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S.Friedman's Log
The following is an interview that the UKUFONW had with S.Friedman on October 4th 1997

<Nesssus> Hello everyone, this is a moderated meeting, please /msg your questions to either Raine or Crow and NOT the guest speaker. Firstly I would just like to give a warm welcome to Stanton Friedman and thank him for joining us tonight and giving up some of his valuable time to answer some of our many questions. Stanton, could you briefly give us some details of what you have been doing lately.

<MoonWatch> Do you believe Robert Lazar's story about working in area 51 on the alien propulsion systems with our government, he is a Physicist!

<Sean_J> Stanton are you ready for some questions now or would you like to carry on ?

<Stanton> Ready for questions indeed. Let me answer about Lazar. He is NOT a physicist, hphysicist, has no degrees, was not a scientists at Los Alamos.. good sincere conman

<Stanton> His element 115 scheme is science fiction
<Stanton> ??

<MoonWatch> Do you think that aliens are working with our government to help us in manufacturing and perfecting new technology using earthly materials?

<Stanton> I can't say it isn't happening but have no evidence it is.Why trust a primitive society whose major activity is tribal warfare??

<M00nshado> what's latest info about MJ documents, does Stan thinks they're true even now?

<Stanton> I think a number of the MJ-12 documents are indeed genuine. I showed some were phony asdescribed in TOP SECRET/MAJIC??

<Benat2> Why, for crash at corona, did u pick to use the closest city and not the air force base location?

<Stanton> The word Roswell was already used in other books. Nothing happened at Roswell. Corona is hardly a city but is much closer to the Brazel ranch??

<Monkman> Stanton, What do you believe is located in the chambers beneath the Sphinx?

<Stanton> I have no idea??

<TheDamned> Does Stanton believe the Rendlesham Forest incident to be a ufo crash?

<Stanton> I was very impressed by the testimony of Colonel halt when I met him at ITV in London June 27 and in the testimony of others as presented that night??

<TopGun> Hello Mr. Friedman, I think you still know me, it's Arne from Germany..In your book TOP SECRET / MAJIC you said that there can be two identical signatures from one person. I don't doubt it, but isn't it a little bit too weird, that these two identical signatures were found too easily ?
<Stanton> My comments about identical signatures are based on the 1910 book Questioned documents. I had found the Van Bush signature. Truman signed his name an all\\\nme a lot..can't be consecutive. There is serious doubt that the signatures are identical.. certainly similar??

<M00nshado> "What do u think of Sim's "artifacts" ?
<Stanton> I was in Roswell and was not at all impressed withthe artifacts or the effort made to authenticate them??
<martha> Ask if he has ever read Zecharia Sitchin's books, ie, THE l2th Planet, and if so, what does he think of him?
<Stanton> I am imprssed with his seriousn ess but cannot validate his interpretations or conclusions without knowing Sumerian??
<plAto> Question: How would you compare UFO awareness today to when you were first starting out?
<Stanton> When I was college and professional group lecturing 30 years ago I had crowds as big as 2000. The public has always been interested in what a scientist has to say about UFOs. What has changed is the awareness by the media that the public is interested??

<Vadir> Stanton: Of the UFO's that are possibly alien spacecraft, do you have your own ideas or thoughts as to what sort of capabilities the craft possess, eg the speed they move at, distance they can travel, engineering etc?
<Stanton> I have no certain knowledge about UFO technology, I believe some are earth ex ursion modules brought here by mother ships from nearby stars in times short compared to the lifespaan of the visitors??
<Mulder> People have been reporting UFO sightings and alien encounters for thousands of years in different forms of mythology. Why do you think extraterrestrials are visiting us? Also, could there be a possibility that there are other forces at work, not aliens?
<Stanton> I listed 26 reasons for aliens to come to Earth in one of my papers. I think the most important is to make sure we don't go out there until we get our act together??
<TheDamned> does Stanton not think the recent turnabout of Larry Warren casts serious doubts on the validity of the Rendlesham case?
<Stanton> I haven't heard about a recent Warren tunrabout. I focus on Halt, Burroughs etc.. not Warren.??

