A great site with info on "Mars Attacks!" & other Sci-Fi movies!
This place is MEGA cool with TONS of info on "Mars Attacks!" from how it started to where it's going!
Iggiville My friend, TJ's page!
Sugar and Spice!: A page by me & Joslyn!!!!
9-7-04: I had NO idea so many people signed the guestbook o_O To them I deeply thank for the comments and apologise that I never contacted them. As I say most projects on this page are kinda over but I still hope to keep it alive as much as I can. Thanks again everyone! =)
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Creatures have gotten lost in my lair
My old counter broke. So let's see if this one works. (I THINK it was at 2000..if it wasn't, please mail me)
e-mail me!
Bye! & be sure to come again soon!!!
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