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Free Will


As the world continues to turn, it becomes apparent that "business as usual" is no longer relevant given that most of the social and economic structures that we have traditionally adhered to are fast crumbling. Reality has polarized dramatically to the degree that the only context applicable in most circumstances is that of personal reference to appropriate behavior; otherwise anything seems to go. Culture, for whatever it is still worth, disappears and resurfaces continuously as a loosely held together conglomeration of sentimental images, slogans, pop icons, soundbites and celebrity configurations. Amidst this, there emerges a post-subculture subcultural ideology replete with futuristic theories of earth and human evolution having to do not only with physical survival on planet earthschool, but containing directives on how to achieve ascendency in the psycho-spiritual, mental and emotional realms. Enter FREE WILL, a web journal predicated on the belief that there is not just alternative living, but alternative reality.


This issue of FREE WILL focuses on the ever popular Enoch material. Enoch was a biblical hero, who purportedly studied with an angelic group also referred to as "the watchers." They revealed to him the mysteries of creation and provided him with qabbalistic entrance into spiritual realms. The watchers reportedly functioned as sentinels at various points in the cosmos where dimensions opened into one another.

This same groups of angelics, headed by archangel Metatron, later imparted to other humans, devices, called keys or calls, for ascending into spirit worlds. Some of the medieval and renaissance alchemists worked with the keys. Certainly, many qabbalists throughout history attempted to "work" the keys. Aleister Crowley , the twentieth century occultist, is reputed to have opened doorways into other dimensions through the application of Enochian magic, a system of ritual invocation whose main purpose is to call forth disincarnate forces and beings from the astral/mental planes and places beyond. The ancient cultures of Babylonia and Egypt are believed, by some, to have had an elite corp of priests and royalty who had knowledge of the keys and accessed them regularly. This would make the priest-kings and queens of the ancient world what they claimed to be- emissaries of a god race occupying higher levels of existence. Interesting, Yes?

Which brings us to the book The Keys of Enoch, by J. J. . Hurtak. Popular in new age circles (albeit few have actually been able to actually read the entire book), TKOE, is, briefly, a psycho/physical/spiritual template for hooking up the energy grids and points on and around the body and the earth to cosmic energy matrixes for the purpose of evolving toward higher interplanetary consciousness. In other words, when your higher vibrational frequencies are activated, they "key" into a web of frequencies that are part of a vast spiritual network operating on advanced principles of existence and relationship. Many of the so-called alternative healing methods, especially those that tone and heal the nervous system are able to aid in the ability of an organism to receive and integrate these higher impulses. Most notably, Axiatonal Alignment, which is said to be channeled from non-human sources, is a healing method which uses Enochian key technology to refine the nervous/electrical pathways of the body, because, as they say, "You can't drive where there are no roads." All types of healing techniques which remove the detritus of stored tension, negative emotions held in the body ( and all emotions which are not love are negative), former obsessions, toxic and distorted thinking, and limited/restrictive perspectives are part of the path to stepping into further dimensions and being able to handle what is experienced there.


If you want to understand the intricacies of energy field reprogramming a la higher laws, the book Sedona: Beyond the Vortex, Activating the Planetary Ascension Program with Sacred Geometry, the Vortex and the Merkaba, by Richard Dannelley, is part technical manual, part theoretical and historical treatise, and part recipe book for transformation. Included are attunements, invocations, meditations, diagrams of essential crystalline forms for use in superimposition over ordinary reality, and group and individual practices, with tie-ins to the star Sirius and the Merkaba. For those that have heard the term Merkaba, but don't know what it is, Dannelley explains it in depth, but mainly it is employed as a mode of energy repatterning through the use of meditation, visualization and breath work. The reconstruction of the human energy field will eventually, according to the author, activate one's light body, which in turn, through advanced practice, rotates and moves, propelling awareness into states of higher (Dannelley say "Christ") consciousness.

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As if we didn't have enough of dealing with Pluto's grueling 12 year trek through Scorpio, ending, finally in 1995, we now get yet another window of opportunity for addressing and healing the issues having to do with power, control and sexuality. Chiron, the fairly recent asteroid addition to the working astrological pantheon, entered Scorpio on September 3rd, 1997. Chiron represents the wounded healer part of the psyche, or that which draws upon past experiences of pain and suffering in order to transmute the negatives into compassionate and empathetic actions benefitting humanity. These will center around the Scorpionic themes of eighth house imperatives: birth, death, use of other people's resources, sex and regeneration. What was brought to the surface by Pluto in often painful and shocking ways, will now be able to manifestly heal through the steady application of disciplined awareness, heroic acts of everyday kindness and understanding, and mastery over lower thought forms and automatic tendencies. Chiron will remain transiting Scorpio until the end of September 1999. Chiron is called "the wounded healer" of the zodiac, having been named after the centaur who was the tutor of Hercules and other notables in Greek legend. Chiron conquered his baser instincts (as a centaur, he was half animal) to become a great scholar, philosopher and doctor, which equipped him to be able to instruct potential heroes, since the ancient world of the gods and nature spirits was peculiarly difficult to navigate for the random adventurer. Chiron, however, himself sustained a wound in battle which was administered by a non-mortal, and so could not ever heal. He lived the rest of his life in pain, able to heal and teach others, but incapable of curing himself of the mortal wound which afflicted him. Lesson: destiny delivers its fatal devastating blows, but the work goes on.

NEXT TIME: MORE FREE WILL INFO: Mayan space/time, feng shui, etc. ad infinitum

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Free Will

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