<plAto> Considering the use of internet technology, is Earth ready for open communication with UFO beings?
<Stanton> Question is who speaks for planet Earth? There is no leader to be taken to.??
<fiorano> I would like to ask Mr.Friedman,what is his opinion about the phoenix lights,and the explanation that Ed Dames gave in Art Bell's show about it...thanks for now.
<Stanton> Frankly I don't get excited about lights in the sky especially all the confusion about what was seen where and when??
<stu7> Mr. Friedman seemed that three or four Roswell crash books - including your own - came out at about the same time... would you say the material is substantially you generally agree or disagree with the other authors ?
<Stanton> I am also not impressed with Ed Dames??
<Stanton> The first Roswell Incident came out in l980. The first Randle Schmitt book in 1991. I wrote a negative review. Mine came out in 92. The new version from R and S came out later. I think there is a lot of fiction in the later RS books.not surrising in view of the 80+ books of fiction by Kevin??
<stu7> Mr. Friedman seemed that three or four Roswell crash books - including your own - came out at about the same time... would you say the material is substantially you generally agree or disagree with the other authors ?
<monopod> i would like to know what is current in Varginha Brazil
<Stanton> There is a splendid piece by Robert Pratt on the current CNI news.. thebest update I know if??
<Monkman> When do you think the extra-terrestrial presence on this will make itself known to formally?
<Stanton> I have no idea.. I am not a remote viewer??I hope by the end of the millenium??
<rage_honr> Can you ask if Stanton Knows of Dr armen Victorian and what does he think of him?
<Stanton> Yes. I know of Armen I have discussed some very poor MJ-12 document research by him. He likes to read a lot into thinbgs not justifying his conclusions??
<bambina> Mr. Friedman it is an honor. Assistant National Director for SUFOIT/PARA-4 here. Do you think that it is possible for the US gov't , actually Mj-12 to still be an acting group? and if so, what do you think that ther motives are now?
<Stanton> I think there is an MJ-12 equivalent with a different name. I think their primary goals are to glean technology from saucers and to try to determine motivation of aliens and how to break the story??
<Benat2> instead of going through a publisher is there a way i can order a signed copy of ur books?
<Stanton> Sure. I sell lots by mail. UFORI, POB 958, Houlton, ME 04730-0958. Write for a free list with an SASE??
<rage_honr> and what does stanton think of the terms he claims the USAF are now using for UFO's example: UTR for uncorrelated targets reports and UER - uncorrelated events reports?
<Stanton> Uncorrelated targets is an old one. Judging by the recent lies by the USAF their goal is toobfuscate so terms don't really matter??
<apurimac> Have Stanton any comments about the Roswell glyphs and the Greek letters?
<Stanton> Despite Mantle & Hessemans reading of the Santilli glyphs I see no connection. Unknown language??
<TopGun> What is your opinion about the abduction phenomenon ? Are the victims really abducted by aliens or is it just another black budged Mind-Control program, which lets the victims think they are abducted by aliens ?
<Stanton> I think some earthlings have indeed been abducted. Each case has to be looked at on its own??
<Avenger> would u mind asking Stan why else he thinks Aliens are visitng us?
<Stanton> Grad Students doing their thesis work on aprimitive society. Being punished. Honeymoon capital of the neighborhood. Mining engineers this is the densest planet lots of heavy metals.. hunting and fishing no license required, we are somebody's crop, colony, dveils island of the neightbvorhood etc??
<Krish> SF: What do u think aliens have in stall for us if they exist, and do u think they are friendly, or are looking to take over the world?

<Stanton> I think aliens care about aliens and want to make sure that we don't take our brand of friendship--hositility out there??

