Welcome to my Guestbook! See all these nice ppl...they actually signed my guestbook!

Claire - 06/23/00 21:27:24
My Email:Faith_95@hotmail.com
Fav.: Insight, It cuts both ways, Unsoiled Soverignty, Otis California
Fav. Character: SAM!
Fav. Actress: The amazingly talented Ally Walker
Fav. Actor: David Boreanaz
Age: 18

I love love love Profiler - this site is pretty cool. At the moment I haven't seen most of season one so I'm loving the repeats. The characters are fabulous, I just LOVE Sam, shes so cool. If anyone wants to email me, feel free, I love talking about the show

john - 06/11/00 20:30:03
My URL:http://ww2.akmhcweb.org/JOHN/BESERK.htm
My Email:demon65x@disinfo.net
Fav.: 444444$$$$$$$$$
Fav. Character: voodoochild
Fav. Actress: my girlfriend
Fav. Actor: me
Age: 35

good job nice site.

Maria - 05/30/00 20:00:02
My Email:SASamanthaMalone
Fav.: all with sam and bailey
Fav. Character: Bailey Malone
Fav. Actress: Ally Walker
Fav. Actor: Robert Davi
Age: email me and ask if you want to know i dont like to post it places

samantha and bailey belong together totaly and this web page is so cool i love it i always come back and look for more i hope it keeps being updated in the near future.

aeryn - 05/19/00 22:43:50
Fav.: when the caught Jack
Fav. Character: Sam
Fav. Actress: Ally Walker
Fav. Actor: the guy who plays Bailey(sorry forgot his name)
Age: 16

I love this show! And I totally agree that Sam and Bailey belong togeter, they look good. once again i am sorry i don't remember the name who plays Bailey. BYE!

SUE - 04/20/00 02:37:26
My Email:Sbur126118@aol.com
Fav.: I'll be watching you
Fav. Character: sam
Fav. Actress: ally walker
Fav. Actor: robert davi
Age: 43

i have enjoyed your fanfic hope you continue

Angie - 04/19/00 17:47:30
My URL:http://www.crosswinds.net/~angie84/main.html
My Email:angie@allywalker.every1.net
Fav.: Insight
Fav. Character: Dr Samantha Waters
Fav. Actress: Ally Walker
Fav. Actor: Robert Davi
Age: 16

Great site!! Great Fanfiction!! Great Everything!! Love Angie ;o)

samantha - 04/16/00 17:12:03
My Email:robertdavilover@aol.com
Fav.: any one where sam and baily hug or kiss or even get close
Fav. Character: baily malone
Fav. Actress: ally walker
Fav. Actor: robert davi
Age: you have to ask me yourself

profiler is the best show i have ever seen i love it as much as i love the x-files and that is hard to do. but i dont see why everyone wants sam and john to get together i want sam and baily to get together so if anyone wants to talk you could email me a robertdavilover or bailymalonelover and they are both at aol.com i hope everyone likes profiler as much as i do

Aino - 03/07/00 16:02:13
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/ainoarwen/sbrdraft.htm
My Email:plnpr@sci.fi
Fav.: Into The Abyss, Power Corrupts, I'll Be Watching You... I can't decide! ;)
Fav. Character: Sam
Fav. Actress: Ally Walker
Fav. Actor: Kevin Bacon
Age: 19

I'll look forward to reading your opinions again! I enjoyed them. Hey, what is this "Ask Experts" page, that sounds like fun. Anyway, nice to have another SBR site in progress. There can not be too much SBR pages! ;)

Jamie - 02/23/00 03:23:38
Fav.: all of them
Fav. Character: Sam
Fav. Actress: Ally Walker
Fav. Actor: Don't know

pretty good.

Paladin45 - 02/18/00 02:16:09
My Email:microwavepizza@hotmail.com
Fav.: no friggin clue
Fav. Character: scooby
Fav. Actor: Adam Sandler
Age: 16

Nice site cor!

isis - 02/13/00 17:07:25
My URL:http://www.crosswinds.net/~profiler2/index.htm
My Email:isis_whit@yahoo.de
Fav.: venom, ambition in the blood, shoot to kill, and on and on.....
Fav. Character: bailey malone
Fav. Actress: not ally, although i like her a lot, too
Fav. Actor: robert davi
Age: won't tell ;-)

nice site. hope you don't mind i put a link to it on my links-page. feel free to do the same with my page....

