Updated and re-opened: 6/9/00, 2/12/03, 1/13/04
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The Newly Redesigned homepage is THOROUGHLY behind schedule!!
(ok, so it's been a few years...I've been busy)

Well, I bet you were wondering when you'd finally be able to get back in after my years of almost complete homepage reconstruction. As it stands, there're a few more 'behind the scenes' renovations I still need to make, but you all wont know what they are as they will not effect the overall appearance of the web page.

I've decided after attempting to do a text-only version, that there will be NO text-only version. These pages rely to heavily on the pix, besides, what the hell's the point? I'm sorry to say, but if you're on a modem slower than 56k...

It's WAY past time to get with the computer age

I got a digital camera for christmas! A nice Canon A70 -3.2 megapixels, a 64 mb card and photoshop 6 to play with/ alter/ improve them! The only problem is that I"m havinga hard time getting my computer to 'recognize' my camera...

     As far as cooking goes, I'm working two jobs. I still have my preferred schedule, Mon- Fri with weekends off. I work W- F mornings at Il Fornaio is a really cool Italian {pronounced 'eet- tahlian' not 'I-taliennne'} restaurant in NW Portland, OR as well as all up and down the west coast and in Italy. Check out the site, stop into a restaurant. It's worth your time.
I also work at Gustavs -a european bistro with heavy German influence. You an find me there M- F nights. It's not as exciting work as Il Fornaio, but they pay better!

So, anyways, go thru, take a look around. Don't forget to sign my guestbook, and check back every few weeks to see if you can spot the changes I make.

"...and I will continue to believe what I want to believe. Unless you convince me otherwise, which you will not." -- Final statement in an email from "Grace"

      I thought that statement pretty much completely sums up how I look at the world. Good job "Grace"!

Right this way my friend...

And now for a public service announcement from your host

Remember everyone, life is a sexually transmitted, contagious, and very disappointing terminal disease.
PLEASE use protection.