<Monkman> Stanton, Have you heard of clear fluid leaking in a short burst from peoples noses?  If so, what explanation/s have you heard?
<Stanton> Haven't heard of that??
<ScottHale> Do you see any future breaks in the Roswell Case?
<Stanton> Yes, I am hopeful judging by the fact that I found 9 new people telling me quietyly about bodies coming in to Wright Field and describing wreckage that there will be more confessions and maybe some good wreckage??
<grumps> Stanton: What, in your opinion, is the best-documented and probable crash/retrieval *other* than Roswell, if any?
<Stanton> Certainly the Plains of San Augustin??
<Gok> Stanton what is your reaction on the thing that flew over Phoenix USA
<Stanton> Interesting but not definitive. Sightings are very very common it is the publciist that varies??
<_Nimrod_> Do you think crop circles and the cattle mutilations reported by Linda Howe are of alien origin? If so, what could be their purpose?
<Stanton> publicity??
<ManTrap> Hi. Here's a question I was asked to ask by a visitor to my site: I've heard that S-4 is the real Area 51. I don't know where it is butthere are some people who quit working there because it shook the veryfoundations of their religious beliefs. Please ask Stanton Friedman ifhe has heard of this place
<Stanton> I don't know what the connection if any is. Competition for new designs??
<Jilain> Hi Stan!  Good to see you, as always.  I don't think I've ever asked you about your feelings on the Paul Bennewitz case?  Any opinion as to the credibility of that batch of material
<Stanton> Yes. S-4 is even mentioned in The SOM 1.01
<Stanton> Paul had serious mental health problems before his interaction with the air force??
<Gok> Mr Stanton , we saw a programm on tv about area 51 having a defence system against ufo's. they litterly blew them out of the sky!! What is youre idea?
<Stanton> Lots of speculation. Certainly that is where one would test new anti airborne vehicles technology.. laser and plasma weapons etc??
<Krish> Stan The Man: Seems to me that when ur talking about UFO sightings, u cud be talking about sightings from the spiritual realm, rather than in a physical form, ie demons etc out to trick humans. This is one view, what do u think on that?
<Stanton> I don't exclude the spiritual. It would be amazing to me if there wasn't a connection . But my focus as a nuclear nuts and bolts guy is on hardware.??
<Warlock> Could you please comment on the recent news concerning Laser Gun testing for allegedly shooting down "satellites"?
<Stanton> There has been work going on in this area for many years. An airplane was shot down years ago. Could be used against aliens I suppose??
<stu7> Mr. Friedman...have you ever worked with Chris Rutkowski on any canadian cases ?
<Stanton> I have known Chris for many years and met with him wheever I get to Winnipeg. We have discussed many cases. I don't know that we have gone together to any sites or witness evaluations??
<rage_honr> STanton : What do you think of the authenticity of the Travis Waltons claim of abduction?
<RaVnMaD> Stan, ave you had any personal ufo experiences?
<Stanton> I ma very favorably impressed with Travis and Mikle Rogers was with them in 1979 when filming UFOs Are Real and have seen them since. I am a booster.??
<RaVnMaD> Stan, ave you had any personal ufo experiences?
<Stanton> I have not had any personal UFO experiences.??
<JeroenW> Welcome here Stan..:) Have you heard of the "Omega Agency" as being the group that would bring a New World Order (NWO)? And What do you think of this?
<Stanton> Yes Ihave. I am fascinated. But careful because so much of what they say agrees with my views. It will be interesting to see how things develop.??
<Avenger> can u plz ask Stan how an encounter with an Alien civalaization will effet Earth's political balance if at all?
<Stanton> The biggest problem will be the need to think of ourseleves as earthlings. No currrent government wants that. Nationalism is the only game in town, unfortunately.??
<fiorano> Mr.Friedman...What is your interpretation,about the last USAF report,about Roswell?
<Stanton> It is funny and rodicuklous. Crash test dummies time travelled by atleast 6 years and many miles. I spoke with Colonel Madson one of the key experimenters. He doesn't but it for a moment. I will write a report.They even lie about me.??
<bambina> I get many contactees reports about beings "greys" that come from the Rigel system. Rigel is only 4.2 light years away, a short distance really. Why hasn't our joint Gov'ts made plans to go there? wouldn't the be the ultimae proof that alien life exists?
<Stanton> We are very far from going to any other star. Huge effort only to be done on planetary basis.. very expensive.. let's get our act together first??
<Sean_J> Hi and Welcome to #ufo Stanton, what i would like to ask is, On Errols Global Updates we have been recently talking about traveling toother stars how many years away do you think this is for us earth people?
<Stanton> Depends on vision will and money. Like going to the moon on the day 40 years ago today when Sputnick went up. Many thought then it wouldnever happen??
<rage_honr> Stanton - DO you think there is a single race of beings currently involved or are there many?
<Stanton> I don't know.. I would expect there are many races but also a neighborhood federation.. probably spreading out from Zeta 1 and Zeta 2 Reticuli a long time ago.??
<Arjuna> (SUFOIT North Dakota State Director here): Dr. Friedman, what do you make of the Gov'ts seeming need to try to explain Roswell, as well as UFO sightings in general, every few months. There explanations are never satisfactory and seem to raise more questions than they answer. Do you think they might be doing so for that very purpose?
<Stanton> It is Mr. not Dr. I think they feel great pressure to use the unthinking major media to try to jkeep the lid on and to try to keep new witnesses worried about coming forth. ??
<TopGun> Is the president of the USA still aware about MJ-12 or are they now operating independently?
<Stanton> Obviously I don't know. I think he has been briefed.. Maybe Hillary knows more than he does.??
<Jilain> Have you ever heard of a weapon that uses a concussive force against the target victim?  Do you know of any research into a hand-held concussion-type weapon?
<Stanton> There is a lot of work at Los Alamos and elsewhere on non lethal weapoins as well as on various lethal ones. ??
