markybaby - 11/14/98 04:49:07 My | Comments: hey, fool! what it is? |
sarah - 10/19/98 15:12:06 My | Comments: This page kicks major ass!Now I'd like to hear some sick13. E-mail me sometime. |
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Just surfing. Thanks.
Kara Townsend - 07/02/98 08:50:36
Hi! I was surfing through GeoCities and saw your page. Pretty Cool! My name is Kara. I am 24 years old and live in San Diego, CA. I have been teaching myself HTML for the last several months. Please visit my site, Kara
s dynamicSex and tell me what you think of it. I will be adding pictures of myself within the next couple days. I would love to exchange links with you!
katy - 06/07/98 22:21:22 My | Comments: your page is mucho better than last time i was here. SCHOOL'S OUT!!!!! "celebrate good times c'mon"!!!! |
katy - 06/07/98 22:16:50 My | Comments: your page is mucho better than last time i was here. SCHOOL'S OUT!!!!! "celebrate good times c'mon"!!!! |
Moni - 05/10/98 08:46:43 My | Comments: Hi,lovely stuff!! When can I see more? AND greetings to Ann and Eric! |
Emily! - 03/04/98 03:52:29 My URL:/Hollywood/Boulevard/6986 My | Comments: Hey, Sick!! Loved your page!! It's pretty cool!! I had to come and check it out since we're both in the Scapegoat Webring!! Catch you later!! |
- 02/14/98 01:18:44 | Comments: |
gary kime - 02/14/98 00:04:18 My | Comments: good web site ask your dad when i,m going to get my air line |
Michelle - 01/04/98 23:56:02 My URL: My | Comments: What can I say? It made me laugh, it made me cry... Made me pee in my pants. *sigh* Ah, those darn cheerios. What CAN'T they do? No, but in all seriousness, great site. |
*BlueFlower* - 12/27/97 20:56:24 My URL: My | Comments: I recieved your email..from Eric.. I believe.. hhmm..*smiles* thank you.... I don't know much about you and I would like to so email me back.. Bye! @--'--,------ |
fIrE/Sarah heh - 12/04/97 05:07:57 My URL: My | Comments: welllll justin hehe what have we here hehe *taps foot*hehe sorry just had to come and sign cuz i forgot if i did before hehehehe i can't wait til that piccy i took friday night turned out heheh that gonna kick ass heh PING! hehe well g/g AND VISIT MY PAGE DAMNED IT hehe *smiels* laterz hun *hugz n lix* yup yup |
fIrE - 11/15/97 14:35:31 My URL:http:// My | Comments: hehe justin YOUR SICK!! **MECHINICAL LAUGHTER** HEHE cool i likes your page yup yup*nod nod* cute little graphix btw hehe *whispers* i stole a couple..hehe i lookin for more piccys to put on me page..hehe yupyup AND DAMNEDIT YOU BETTER VISIT MY PAGE well t is still under construcion but i working on it as we speak..hehe well laterz hun *hugz n lix* VIBRATORS ARE HAZARDOUS TO YOUR HEALTH!! buh-bye mr. demented care bear handle man *giggles* |
zsuzi - 11/12/97 21:59:08 | Comments: you have some really wired fantasies!!! you gonna be very popular. |
Piglet - 11/09/97 03:46:19 My URL: My | Comments: Your page defines all that supports anarchy and death to all old people in authoritarian positions. YEAH! ROCK ON! |
Cliff - 11/05/97 03:31:53 My | Comments: Nice job especially the art and color selections!! |
Brad Doles - 11/02/97 23:14:14 My | Comments: You people still live? I thought my god would have destroyed you by now Your day will come when you will meet him And on that day you will REPENT!!!!!! REPENT!!!!!!!! REPENT!!!!!!!!! REPENT!!!!!!!!!! Gotta go take it the bum from my youth pasture now REPENT!!!! P.S. Did i tell you, you will burn in hell |
Church Lady - 11/01/97 06:23:57 My URL: My | Comments: Who influenced you to create this page...perhaps...SATAN!!! (followed by echo of the word satan). |
Monoqueso - 11/01/97 06:22:25 | Comments: This page is...weird. Not bad though. MARYLN MANSON SUCKS!!! He is a sick, gay, homosexual that is possessed by satan. Other than that, have a nice day. |
Becky - 10/30/97 20:50:41 My Email:bekwakr@AOL | Comments: justin, you're crazy! i love it. i'll definitely check back when you're finished. are you going to attach some music demos down the road? |
Kandee Cain - 10/24/97 22:56:10 My Email:Manson 54 | Comments: we well come eat all your food and poop it out on your beds and you will love itjust like you love your grandma |
Kandee Cain - 10/24/97 22:53:34 My Email:Manson 54 i dont know | Comments: we well come eat all your food and poop it out on your beds and you will love itjust like you love your grandma |
Kandee Cain - 10/24/97 22:53:31 My Email:Manson 54 i dont know | Comments: we well come eat all your food and poop it out on your beds and you will love itjust like you love your grandma |
matt stemnock - 10/23/97 21:55:14 | Comments: the sick webpage is really cool |
matt stemnock - 10/23/97 21:54:15 | Comments: |
"Piglet" - 10/22/97 20:26:13 My | Comments: Pricer, you've changed a lot. You actually have a band name now. When was the last time you were up here? May? Anyways, I gotta hear what you've got. -- (my new nickname is "Gym") |
Alex Kavouras - 10/21/97 22:14:30 My | Comments: Great page justin....a little odd but not bad! |
Alex Kavouras - 10/21/97 22:12:51 My | Comments: Great page justin....a little odd but not bad! |
Katy - 10/21/97 21:22:00 My | Comments: i signed this again to tell u your animations are cool and i stole ir antichrist banner for my page hope u don't mind too much |
katy - 10/20/97 19:59:19 My URL: My Email:Hurt800 | Comments: justin you are crazy but ur bands cool and the page is nifty |
Brad Doles - 10/20/97 19:35:29 My | Comments: You people are dirty sataninsts II hope one day Jesus will be your designated hitter Why cant you be like me A bleach Blonde Jesus freak You people scare me i think i will pray for you all Smile god loves you |
dad - 10/17/97 21:14:09 | Comments: this is pretty cool |
TURDBOY - 10/14/97 20:29:31 My Email:---- | Comments: YOUR PAGE IS COOL. CAN'T WAIT TO SEE MORE! |