To Eat
- Keep fruit on hand
- It's easy to take with and consume anywhere
- Some fruits usually need to ripen after purchase
(pineapple, plums, peaches)
- Vegetables don't need to be overcooked
- Most can be eaten raw so cook only as much as needed
(when sauteeing, steaming, baking)
- Plain oatmeal has flavor and can be appreciated
- It is also cheap and easy to make
- Helps to maintain healthy heart and digestion
- Dining out is expensive
- Even fast food
- Real food fills you up better
- Stop eating when you're 80% full
- Make an effort to eat less meat and dairy
- May be best to keep them around 25% of diet
- General wellbeing may improve upon reduction
of cholesterol and saturated fat
To Drink
- Drink water
- If you're feeling hungry too often you may just need a couple gulps of water
- Tap water tastes fine if let to sit out for a bit
- Orange juice is great for vitamin C but in excess is too much sugar
- Cranberry juice is good to clear urinary tract of infection