Welcome to Eris Eurayle's homepage!
'Don't you like my little alien?'

Founded November 23 1997
Go to Xenomorph - the alien pages
If you wanna know who I am, go
Here is my Nirvana page!
I am a great fan of Giger's alien and here are some nice piccies.
And if you like H.R. Giger, go here!
Here's ALL my little LINKS!
And I've explored the lyric and dark side of the human psyke, and here are some poems!(ok, sounds cheesy, and there are only a few, but I'll get some really cool ones here!)
And my page concerning different kinds of occultism
Here you can find Tarot.
And also - a lot about The Necronomicon!
la mayyitan ma qadiran yatabaqa sarmadi
fa itha yaji ashshuthath almautu quad yantahi*
Here are essays about the Necronomicon of Lovecraft, my meeting with myth, and the first chapter of it!
Last, but not forgotten: GUESTBOOK! and here you can SEE what other no-life jerks have written!
Last modified December 31 1998 by Eris Eurayle
Mainpage has long since moved to Xenomorph Pages
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