danielle - 02/02/00 10:24:48
My Email:danielle_malone@hotmail.com
Fav.: jack be nimble jack be quick
Fav. Character: bailey malone
Fav. Actress: heather mccomb
Fav. Actor: robert davi
Age: 17

the fan fiction is great keep on writing. i LOVE you poem Unrequited Fellings. i love the sight keep up the good work

Elizabeth - 01/29/00 20:29:03
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Matrix/9896
My Email:ProfilerB5@yahoo.com
Fav.: "Crisis" and "Every Five Minutes"
Fav. Character: Dr. Samantha Waters(-Malone)
Fav. Actress: Ally Walker
Fav. Actor: Rob Davi
Age: 15

In a follow-up to the last 2 posts...that was my sister. She's an idiot sometimes. She didn't think it would really go on. Don't worry, I beat her up...=) Now, she loves Sam and Bailey!!

Catherine Cryer - 01/29/00 02:24:53
My Email:Katherine20000@yahoo.com
Fav.: When Sam Leaves
Fav. Character: not sam
Fav. Actress: not sam
Fav. Actor: not baily
Age: 32

Sam and Baily can go to !#$%!!!!!!!

Catherine Crier - 01/29/00 02:22:45
My Email:Katherine20000@yahoo.com
Fav.: When sam dies
Fav. Actress: Not Sam


Tina Oney - 01/26/00 05:26:07
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/tinshamal
My Email:tinsmals@bellsouth.net
Fav.: Any SBR
Fav. Character: Baliey
Fav. Actress: Ally
Fav. Actor: Robert
Age: .....

Waiting patiently for your fan fic SBR

Claudia Christian - 01/17/00 20:15:09
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Saturn/1677
My Email:thelegacy_99@yahoo.com
Fav.: Crisis
Fav. Character: Sam and Bailey, can't choose!
Fav. Actress: Ally Walker
Fav. Actor: Harrison Ford
Age: 29

This is the most awesomest 'Profiler' I have been to yet! I wish I was as skilled as you were, Elizabeth. Maybe you can help me out on my site. By the way, totally agree w/ you on 'The coop thing' and "Root of all Evil" opinions...you rock!

Danielle - 01/11/00 19:59:40
Fav.: Love # 2 and three the best
Fav. Character: Sam Waters
Fav. Actress: Ally Walker of course!
Fav. Actor: Christian Slater
Age: 16

This is a pretty nifty site. Keep up the good work, cuz if when you finish, I know it will be a million times better and I will just have to come back and visit so many times! Lateh for now

Melanie - 01/11/00 06:19:24
Fav.: Insight and The House That Jack Built. (I'm a weirdo...aka...a Believer!)
Fav. Character: Dr. Samantha Waters
Fav. Actress: Ally Walker
Fav. Actor: Matt Damon
Age: 20

Hey!! I think you're page is GREAT! Yes, I'm a Believer as I stated above but you've put together a fun Profiler site. I like your "rants," they're fun to read. :O)

Kohl - 01/08/00 16:08:46
My Email:wild_wiccan17@yahoo.com
Fav.: Season one & two...
Fav. Character: Sam waters
Fav. Actress: Ally Walker
Fav. Actor: Christian Slater.....Eventhough it has nothing to do with Profiler
Age: 18

HAAA! HAAA! I am laughing at you Joanna cuz it says Favorite "Profiler" EPISODE!!!!!!!!! HA hahahahahahah!! Everybody, I think Jo meant to say her fave. episode was the first three! (she is my friend, so that is how I know.) HA!

Joanna - 01/08/00 15:55:35
My Email:littlejo_16@yahoo.com
Fav.: Ally Walker....DUH.
Fav. Character: Dr. Samantha Waters..
Fav. Actress: Ally Walker.....(another DUH)
Fav. Actor: Umm......This has nothing to do with Profiler.....Jonathan Jackson
Age: 17

AHHH! I like this site! It may still be in the works, but its pretty cool! The signing of the guestbook thing rocks, cuz its much different than all the other ones............COOL!!!!!!!

Trina - 12/22/99 01:25:06
My URL:http://www.yahoo.com
My Email:popos@earthlink.net
Fav.: hard to say, all of season 1-3
Fav. Character: Dr. Samantha Waters of course!
Fav. Actress: Ally Walker
Fav. Actor: Robert Davi
Age: 17

I loved your site!! It's really cool. I'm gonna try and enter the contest too. I'm not that great a writer though. And that song was awesome!

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