<rage_honr> stanton: what do you think of alien beings possibly having a connection with this great deception that is suppose to occur before the end of time? (bible)
<Stanton> Maybe??
<[Chrome]> Do you think it's a possibility that we were gentically engineered by "aliens" and seeded on this planet?
<Stanton> Possible? Yes. But no evidence so far except the bible my gray basket??
<Mulder> Hi again, Stan, it has come to my attention that the material used to shield the US Stealth Bomber from detection is unknown outside from several contractors. Any possibility UFO technology is involved here? In any case what are your thoughts on this?
<Stanton> If it is very sophisiticted thatn without a need to know ohtside contra torswouldn't know about it because of security. Also Ben Rich talks about the birth of Stealth in hos fine book Skunk Works.??
<ManTrap> Mr. Friedman, I would like to ask what you think about the "greys". In your opinion, if an alien civilization was discovered, would the aliens be humanoid?
<Stanton> I can only say grays are coming here.I don't speculate if it isn't necessary.??
<RaVnMaD> Stan, i once heard you say that you worked on nuclear power plants for spacecraft propulsion as well as fusion plants. Have these actually been developed or were they just in the developmental stages at the time?
<Stanton> I worked on nuclear powered aircraft for GE back in the 50's ..we operated jet engines on nuclear power. I worked on fission propulsion systems for space travel. Tested some great ones on the ground. I worked on Fusion systems.. paper studies but very exciting.??
<Warlock> Do you know of any person at present incarcerated in the US for being involved in investigating UFO's?
<Stanton> No I don't??
<Crow> Stan I understand you went to brazil for what has become know as the Varginha Case. What do you think really happend. What did your research into that case tell you?
<Stanton> I wnet there for a conference talked to Paccaccini and others. I think a saucer crashed  and was retirved and covered up by the government with some help from the USA and that several bodies were recovered.??
<Vadir> Stanton: If we were to say the Roswell Alien Autopsy Video was faked, do you agree it was nothing more than a money making scheme, or do you feel there would be another purpose for people to go the trouble of organising such a quality video that would require expertise skills in the effects department and a decent budget to match? Part 2 of the Q. is do you think any more Roswell Autopsy footage will actually be released in the near future?
<Stanton> I think it may have been footage, training, B movieetc that was found and used to make money. I have no idea if more will surface. I am sure real stuff exists.??
<rage_honr> Stanton: Have you any idea Why the goverment goes to such great lengths to cover things such as this up? going as far as killing and threatening?
<Stanton> I know of no killings. I have written about 5 major reasons, finding technol,ogy, worrying about the other guys beating us to the punch, fear of giving up nationalism. worry about fundameltlists saying it is all demons, and worry about economic chaos if people think new tech ology will turn up.??
<ScottHale> Stanton: Would you feel safe discussing, in the vaguest terms, any of your 9 new Wright Patterson witnesses' stories?
<Stanton> Several said family members had quietly told of bodies bring brought in when they worked in Dayton. Two more who handled wreckage, .
<Stanton> ??
<comet7> Stanton, do you think events such as Fatima, Lourdes, and the one in Bosnia are actually related to Ufo activity and alien encounters or is there a clear difference in your mind about religion and ufo events.
<Stanton> I don't know. In my gray basket. One could make the case but I have not seen strong evidence. ??
<Sean_J> Hi Stan me again, Do you think that the transistor as we know it today is of alien origin?
<Stanton> I suspicion it might be as noted in TOP SECRET/MAJIC which nobody has brought up in the big fuss about Corso and ACC.??
<lloydy> Hello Stan, forgive me if you've been asked this already. Have you ever had any form pf pressure (Governmental or otherwise) applied to you to stop investigating this phenomenon?
<Stanton> None ??
<Zenpal> Stanton: Do you feel there is any risk to earth if Cassini would disintigrate on its slingshot maneuver?
<Stanton> No reasonable probabilityof major damage.. vastly overstated fear by anti-nukes??
<rage_honr> Stanton: What is your opinion on what is termed as 'The men in Black'?
<rage_honr> Stanton: Have you got any idea at all as to the motive of these beings?
<Stanton> I spoke of motive earlier.. Keep us from going out until we get ur acttogether + many others. I am underwhelmed to say the leats about MIB stories??
<Avenger> can u ask Stan if he belives in Erich Phon Daniken's theories and if it's possible that the Aliens were actually Homo Sepians at some anciant time period?
<Stanton> I think that every library inthe neighborhood has listed earth as a nice place to visit foor a million years. I think EVD has underestimated the capabilities of the early civilization. I won't throw out the bay with the batchwater.??
<color> Thanks for coming and speaking, Who are some of the ufo researchers whose work you respect and ones whose work you do not? Also what would you like to see happen within this field in the future, in any aspect of it?
<Stanton> I have very great respect for Dr. Bruce Macabee, For Dr. Robert Wood, for John Schuessler, for Budd Hopkins, John Mack, David Jacobs (evceen if I don't agree with them all the tinme. Chris Rutkowski, John Carpenter, and Tim Good and Graham Birdsall and Robert Pratt and Jacques Valle,I am depressed by the fiction of Kevin Randle, by the nasty noisy negativists, by Derrel Sims,??
<JeroenW> Stan, do you know of Sensitive Compartmented Facilities (SCIFS) at WPAFB? And what are your ideas on this?
<Stanton> I have been there at FTD in areas where I needed an escort and others I could not go into. It is a huge base with mnaybe 20,000 employees and 1000 buildings.. lots of classified space.??
<Sean_J> Stan: When Einstein talked about the speed of light being the speed limit of the universe he did't know about Tachyons did he.
<Sean_J> So do you think that the speed of light is the speed limit of the universe as Tachyons go faster than c?
<Stanton> A little evidence suggest that Tachyons are on the other side witha  minimum speed of c. But that also invokes time reversal and I have no idea how to deal with that??
