Hello and welcome to my page at Geocities.
As geocities is closing down I have moved my page content to my new web host. You can see it here
I hope you choose to follow me there and have a chance to learn more about the truth.
Please be patient and wait for the page to load. The wait is worth it.
Remeber,the truth is out there!

My Blog
The truth is finally coming into the light. Please direct your attention to the disclosure project here
Lots of good information as well as opportunities to volunteer and help spread the truth.
Here is one of the meetings Dr. Greer has hosted back in 2001.

This is a new radio network online. Take a listen and learn somethin.
Truth Seeker TV:
Hosted by Jimi Petulla, this is an all new Reality Show that dares to go where other shows fear to tread.

Evidence to the FACT that Washington got "invaded" on a clear july day.
Take a look at THE area 51 site site!

PURPOSEThe purpose of this page is to let you (the reader) get the knowledge I have come across through my search for the truth about aliens and UFO's.
I dont have an exhaustive links page as of yet and I don't think that any of us UFOlogist actually have all of the information that we could have.
As my contacts get more reliable and closer to the truth I will post whatever findings I come across.
In the mean time, enjoy what I have now and check back often as I will try and update as often as I can.

Other stuffThank you for taking the time out to stop by my page.
Feel free to look around and sign my guest book if you like.
Any comments that you have will be more than welcome.
I've already told you the purpose of this page so I guess I'll tell you about the different organizations I'm in.
I belong to several UFO research type organizations.
One of the best that I have been in for a few years now is CAUS.
You can see the link to there websight at the bottom.
If you know of another group or organization that you think might be working towards the same goals as those i'm curently a member of, mail me with the URL.
Basically the groups that I join are working towards getting the truth out and uncovering the conspiracy of the government coverups.
That is my main objective.
To let the public know the truth and enable them to see that the aliens are here and have been for quite some time.