Homepage of

Aaron of Minneapolis

Minneapolis pics, taken by Aaron of Minneapolis:
Minneapolis skyline from Bryn Mawr Park, 2004-11-24.
Spoonbridge and Cherry, Minneapolis Sculpture Garden, 2004-06-26.
Minneapolis skyline from the LRT bridge over Hiawatha Ave., 2004-06-26.
Under Construction


Hello. I am Aaron of Minneapolis. Welcome to my homepage. I'm 25, male and I live in a western suburb of Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA. I like Star Trek, science, history, math, Robert E. Howard's stories, Isaac Asimov's science essays, and The Sims. Like many personal homepages, my site is under construction, and will probably never be done. :-) I hope you like what I have here.
Under Construction -- Hard Hat Required

'Barbarian' by Pål Lövendahl
"Barbarian" by Pål Lövendahl. Used with permission.
See Pål's other art on Elfwood.

USS Enterprise NCC-1701
The original USS Enterprise NCC-1701 (Kirk's ship).

USS Enterprise NCC-1701-D
The USS Enterprise NCC-1701-D (Picard's ship) orbiting Earth.

-----------------Stuff on this site------------------

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Aaron's Sims Page. Objects and skins for The Sims.

Essay about Asperger Syndrome. This essay discusses how Asperger Syndrome affects me.

There.com and Second Life. My life in two virtual worlds.

**New!** How to put on a one-piece loincloth. A photo tutorial I made back in July 2007, originally posted in a few loincloth-related Yahoo groups.

The USS Minneapolis. Page two of this site. Unfinished, probably forever.

Banners Page. Feel free to use the banners on your site's Links section.

Images Directory. A listing of all the images I have stored on GeoCities. Feel free to take a look.

Map of the Roman Empire at its greatest extent (3rd Century A.D.). A map of the Roman Empire that I found online somewhere long ago. It has the Roman names for all of the cities, provinces, seas, physical features, etc. on it.

Miscellaneous Directory. Contains various items that didn't seem to belong elsewhere. Feel free to check it out.


**New!** (2009-04-25) GeoCities will close later this year. Time to start pricing webhosts, I guess...

**New!** (2009-04-23) I changed the font on (almost) all pages to Verdana.

**Old!** (2008-02-01) A photo tutorial: How to put on a one-piece loincloth. Originally posted at a few loincloth-related Yahoo groups back in July, this tutorial is now available here. I've also added links below to KLS: The Loincloth Site (a site about loincloths), The Loincloth Message Board (a message board about loincloths), and The Loincloth of Borneo (an article about loincloths in Borneo). I've long thought loincloths were cool -- plus I wear one around the house a lot (pics in the tutorial) -- so it's only natural that I'd like to these eventually.

**Old!** (2007-11-09) I've added a Weather Underground weather sticker, to replace the old Yahoo weather box. It's near the bottom of the page.

**Old!** (2007-07-24) A new page: There.com and Second Life, about my life in two virtual worlds. Also, my guestbook is back up; apparently they fixed the no-delete bug. I've also replaced the Yahoo weather box with a link to the National Weather Service, Twin Cities, MN, as the box is not displaying properly in Firefox.

**Old!** (2007-03-19) Newer pics of Minneapolis, a somewhat new pic of me, a slightly revised intro, new links to my LiveJournal blog and profile (below), a link to my Yahoo! 360° page (also below), and some minor changes to my Asperger Essay page. Also, I've been unable to delete guestbook posts, so I've temporarily disabled the main part of my guestbook. Archived guestbook posts are still up, though.

**Old!** (2005-11-17) At long last, I've added some new banners and buttons to the banners page. Go check 'em out!


My Elfwood Gallery. Just some fantasy art I drew. Check it out! Comments are appreciated (hint, hint).

My LiveJournal blog and profile. Updated irregularly.

My Yahoo! 360° page. There's a blog on there too, also updated irregularly.

Ståle Gismervik's Savage World of Conan. A very informative Robert E. Howard / Conan site. Contains the Hyborian Thoughts forum.

Elfwood Fantasy Art Gallery. A huge site of amateur fantasy and sci-fi art.

The Barbarian Keep. A very good Conan and barbarian info site.

www.simcity.com . Maxis's official SimCity series website.

www.startrek.com . Paramount's official Star Trek site. This site contains information on every Star Trek character, episode, and movie, as well as information on Klingon culture, stardates, chronology, and lots of other things. Also contains Star Trek community resources, as well as public chatrooms.