<rage_honr> Stanton: Why would such advanced beings such as them fall foul of a mere crash? Do you not think these crashes are staged by them as part of a master and perhaps more sinister plan?
<Stanton> Accidents happen all the time. Lightning an un expected radar beam. I see no reason at all to beliueve the crashes have been staged any morre than have the recent militaryplane crashes in the US??
<Vadir> Stanton: what if any further info do you have on the mysterious death of the policeman involved in the first encounter of the virginha incident who died 2 days later, do you believe there was any link between his death and the unusual events?
<Stanton> Bob Pratt's excellent article as a supplement ti Michael Lindemann's excellent CNI news suggests a link. In my gray basket.??
<Vadir> Stanton: what if any further info do you have on the mysterious death of the policeman involved in the first encounter of the virginha incident who died 2 days later, do you believe there was any link between his death and the unusual events?
<Stanton> I will be in Brazil in December and will ask many questions.??
<TheDamned> does stanton find that the current spate of X-Files mania is a help or a hinderance?
<Stanton> Mixed bag. Many people have become both interested in and obsessed. not good basis for serious investigations. Having Roswell mentioned on cover of TIME, POP Mechanics and POP Science suggests it is OK to think about aliens.??
<Jilain> Stan, you told me you have reason to doubt some of the validity of Corso's claims in his book regarding his service record.  In light of that, do you feel his book should be taken with a grain of salt?  Or is there valid information obtained in the writing, in your opinion?
<Stanton> I think one needs a big box of salt not a grain. He was head of the USArmy FTD for 90 days not 2 years, there is no subsrtantiation, his co authior was well aware of Roswell, there are many errors in the first part. I wrote a 2 page comment for my now down web page. Be wary of any book with no references and no index.??
<rage_honr> Stanton: Do you think the 'foo fighters' as they were called in WW2 were authentic Alien spacecraft?
<Stanton> Probably some were??
<gilbert> Mr. Friedman... just read some books of Jacques Vallee. What is your opinion about his non-et hypothesis?
<Stanton> I think Jacques has the same problem that many astronomers have.. Something real is going on but one can't get here from there so it must involve somethinbg other than nuts and boilts??
<Dean_E> (UFOIC), Mr Friedman: Do you ever use the internet for sending/receiving sensitive information regarding your research? If not, why not?
<Stanton> I am not much of a computer guy and use the internet as little as possible. I doubt if it is secure anyway.??
<Monkman> Stanton, Do you believe that "perpetual motion" machines (100% energy efficient) exist, or could they exist??
<Stanton> We come pretty close with superdonducting bearings and such which won't run down for a long time.There are some problems with definitions here??
<Zenpal> Stanton: What kinds of new ufo-type technologies are you looking to sprout up in the next 50 years? For example: cold fusion, antigravity, replicators, etc.
<Stanton> Are any of these UFO technologies? Friedman's law is that progress comes from doing things diffentely in an unpredicatable way. I expect we will find new methods of energy production of interstellar travel of microminaturization.. lots of hard work??
<aaa> Stanton:do you believe the US government has any operational anti-gravity machines or time travel machines
<Stanton> I have no reason to believe so.. but how would I know??
<rage_honr> Stanton: what religion or belief system do you subscribe to?
Stan would you like to take a break, for a while ?
<Stanton> I was raised in anorhtodox Jewish environment. Not really practicing any religion now. Believe if one can do something that helps one should??
Stan would you like to take a break, for a while ?
<Stanton> Yes.. maybe 5 minutes??
fine Stan please do and just give us a shout when you are ready :)
<Stanton> OK??
sure :)
<crow> sure stan
<crow> we will just wait for you have a cupper
<crow> #ufo2 is open for discussion
<Stanton> Guess I can go on for a while. Us old guys gettired.??
<crow> thanks
<Typhoon> another 'what's-your-opinion-about'-question for SF: 1. Have you seen the STS-80 footage? What do you think it shows? 2. The same question about the footage from STS-48: what do you think it shows?
<Stanton> These are very complicated films. I defer to peoplelike Kasher who have put in a lot off effort opinions without data aren't worth much??
<Book> Stanton, Chuck Preston here, one of John Carpenter's old group. What are your current feelings on Gerald Anderson's crediblilty?
<Stanton> I am still convinced that Gerald was basiically telling the truth. Yes he changed a phone bill to try to catch Kevin who had been viciously attacking him all over the place. ??
<_Nimrod_> Do you think aliens are taking soft tissue samples from cattle? If so, why wouldnt they just take some DNA and clone the ones they wanted to experiment on?
<Stanton> I have no idea. In my gray basket.??
<rage_honr> Stanton: are there any strong cases you know of - suggested that These beings have impregnated woman and then taken the baby away? any probable cases
<Stanton> I have heard many stories. Again in my gray basket.Certainly we do a lot of egnetic experimentation ouseleves these days that would have seemed incredible 50 years ago.??
<Sean_J> Stan do you think that with the advent of many post X files ufo groups anda greater interest in the ufo phenomenom is "prepareing" us for Contact?
<Stanton> I doubt it??
<TopGun> Was the film with the 3 MJ-12 docs, which Shandera or Moore received, examined as of this date ? If yes, when was it taken?
<Stanton> I presume you mean the Ike Briefing and Truman Forrestal docs received by Shandera in December 1984. The film was produced by Kodak less than 2 years earlier if that is what you mean.??
<ScottHale> Stan: Do you have any idea what kind of information Phil Klass' new Roswell book will contain? Do you have reason to believe it will be better than Kal Korff's book?
<Stanton> It will probably be better written. He claims he will destroy me in it by showing I was the one covering things up. As with all Klass work be wary. I suspect he will say I never mentioned the TS Air Intelligence report which doesn't speak of crashes so there must not have been any. His reasoning is always wrong as I noted in TOP SECRET/MAJIC.??
