In Memory of Dale Earnhardt Sr. 1951-2001
In Memory of Charles M. Schultz 1922-2000

Welcome to my page! I hope you like it!
It is still under construction so BEAR WITH ME!!!!
I am currently working on a version with frames.
I apologize that I have not updated this page in a while. But I have been busy! Look for the villains index to go up soon. Plus, I am toying with the idea of extending this to include other Anime such as possibly Sailor Moon. If you have an opinion on this put it in the guestbook. I am about to start a major revamp of this page, and as I said more anime will probably be involved. Sorry I've been gone so long!
I am going to announce a new section that will start very soon. I'm going to start ranting on various movies and stuff from back in the day. It will be the first section I've added in a while. Hopefully I can have my first done pretty soon.I'm still pondering a name for a new possible website. That's all for now.
Tommorrow is Christmas Eve, the next day Christmas. Can't believe it. Well Happy Holidays to all. I'm working on a fan fiction section and some other improvements. Christmas just came too fast. That's all for now. Later.
A new Vampire Hunter D movie is coming out in theaters. I'm sorry to say that Speed Racer seems to have totally disappeared from Cartoon Network Airwaves. However, when I convert this to an anime page in the near future (possibily) I will not upgrade it so that you will have to download a new browser every week just to look at it. This is all for now. I'm going to attempt to get a staff together to help design the new site. I'll get the email up so different people can apply to help.
It has been indeed a sad month for the United States and the world for that matter. I do not see a quick end to this conflict in sight. However if there is to be a war I hope it is a short one thus saving lives. How different things have became in only a month. That is all I have to say for now. Pray for all those involved in this horrible tragedy.
I would just like to take this time to express my regret for the passing of Aalyiah in the plane crash this weekend. A memorial to her along will be added to the memorials above (which I'm going to try to make a new sections with just memorials on it in the near future). I really need to get this site up and running. I think I'm going to plunge it into a total makeover and make it an anime site. Not sure what it will be named yet, possible just the same thing. Anyhow that's all for now.
Dragonball is supposed to be on Cartoon Network in August, have no idea when. But the only other thing I have to report is that I'm going to start some new sections on here soon. One being the difference in cartoon and video games section and another one possibly entititled "Underrated Things". I am now getting more time to do things after all these years and hopeful can start to transform this into the page I want it to be.
I was just noticing that Cartoon Network has changed Toonami around a bit with apparently more changes on the way. I read the rumor (I think at www.planetnamek.com) that the original Dragonball will be on Toonami this Summer. In Speed Racer related news...nothing. I continue my search for it on the airwaves but I think that it has permanently been pulled from the Cartoon Network programming. Maybe we'll get the new show eventually. Who knows.
It's amazing but this site has been up since 1997. Doesn't seem that long but anyway here's some Speed Racer news. I saw the comics at Books A Million (don't know what it is in your home state but anyway) along with the graphic novels. The show has all but disappeared from the Cartoon Network (cept the occasional Mock 5 Dexter's Lab episode that is on, pretty funny episode). With the recent anime flood on the Cartoon Network, I hope that maybe the new Speed Racer show will make it on. In page news, I'm going to try to get another page email addy and start fixing the broken links. Time is something I don't have much of. That's it for now...M out!
Thank goodness I can finally do another update. This one is concerning the Dale Earnhardt wreck. I plan to put a memorial to him on this page just as I have Charles Scultz as soon as I can find a good picture of him to do so. He will be greatly missed in the racing world. May all of your prayers be with the family. Farewell #3.
EXTRA NEWS!!! 9/11/2000
When I went to my email I happened to stumble upon to this...
Great News! SPEED RACER is now a new newspaper comic strip. It starts 8/21/00 in the NY POST and nationally in
other papers 10/02/00. Make sure your local paper carries
it by getting in touch with the Features or Comics
Editor and have them contact me at comicfix@yahoo.com!
It's drawn in the classic Speed style and will soon
be written by Speed himself, Peter Fernandez! Pete was
the writer and voice director of the originalAmerican
show and did the voices of Speed and Racer X. As a devout Speed fan, I wanted you to know. Please spread the word and tell every other Speed fanatic to get their papers to carry it.
Thanks to Michael D. Femine at Comicfix for emailing this to me. And as he says...spread the word! Let's get Speed Racer back into
the mainstream!!!
9/11/2000 I'm going to try to start adding news daily or weekly. Right now the only news I have is that Cartoon Network started showing the new DBZ episodes last week. I saw a Dexter's Laboratory Episode the other day called "Mock 5" which was a spoof of Speed Racer. Other than this, Speed Racer seems to have totally dissappeared from the CN lineup. I'm still looking for a crew to help me with this page. Also if you click on the links below and they're broken, please tell me.
UPDATE (finally)!!!! 8/12/2000
Still working to figure out how to make this page better. Please still feel free to send feedback.
1/4/2000 I'm back finally and here to announce that I hope to transform this page into Matt's Speed Racer and Dragonball Z page soon. Any questions may be directed towards my email addy. I hope to expand this page quite a bit and maybe even add a staff. Anyone interested, email me!

Email me at beyondo_2000@yahoo.com (Currently down)
Please come back soon and visit me.

For those out there who don't know who Speed Racer is, Speed Racer is the title of an Anime (japanese animated) series that ran in the sixties and seventies. His name in Japan is Go Mifune and the name of the Japanese Series was Mach Go Go Go. Speed is a young racer who drives his father's Mach 5 race car. He gets into all kinds of trouble. He runs into spies, theives, and even his long lost brother Rex!

The Great Beyondo Dome
Adam's Unofficial Kyle Petty Page
Harley's Unofficial Dale Earnhart Page
Will's Intimidator Page
T.J. Meadows Homepage
Go Check out my Jeff Gordon Homepage
HEY!!! Go see my SPEED RACER ENCYLOPEDIA!!! It has info about the characters of the series and other facts.
My Speed Racer Encyclopedia

Racer X says.....
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