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Welcome to DBZ Animation Station

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                                               DAS Welcome

Welcome to the
DBZ Animation Station.
Enjoy what you will.
                              - Kakarotto

Welcome all you Anime Fans to the "DBZ Animation Station". This site is dedicated to the most popular anime series in the world, DragonBall Z. This site is very new so give it some time and let me work with it. Although I probably won't get many hits... I still like to recieve as many E-mail's from all of you as I can. Please do not take anything from my site, cuz I really don't like that. If you do wish to take something from this site I only ask you to contact me. Well, enough of this little intro. If you have any questions, comments, suggestions, or even just to say hi, feel free to send me a message and I will get back to you as soon as possible. So just make sure that you e-mail me.

I know most of the links are dead right now, I am working on it, not. I still have to do the page, this is just a sample of what's to come. You can e-mail me with any comments though.

Station Contact Information

Animation Station
Contact me by my e-mail address
ICQ Number
AOL Instant Messenger Screen Name
tlotd - I hardly use this one.

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Section Updates- [5:18 PM August 10, 2000] PST 
Two updates in one day.. woah amazing. I got the affiliates section up, so if you want to be associated with me as I grow then e-mail me. The only thing is I am going to be extremely picky. I won't just be affiliated with just any site. I'm workin hard on the site but I'm so damn busy. Bid For Power has been making some updates but DBQ hasn't. Although I have been informed that they will supposedly be making an new layout change hopefully this friday with a lot of new information and pics about their site. So I'll post an updated pic of BFP.

Here's a picture of what Vegeta may look like:

More Site Stats- [3:00 AM August 10, 2000] PST 
Well I couldn't sleep so I decided I'd work on the page somewhat more. I am working on the images sections right now but I do have the character Bio's up. I mainly put up the most significant characters up from each section for the time being. Unfortunately I couldn't find a good high detail drawing of Mr. Satan so I haven't put his bio up yet. I'm going for as nice a quality as I can find at the moment. You should be excited, I am going to have a section of images for each character... and there are a ton of images which is the real pain. If anyone out there has any high quality almost 3d images of Mr. Satan please e-mail me with them I'd be much appreciative.


New Affiliate- [4:11 PM August 2, 2000] PST 
I have recently given a friend my layout to use. At first I was relunctant but everything turned out okay. Although I hope to find only one other site out there that I may let use my layout although I must talk with them. I do not wish to find anyone else besides Goku the owner of Anime Revolution that has my layout now and ssj4vegeta who owns that may be using my layout in time to come. I haven't updated an awful lot for a while now because I have been working on the sections. There are a lot of sections and linked pages off of those which take time. Expect a big update in the near future. Later


Site Stats- [11:54 PM July 19, 2000] PST 
Well it would appear that I have had a lil more time this week than I thought. Work hasn't needed me to come in which is good and also bad. So I have been working on the sections. I now have the Tenkaichi Budoukai up as well as the Character bios. -==NOTE==- Not all of the characters are up so give it some time. I at least of the most important of the good up. I will work on the bad tomorrow if I have enough time. This is all very consuming and I am kinda going slow with it so I don't royaly screw up. But of course there are the rest of the people of the dbz universe that deserve their credit. Anyways I will keep you up to date, so whenever I make an update to the page I will post it on here. 





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A great program to use for chatting. A great mIRC server to go to is:
depending on where you are. Its an excellent server provided only for those who wish to talk to others. If you want to go further into anime, then go to an EFNet server and join #dbz. They have a wide variety of anime chats. mIRC is just a 1 meg download off the internet. Once you've dled it & install it, your ready to cruise right into the server. You'll meet new friends and allies, create topics for the channel and much much more. Check it out for yourself.
Eventually, there will be constant update for this webpage. As for now, I'm still working on it. I'm just glad that I got my page up and running again (hopefully). Yes! So... A really good page (hopefully) and I hope that everyone will enjoy going through this as much as I had making it.

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