<Typhoon> I mailed the person responsible for the official NASA-website about STS-80 for a comment on the anomalous objects in the footage. I got the following answer: "NASA has not seen anything in any of its on-orbit footage or photographs that would indicate an extraterrestrial spacecraft. I've seen the footage you refer to and believe the anomalous object is just a piece of debris."
<Typhoon> This sounds a bit like a standard answer. Question: do you know of any policy from NASA (maybe on paper?) that it's personel has to answer this way?
<Stanton> I have no knowledge of such an asnwer being required. McDanile's report about NASA and the Face on Mars certainly indicates a lack of scientific integrity about such matters.??
<RaVnMaD> Stan, what do you think of the stories that have circulated about us having gone to the moon as early as the '40's and to Mars in the '60's?
<Stanton> I very much doubt them having some idea of the huge amounbt of effort required.. Perhaps as hitchhikers on alien craft.??
<rage_honr> Stanton: DO you believe ET's and The goverment are working in conjunction with eachother -ie. trading Or are they seperate?
<Stanton> I have no idea and no evidence one way or another. I don't deal in science fiction.??
<watch^dog> (sufoit)Hello, Stanton, in your opinion, what is the best way to conduct an investigation, and , present the evidence in a convincing way?
<Stanton> Depends on the case. Find as many witnesses as possible make sure one seeks observable items rather than interpretation, have more than one person involved, difference between physical effects case, abduction, mulitple witness radar visual and crash. Always reserve judgment until after data gathering.??
<fiorano> Mr.Friedman...if you analyse the questions that are being puted here...and Im not judging them :) ...Do you think the disinformation tactic from the government is working?
<Stanton> No way to judge. People are curious and I have been around a long time. I am sure there is disinformation in the USAF Roswell reports and noted some in my Sept.1994report..??
<Monkman> Stanton, In your view are aliens friendly or hostile?
<Stanton> I think they are neutral, clinical, care about larger picture than primitive societies whose major activity is tribal warfare, us. If they were hostile they would have blasted us years ago, ??
<TopGun> Are you planing a lecturing trip to europe or even germany ?
<color> what criteria do you use in judging the validity of information/stories that are relayed to you?
<Stanton> I am expecting to be asked by Bettendorf which has just published TOP SECRET/MAJIC in German to help promote it. No dates yet. No other European trips planned at moemnt could change quickly.??
<rage_honr> Stanton: What alien beings do you believe to be authentic? ie.Greys ect. Please name the ones you feel are most probable
<Stanton> I don't know any aliens. Each case must be taken on its own merits. Certainly there are grays.??
<crow> Stan is there a question you would have like to have been asked and if so could you tell us about that please
<Stanton> Maybve why rthe major newsmedia have been so reluctant to be objective about UFOs??
<rage_honr> stanton: What is your opinion on Graham Hancock and Robert bauvals claim that the Spinx and Pyrimads at Giza were NOt built by egyptian hands, and if not could they possibly be of ET origin?
<Stanton> I have the books but haven't yet read them so have no opinion. I certainly leave room for past visits by advanced civilizationsNeeds more work.??
<RaVnMaD> Stan, I have been noticing a lot of dissention among investigators over the past few years... can you enlighten us as to what the main cause for this? I thought we were all after the same results?
<Stanton> I think some want to get rich, some want to get important, some want to throw obstacles on the way. Not everybody is concerned about truth at all.??
<Slider> Does Stan think that there are many different species of ET 'visiting' Earth, and what, realistically, are the chances of there being more than one other race to find Earth considering the amount of other planets out there.?
<Stanton> One cannot estimate chnances of finding earth. Waht if they are linked in a galactic neighborhood council?. I expect that in any one century thereis only one local civilization going through the brief stage from beinbg locked to their own planet to being able to bother others in the neighborhood. All our neighbors would be concerned about the idiots of earth.??
<rage_honr> Stanton: Do you believe the face on mars to be authentic and not a play of light? and if so why?
<Stanton> I think it may well be real. I like the work of Carlotto and others??
<TheDamned> In regards to SETI, do you think an alien race would make alot of radioactive noise, or would they, when they realised others might be listening, shut up and effectively hide from us?
<Stanton> I don't know what radioactive noise is. SETI really means silly effort to investigate. The notion that aliens are stuck at the level of radio is frnakly absurd in my view.??
<I-Knight> Stanton : how much credence do you give to the statements of Bob Lazar about working on reverse-engineering of alien craft at Area 51?
<Stanton> I givew no credence to Bob Lazar. he has no degrees from anywhere, did not work as a scientists for Los Alamos, his scheme won't work. he is a sincere sounding conman. Even finsihed in the bottom third of his highschool class. he did take some courses at Pierce college in So. Calif. while he was supposedly at MIT 2500 miles away.??
<minator> Assuming UFOs are of Alien origin. How can they get here in resonable time, do they use worm-holes or could they have some form of "zero mass" technology allowing them to exceed the speed of light?
<Stanton> At 99.99% of C one can go 37 light years in 6 months pilot time. I think they use techniques about which we know nothing because progress comes from doinbg thibngs differently. ??
<Typhoon> A Roswell-question: Mr. Friedman, if you would have to play the devil's advocate and would have try to debunk the Roswell-case, where would you focus on? In other words, what are the weak spots in the UFO-theory of Roswell (if there are any)?
<Stanton> I would certainly debunk Frank Kaufmann, the Corn ranch site, Frankie Rowe.. and try to ignore all the good stuff which is what the debunkers do.??

