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and should be read first.
Astrotrain image provided by C.J. Stankiewicz.
Role-play of a violent or adult nature may take place in this MUX. If you are legally a minor (under the age of 18 in the US) and are do not have parental consent, please do not connect or apply to the MUX. By connecting you are agreeing not to hold the owner and administration of this MUX responsible or liable for any offensive material or role-playing found within it.
Transformers™ and GI Joe™ are both registered trademarks of Hasbro, Inc. This MUX is run in a non-profit fashion, for the benefit of its players, and is not associated with this corporation. Thusly, Hasbro, Inc. is not responsible for any of the views or behaviors expressed on this MUX.
'Til All are One!
Original Content © 1997 - 2003
Transformers Universe.
Optimus Prime image provided by C.J. Stankiewicz.