Ok, here’s some fanfic I wrote. It’s not very SBR at the moment. Sorry. I plan to add 2 new scenes every week. Now that school’s started I only have time to write in 5th and 7th period between lectures!! Lots of Love to ya’ll!

Another Note:
scenes are divided by **********
[FB] means the intuative flashes Sam gets. What she sees is surrouned by * *'s.
And there's this totally new thing called "Alternate Reality" or "AR" for short. They are branches off the story that go into deeper degrees of SBR, Believer-fic, or Skew-fic. I mostly write them SBR though. There is one in "Whispers" pt.4, tell me what ya think!

Whispers in the Morning pt.1
Whispers in the Morning pt.2
Whispers in the Morning pt. 3
Whispers in the Morning pt. 4

Into the Deep

Dreaming of You<---NEW!!

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