<outbased> Stanton: Have you ever had an occasion where you felt a media show (either radio or tv or press) has been told to quieten down or even drop a show relating to ufology by officals?

<Stanton> I was told by a media guy in Georgia that AP was told to tamp dopwn tneir coverage of the 1973 wave down there. Major Keyhoe's vocie wnet silent on one program on CBS.??

<rage_honr> Stanton: Where do you obtain your research information from? any agencies? Do you make use of the Freedom of information act ever?

<Stanton> I have made plenty of FOIA requests. More important have been many visits to a total of 17 archives and manhy truips to NM as well??

<Sean_J> How well did you know carl Sagan and did you have any input on his book Contact?

<Stanton> Carl and I were classmates for 3 years at the University of Chicago. I had no input to Contact , did a 12 page critique tohis galleys of his dumb article about abductions in Parade, visited his home several years ago, challenged him to a debate but stopped when hearing of his bone marrow transplants.??

<rage_honr> Stanton: What conclusions have you come up with regarding this phenomena?

<Stanton> 4Majorones. The evidence is overwhelming that Earth is being visited by ET spacecraft (SOME UFOs are of alien origin). The subject represents a Cosmic Watergate. None of the anti arguments stand up under careful scrutiny, and this is the biggest story of the millenium, alien visitations and government coverup of the besy data, bodies and wreckage for 50 years ago.??

<Sean_J> Stan do you think the governments of the world will ever come clean on what they know about ufo's?

<Stanton> Only iof the major media push them.?

<TheDamned> Some people would say 2001: A Space Odyssey is the definitive movie on alien life... what movies/novels would you see in a similar light?

<Stanton> I think there is a difference between fact and fiction. I liked the UFO Incident about Benntty and Barney Hill.I even liked the day the earth stood still. My UFOs ARE Real and FLying Saucers ARE Real are good as far as documentaries with low budgets are concernred.??

<I-Knight> Stanton : why do you think so little has been said in the news/media in both North America and Europe about the mass of UFO sightings over Mexico City and have you investigated this matter yourself?

<Stanton> I am dismayed at the lack of good scientific investigation about these videos and such. Justr saying look at all the nice pictures isn't good enough.??

<rage_honr> Stanton: what type of reaction/response do you get when Querying goverment bodies and the like?

<Stanton> Depends. Usually it is clerks doing their job. Some have been very helpful. Archivisrts are generall very nice. The USAF OSI wrote a strong letter about me as given in TOP SECRET Majic. Most of the people one deals with are just doing their job and have no inside info. Note the letter from Colonel Schubert in TSM.??

<lloydy> How much do you think NASA know about the UFO phenomenon? Are they right up there or are they treated like the proverbial mushroom (Kept in the dark and fed bullshit)?

<Stanton> One can't generalize about any agency because of the need to know concept. I think most people know nothing some know a great deal. That is how security works.??

<plAto> Do you consider Whitley Strieber's accounts to be fictional?

<Stanton> Well his book Majestic 12 was fiction. I think he really did have the exoperiences he describes, remember he is a writer not an investigator. I wouldn't ha e had him do the intro to TSM if I didn't believe he had the experiences.??

<rage_honr> Stanton: How do you deal with hoaxes? How much trouble do they cause?

<Stanton> I ask a lot of questions and take the Ronald Reagan approach. Trust but verify.. i have exposed a lot of phony credentials. Don't believe anybody.??

<Jilain> Stan, what do you think we, the general public of planet Earth, can do to "break the dam" of this cosmic Watergate?  Do you think there is anything that John Q. Public can realistically do that will make a difference?

<Stanton> Take very opportunity to tell the Media and the elected representatives that you want the truth and serious investigation not just fluff.??

<Rainey> How did you feel after all the time and effort you put in, when you received blacked out FOIA documents?

<Stanton> I felt great because they porovded information was being withheld. The CIA still has a list of above TOP SECREWT UFO documents they haven't released. I have dates. The CIA study discussed a few motnths ago seemed unaware of them.??

<rage_honr> Stanton: What are some of your latest projects?

<Stanton> I am working towarsds a detailed response to the CASE CLOSED crash test dummy report and one to the CIA hsiiistory and hopefully towards editingmany of my olkd papers (I have published 70+) for a new book. ??

<RaVnMaD> Stan, what are your feelings about some of the earlier abduction stories, such as the Antonio Villas Boas case?

<Stanton> See no reason, considering the investigators not to accept that one. Certainly I am strongly pro Betty and Barney Hill and M. Fish's outstnading stsr map work.??

<rage_honr> ST: Do you think that hypnotic regression techniques is a viable approach to researching abduction cases?

<Stanton> Properly done yes. Badly done no. Like almost any othetr technique for trying to get at the truth or cure a disease.??

<RaVnMaD> Stan, you have any more videos in the works?

<Stanton> There will probably be a Volume 3 of Flying Saucers ARE Real. MY 2 hour UFO Controversy is getting some attention for wider distribution.. 4 half hour interviews with me. Maybe a slimmeddown version of Recollections of Roswell.. Maybe better distribution of my CD ROm UFOs the real story.??

<TopGun> Stan, do you think that there was more behind these words of Ronald Regan: "I occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish, if we were facing an Alien threat from outside this world and yet I ask you. Is not an Alien force already among us?

