. So do you feel good about yourself now huh? you think your real special because you ruin kid's lives?!! Well let me tell you something Peice Dorman, your not special, and everyone hates you!"
(Liz meets Lucky for the first time) "What's your name?" " Lucky." " We'll see."
Nickolas to Liz: " I loved Lucky..... but I never told him." "He knows Nickolas, he knows."
Lizzy to Lucky: " Your like an angel that came down to earth to protect me. I trust you with my life!!"
Emily to Nickolas: " Have you ever been madly in love and the person does not know about it??" "Yes. Why?" "Just asking"
Emily and Jason: " Give me the drugs Jason!!!!!!!!!" "No Emily!!!" (Emily runs at Jason and he grabs her arms) " Give them to me!!!!!" " NO!!!!!!!"
Lucky to Lizzy: " What are you the sex police?"
(After they met Murty in the park) " I am such a coward." " No, I am glad you ran. If anything were to happen to u......" (Lucky's eyes water at thought) (They hug)
(Lucky's confession) " I've wanted to kiss u over a hundred times." "You have?" " Yeah, for months."
Taggert to Emily: " Emily I have just one question for u...... did u kill Peirce Dorman?" (Emily is so high on drugs she dosen't ansewer) (Jason) " Leave her alone." " Or what?" " I'll pound your face in."
Luke to Lucky: " Did freaking your mother and I out make you feel like a man?" " Did raping mom make YOU feel like a man dad? You see every lecture you give me is blown now."
Nick to Liz: " You lost more than I did." " Don't say that. Yes, I lost the man I knew I was going to love for the rest of my life, but he was your brother, and you loved him." " I know." (Nick starts crying and lays on Liz)
(Lucky sees Emily for the first time) " Hey. New to Port Chalres?" " Yeah, I'm Emily, Emily Bowen. And you are?" " Lucky"
Emily to Lucky: "Your my best freind Lucky, my only freind." " Your my best freind too." (They hug)
Lucky to Emily: " Em, what's wrong?" " O nothing, I'm just starting to realize that I am from now on going to be labeled as that poor little rich druggie."
Audrey to Liz: "Elizibeth will you please go find Gatsby?" ''Gram I am about tired of that stupid retarded good for nothing cat... just let the thing starve." "A simple np would have done."
Nickolas to Emily: "Your a good person Emily." (Nickolas walks away) " I wish he would stop saying that."
Lucky to Liz: " You are so so beautiful, and sometimes I feel things for you that are as loud as a headache, and just as distracting."
Tony to Emily: " So you still mad at me for what happend at the custody case?" " Oh just that you said my brother was as dumb as a doorknob, no I'm not mad."
Juan to Emily: " I also had a secret weapon... you."
Nik about Lucky: " When you left, I was supposed to take care of the family, like you did. I'm not doing a real good job of it! Oh, man, I wish you were here, you would know what to do."
Elizabeth to Kathrine: " Why don't you leave Nikolas alone and find someone your own age to sleep with."
Lucky to Elizabeth: " You make me feel like I'm finally living up to my name."
Juan to Emily: " So what's your name?" " Emily Bowen Quartermaine." " Emily Bowen Quartermaine, I like that."
Juan: " I don't have to answer to anyone! I live my own life."
Emily to Juan: " We did it!" " They bought it?" " Yeah, we're going to see 98 Degrees!!! Omigod! Thank you so much Juan. I could never have done it without you."
Liz to Lucky: " Your the best...the best there is."
Lucky to Luke: " If Elizabeth dosen't wanna bring the creep down, then I guess I'll help her build herself back up."