Name: Charon Kepler (CKepler)
Date of Birth: 08.19.80
Hair: Blonde.
Occupation: Student, mom, political activist
Gender: Female
Adress: Eastfold, Norway, Middle-Earth
Married, one kid
For a few years now I´ve not been much interested in this homepage and neglected it. For reasons unknown I´ve felt like finishing it and putting in those articles i´ve been thinking of for some years.
I am a huge movie fanatic even if I must admit I´m bored by the alien movies. Seriously - how many times can you watch a movie before it becomes boring?
Other than that I love to read. Tolkien, Lovecraft and King are good authors. And for those occult moments I dive deep into the books of Aleister Crowley, Rodney Orpheus and Kenneth Grant.
And as for music - Rammstein, Metallica and Tool.
There really ain´t much to say about me.
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