The Darwin Awards. From their website: "The Darwin Awards honor those who improve our gene pool... by removing themselves from it." Worth a look. Plus, they have a book out (actually three books) as well.

Asperger Syndrome Webring. A ring of sites about Asperger Syndrome, the so-called "disorder" that I have. (I always explain it as like having a Macintosh brain in a Windows PC world.)

Steve Riner's Unofficial Minnesota Highways Page. Everything you've ever wanted to know about Minnesota's highway system (and tons more you didn't even think of asking about).

U.S. Highways. Information about every U.S. Highway that has ever existed.

Froggie's Twin Cities Highways Site. Details on all freeways and major highways in the Minneapolis - St. Paul area, including exit lists.

Matt Salek's Upper Midwest Freeway Exit Guides. Exit lists for freeways in outstate Minnesota and Wisconsin.

**New!** KLS: The Loincloth Site and The Loincloth Message Board. A site and message board about loincloths. I've always thought loincloths were cool, and my discovery of this site (and a few Yahoo groups) rekindled that interest back in 2004.

**New!** The Loincloth of Borneo. An interesting article about loincloths in Bornean culture. (Side note: This article inspired a slightly different loincloth I wear at home, which you can see in my aforementioned photo tutorial.)

Utopia Planitia Starship Database. The long-awaited new version of the best online database of Star Trek starships. It's still not open yet, and there's currently no scheduled launch date, but it'll open someday (I hope!).

Evidence for Jury-Rigged Design in Nature. Some collected posts from the talk.origins newsgroup, showing how evolution doesn't always choose the best solution, but instead chooses any solution that works, no matter how weird or illogical it is, provided that it does more good than harm, at least in the short term.

The Amazing "Send Me A Dollar" Website. If you feel like it, you can send this guy $1 (cash via snail mail, or through PayPal!), and receive absolutely nothing for your non-tax-deductable donation. :-) Also contains comments from people who sent in dollars, and a rated list of other "send me money" sites. An amusing site, worth a visit.

AssMan's Internet Poopstain. My brother's website.
WARNING! Not work safe! Also, my brother used to play bass in a small rock band with two of his friends, called Fustigated. Warning! This site not for the easily offended!

The Science Museum of Minnesota. My local science museum, located in downtown St. Paul, Minnesota. They have dinosaurs, human body gallery, hands-on experiments, an Omnitheater/IMAX thrater, and more. They moved into a great new building on the riverfront in late 1999, so if you're ever in town, feel free to check it out.

Conan the Barbarian WebRing. A Web Ring of Conan sites. The Barbarian Keep is a member of this ring. Someday, when I get around to it, I might list my site there.

Where's George?. The dollar bill locator. If you get a bill with www.wheresgeorge.com written on it, please go to that site and enter that bill's denomination, series, and serial number, and the zip code you're in when you're entering the bill. You can also become a registered Where's George user (for free) and enter bills that haven't been entered before-- just make sure you write www.wheresgeorge.com on them before you enter them.

Homepage of Tonan the Wayfarer. The website of an interesting barbarian. If you're looking for renfaire pictures or Conan insults, he's got 'em. (Note: The site seems to be down -- whether temporarily or permantly I don't know. His photos are still up though -- pics here, descriptions here.)

Lucky's World. Lucky is Acting Archon of Washington D.C. and Virginia in the Capitol Chronicles, part of a vampire RPG. The Chronicles can be quite interesting, so be sure to check this site out.

Rebecca's Castle. The homepage of someone I used to know know online, who was also a member of the now-defunct Gulmaram's Queendom.

MediaBuilder. A large site of free images, fonts, and web-based image and banner programs.

More links to come...
Not very prestigious awards, though.

Bottom 95% of All Websites -- Pointless
Bottom 95% of the Web
The Two-Bit Award - It Ain't Worth a Dime!
Winner of the Two-Bit Award

Do you think you have an award winning site? Then apply for the Aaron Award. Here are some who've won it so far.

Aaron Award
Winners of the Aaron Award

Add more clutter to your website  FREE! -- Internet Blink Exchange
Member of the Internet Blink Exchange
(a parody of Link Exchange, no longer active)

See what the weather is like in my area:

Last updated Saturday, April 25, 2009 (2009-04-25).

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since Tuesday, February 16, 1999 (1999-02-16).

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Blue mailbox with blinking eyes in the mail slot
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