Picture courtesy of Serendipity

Love And The Initiative

Disclaimer-Okay, you know the deal. I don't own them, they belong to Joss, Mutant Enemy and Grrr Argghh. I am only borrowing them for the purpose of my story and I promise to return them relatively unharmed although, as usual, Angel will be late. Distribution-If ya already have my stories, feel free. If ya don't feel free, just let me know so that I can visit.
Spoiler-BTVS-Ummm, I'll say season 4 but I am seriously playing with timelines here. Why? Because I can.
Summary-Willow and Angel are captured by the Initiative and find out some interesting things.
Special thanks go to Ladyfae as always for her patience at listening to my rantings and to everyone who sent me feedback.
Author's Note-Okay, just so you know. Angel did leave to head to LA and is working with Cordy and Doyle(yes that's right Doyle isn't dead and Joss knows it. He is only on vacation in Arizona because Doyle is a huge baseball freak and is waiting for the Cactus League to start up. He agreed to come back just for my story and then he will go back to Phoenix.) Oz did have his little fling with Veruca and took off. Buffy and Riley are already together and know each other's secrets although the rest of the scooby gang doesn't. BTW the episode "I Will Remember You" never happened for two reasons. 1) I never saw the ep and 2)It was just a cheap copout to allow Buffy to forget and move on while Angel has to remember and brood. Joss I am disappointed in you for that one.

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14