Quantum Leap Alcoholics Anonymous

An Unofficial fan site dedicated the character of admiral albert calavicci from the cult television series

Quantum Leap!

The Leap Home Part II: Vietnam


UPDATED:  September 2003

I'm glad you dropped in for a visit. My name is Kat and I'm an Al-coholic. This website originally started when I was first introduced to the marvels of HTML. The original website of "Quantum Leap: Al-coholics Anonymous" was hosted by the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, the university I attended during most of the run of the series. Unfortunately, graduating has meant that I haven't been able to update the website for a long time. At last, the University has removed the original website, thus making it necessary for me to start over from scratch. I don't mind that at all. I've since learn quite a bit when it comes to webpage building and have been planning on rebuilding from the bottom up anyway.

I've been a Quantum Leap fan since the second season, having missed the first season because of high school and the lack of accessibility to a television. Since that time, I've written dozens of fanfics, most of which I have posted on this site. I have met many many "Cyber" friends due to my interest in Quantum Leap and for that I am grateful. Leapers are some of the best people you can find on this earth. I also decided on my major in college because of Quantum Leap and how it renewed my interest in American history, especially the 1960s. 

And so, without further ado, I present to you my obsession: Quantum Leap... or rather more specifically Admiral Albert Calavicci.

WARNING: Most of these pages are still under construction. Please be patient while I work on them. The necessary essentials of life tend to get in the way of my available time to finish these quickly.

What's New updated


Al's Unofficial Biography under construction

That Other Guy - Dr. Sam Beckett under construction

Al-coholic Confessions under construction

My Fan Fiction updated

Other Fan Fiction under construction

Links under construction


Disclaimer: Quantum Leap and all the characters associated with the television series are properties of Bellasarius Productions and Universal Studios. This noncommercial website is fan produced and maintained. No copyright infringement is intended.

Want to contact me? Email me at admiral_al.geo@yahoo.com and put as part of your subject line "QLAA".