Alien Pictures!
also known as 'the old alien site'
One lazy Sunday afternoon, when I was updating and writing new sections to my homepage, I found out that I had plenty of 'Alien' pictures and since it's a sin to let them just lay there, unused on this goddamn server, I decided to put 'em on display.

This is just a fragment of a picture made in '74 or '75, perhaps even '76. The name of this picture is 'Necronom IV' and it is from the book 'Giger's Necronomicon'. This is the creature which the 'alien' was based upon. If you want to see the big piccie: click here

This is 'Necronom V' if I ain't mistaken. It was made approxamately at the same time as the picture above. If you want to see the large verson of this piccie: click here. Beware: this picture is LARGE!

This picture is from 'Alien Resurrection'. I found it on a french page, and since I don't understand one frigging word french, I don't know what the text to this one was. Really...I don't give a damn. I just LOVE that smile.

Say 'AAAAHHH...' mother fuckers!

Another picture from 'Alien Resurrection'. You know...all the different kinds of Alien in the pictues have been made by Giger (yes, even the big piece of snot - Newborn) exept for the Alien Queen. But where the guys found their inspiration is no secret, right?

This is a 'hugger'. It comes straight from the egg to lay eggs. The hugger is the first stage of the alien lifecyclus. It's only purpose is to find a host to lay the eggs in.

This is a 'burster' and it has it's name from it's habit of bursting out of peoples chests. It is the second stage of the alien lifecyclus. It's only purpose is to eat and get big and strong.

A drawing from a story board.

This scene is my favorite. It is from 'Aliens'. Newt has just been separated from Ripley and Hicks and are all by herself. Ripley and Hicks finds her under some thing. They have to burn their way through some metal poles. While they are working, an alien catches Newt. This picture is sadly too dark, but what the hell...

No need to be explained, right?

The 'Newborn' from 'Alien Rez'. I mean, who on earth has ever seen such a big piece of snot? If it's any out there who sees this is a newborn fan, mail me. I want to know if there are such people like newborn-fans.

I call this kind of alien for 'Grey'. It's from the fist 'Alien' movie. I call it 'grey' because it seems to have a grey skincolor. Ok. It's not grey on this piccie, but...

Here's a real queen. It's from 'Aliens'. I guess I really don't have much to say about the alien queen...oh, yes, I have, but I'm gonna write it in the 'Alien Rez' section. It's coming up during the summer!

This is an alien drawn by H. R. Giger. It is the alien pilot who seems to have grown out of it's chair in 'Alien'. Giger also made the alien spacecraft to 'Alien'.

This is the queen burster who was removed from Ripley 8's chest in 'Alien Rez'. Within 3 days she grew from this to an impressive, grown queen, ready to reproduce

The Alien Resurrection Logo!!!

Another picture from 'Alien Rez'.

Annalee Call aka Winona Ryder

Ripley and Call

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