<Stanton> Considering that he made similar comments 5 times, I think they were very important he reads scripts.. not writes them. The press missed the boat. ??

<Rainey> <Sean_J> How far should a researcher go when investigating a sighting of a solid object? Sould it make a difference to the investigation if there is a solid object?

<Stanton> Depends on the case. We already have amlountain of evidence. addinbg a few pebbles at the top won't make it much taller.??

<color> what interest do you know of that the government has in people who have seen a ufo?

<Stanton> I know they havea  great deal of interest inmilitary sightings. Beyond that who can say.??

<Sean_J> Stan what quailifies a person to call himself a ufologist?

<Stanton> There don't seem to be any rules. I would suggesta familiarity with the god scientific work such as that listed in the 10 page bibliography at the back of TOP SECRET/MAJIC. During a 1995 trip to the UK at t3 of the 7 lectures nobody had readany of the 5 large scale scientific studies I discussed. ??

<I-Knight> Stanton : What is your current view of the Billy Meier case?

<Stanton> Fraud??

<Rainey> I saw the live debate you did on TV with Michael Aspel and felt that nobody was really given a chance to air their views, how did you feel about that?

<Stanton> It surely wasn't a debate. But thITV certainly had collected a lot of good stuff. Frustrating but the 92% tally when the live audience only voted 73% yes beforehand was satisfyiung.??

<Sean_J> Stan do you think that worm holes or hyperspace exist?

<Stanton> Probably.. but I don't know what to do about it.??

<TheDamned> given that most authorities wouldn't take a ufo sighting or abduction seriously, where should such an individual look for help/info?

<Stanton> From the otherprofessionals in the field as noted earlier.??

<grumps> And ask him about the debate he was in England this year,

<Rainey> against Brookesmith. The results were intersting.

<Rainey> APparently, a large article was written about it and submitted to

<Rainey> Fortean Times, but Rickard refused to publish it

<Stanton> The debate was in October 1995. This house beklueves that intelligent alien lkiuve has visited earth. Harry harris and I presented data. Peter read from tabloids and contactees. Despite the ignorance in the UK as manifested in the 40 interviews I did, 60% agreed with the ffirmative side.??

<Rainey> Stan, what did you think of the video taken in Arizona, do you think it one large craft?

<Stanton> I guess Fortean times for whom Peter writes a lot didn't want to pulish Paul Lovell's article.??

<Rainey> Stan, what did you think of the video taken in Arizona, do you think it was one large craft?

<Stanton> It is in my gray basket.??

<Benat2> Stan;Do you believe that 'white'[negative of black] wholes exist;and create galaxies?

<Stanton> I have no idea and don'tspeculate about such matters.??

<stu7> Mr. Friedman...before you go... do you think there ever will be an official statement acknowledging contact with ETs ?

<Stanton> I HOPE so.maybe by rhe end of the Millenium. ??

<RaVnMaD> Stan, would you be willing to answer more questions through email or even snail mail?

<Stanton> Surely POB 958, Houlton, ME 04730-0958

<c5> ask stanton what he thinks of derrel sims work and dr. leir?

<Stanton> Not much good about Sims work. I like Roger. Not enough scien ce behind the activity?

<TheDamned> you think aliens have a social equivalent to Homer Simpson?

<Stanton> I have no idea.??

<Jilain> Stan, any plans to return to Albuquerque in the near future?

<Stanton> Not at the moment but I hope I can givemore lectures in NM soon to reach more witnesses.??

<Rainey> Stanton what would you say is the most credible case you have investigated?

<Sean_J> We would like to thank you very much for coming to #ufo and being our special guest Stanton. We are all very grateful that you made it tonight and we hope that you enjoyed it as much as we did. We would also like to thank Chriss Rutkowski for his assistence to Stanton. We would welcome you again should you decide to return and once again thank you very much for coming to #ufo.

<Stanton> Roswell, Betty Hill, ??

<rage_honr> ST: Do you have any reason to believe that aliens work and think by as a group mind and not induvidualy?

<Stanton> No reason. I appreciate the opportunity wasn't as tough as expected. Thanks again.??

<RaVnMaD> Stan, earlier you said that you thought that hypnosis could be a great tool.... how do you feel about the amount of material that's been dumped on the public and do you think it could play a part in the regression session?

<crow> two last questions Stan if you would

<Stanton> Much has been shaped by media people knowing little. I can understand witnesses not wanting their sessions broadcast.??

<Benat2> Will u ever be giving any lectures in the Pennsylvania area of the united states?

<Stanton> I have given many in the past (600 colleges in 50 states and 9 Provinces ) and nhaveno intentionof stopping. Tnanks much one and all.??

<hockeyman> Did anyone ask him about Dulce, Phoenix, the Omega files, or Zecharia Stichin?

<Stanton> BY BY?

<Stanton> all have been discuss. by again.??

<crow> Stan, Can I say on behalf of all of #UFO thank you very much for answering the questions put to you its been absolute pleasure, I'm sure I speak for all us here tonight when I say that. May we wish you all the very best in the future and keep those ufo books coming.
<Rainey> Thank you Stanton please come again sometime
<Stanton> OK.??
<Rainey> good luck with all your further research
<crow> wow that was quick


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