Mandy and Scott's Website!
Welcome to our page. We like to think of it as our way of sharing our photos with our family and friends. As of             May 27, 2004, at 10:16 A.M., Mandy and I had our first child. We named him Austin, but we like to call him Nemo. He was 21 inches long and weighed 7 pounds 15 ounces at birth and is currently growing at a rapid pace. Cant wait till he can walk!
Old Website
Yahoo! Greetings
Our Info:
Name: Mandy and Scott
This is our Engagement Photo!
And another one of the shower.
Mandys baby shower. Another one of the shower.
My dad and Austin.
(Scott's Dad)
My mom and Austin.
(Scott's Mom)
May 29, 2004. 2 days old.
Grandma and Austin.
(Scott's Grandma)
Lawson, Baba, Sissy, and Austin
Tracey and Austin.
Mandy and her Mum happy that Austins out.
Frank and Austin.
(One of Scott's best friends)